Message from Matthew
August 17, 2015
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. I thank all of you who wrote about this part of our last message: Insects also serve the purpose of souls whose lifetime energy consigned them to the basest part of third density spirit realms. …. You will welcome knowing that insects cannot survive in the higher vibratory levels where Earth is heading, and their place in the food chain no longer will be needed.
I should have said “those” before the words “insects” in both statements to make clear that the information pertainedonly to insects in the reader’s question about the purpose of “…roaches, fleas, mosquitoes, etc.?”—the kinds of insects that cause or spread disease or are just plain nuisances. So, dear ones, you can welcome knowing that honey bees will be with you as long as their valuable service is desired and honored; and other splendid little life forms that delight you, like butterflies, dragonflies, lady bugs and lightning bugs, also will continue to grace your world with their beauty and uniqueness as Earth moves into ever-higher vibratory planes.
Now then, there is a flurry of covert and overt activity around efforts to stabilize the global economy and weed out corruption in financial institutions; bring forth truths to expose long-time deceptions; stop funding to the Islam State and for the Illuminati’s “black ops” events; and curtail industrial pollution and other environmental destruction. This growing spirit of international cooperation is a notable milestone in the transformation of your world; and while it is so that efforts toward reforms will meet pockets of stubborn resistance along the way until all areas of conflict reach peaceful resolution, nothing can deter the light’s powerful momentum or the expanding consciousness of Earth humankind.
To readers who asked if, in an “imminent cosmic wave,” enlightened persons will ascend bodily, we say “No,” and people with dark proclivity will not die en masse.