Message from Matthew -- August 26, 2017

Message from Matthew


August 26,  2017
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Let us begin by addressing a reader’s email that is much the same as numerous others my mother is receiving: “Every light worker I know is either sick or in situations which are less then enviable. It makes us wonder if it's all for naught. People are on the verge of exhaustion and do not have the energy level to keep sustaining others in either teaching or just being present. Maybe Matthew could give us some insight.”
Beloved brothers and sisters, you knew before you eagerly volunteered to help Earth’s peoples awaken that you would not be immune to physical, mental or emotional conditions that dense bodies are vulnerable to and you wouldn’t be exempt from hardships that are commonplace in a third density world. Of the many, many souls who volunteered, only the strongest were chosen—you are among them because your abundant inner strength helps you surmount encountered obstacles.
We know from experience that it is far easier to confidently choose such a mission than to manage its challenges when everything known at soul level is forgotten. However, along with the advantage of advanced conscious and spiritual awareness, you have information that most people do not. To keep on topic, you know that low energy can be one of the effects of bodies adjusting to increasing vibratory levels and, for light-filled bodies, the changing of cells from carbon to crystalline. The side effects of the adjustment process can be alleviated, and rather than enumerate the suggestions offered in previous messages, I asked my mother to note the dates. [July 4, 2013 and August 12, 2014 messages posted on have the most comprehensive coverage. If you are feeling depressed, reading April 26, 2010 and July 19, 2015 messages on that site may be helpful.] Thank you, Mother.
You know, too, that discouragement—perhaps because progress is coming more slowly than you anticipated—emits the low vibrations that not only lower energy levels, but the universal law of attraction responds to those feelings by providing more circumstances that evoke them. And, dear ones, far from “if it’s all for naught,” there is good reason to feel encouraged! Light beamed from powerful civilizations afar and increasingly radiated on the planet is uprooting influence of the Illuminati and their minions in governments and economic, corporate and military sectors. The illusory cold war with Russia they concocted will not achieve their goal of starting WWIII and neither will their covert maneuvers. The Islamic State, which they have funded and fostered, is losing ground. You are avoiding their GMO foods and agricultural chemicals, and the dangers of their prescription drugs are becoming widely known. Expansion in renewable energy fields is cutting into their profits from fossil fuel industries; and although the United States president has withdrawn from the Paris Accord, many states are joining the other nations in the Accord in efforts to decrease “carbon footprints.” Iran will not produce nuclear weaponry, and if any country launches missiles with nuclear warheads, universal family members will prevent detonation. 

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