Message from Matthew: May 19, 2016

Messages from Matthew


May 19, 2016

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Let us ease your minds about issues that are causing some anxious moments. First, with climate change a topic of global discussion, there is talk about the seas covering islands and inundating coastal areas up to mountain ranges and people by the millions being drowned. That willnot happen—Earth is not going to endanger the lives of her beloved residents during her return to a moderate climate globally. As polar ice and glaciers continue melting, water levels will continue to rise slowly and in small measure overall, and residents of potentially affected areas—sea-level islands, parts of continental coastlines, banks of your largest rivers, and low-lying countries—will have plenty of time to take any necessary preventive action or relocate.  


Then there is the prophecy that a sudden pole shift is going to devastate the planet. It would be devastating if the shift were to happen abruptly, but it won’t. Eighty-some years ago Earth’s axis was so out of balance that she was in danger of flying out into space and certain destruction. Powerful civilizations beamed massive light to stabilize Earth’s orbit and enable her to start on an ascension course, and that was the onset of the pole’s ongoing gradual shifting.  


Other readers are concerned about Earth’s trajectory into a collision course with a planet that some think is Nibiru and others think is a recently-detected planet considerably larger than Earth. Some information being circulated about this speculative situation is solely to create fear, but lack of knowledge is the root of most. Your astrophysicists don’t know that for more than eight decades Earth has been journeying into successively higher energy planes, thus they are mystified and alarmed by seeing new celestial bodies. We reassure you, dear family, Earth will continue traveling safely and steadily all the way to her destination in fifth density!


Emails about the United States’ presidential election have been coming in for well over a year, and now that two individuals have been designated as their parties’ presumptive nominees, my mother’s inbox is filling with questions about who will win. Based on the ever-accelerating vibrations that are undergirding people with moral and spiritual integrity and exposing those who lack that quality, we are seeing the likelihood that neither of the presumptive nominees will become president, Senator Bernie Sanders will. If the vibratory momentum continues, the likelihood of his winning will keep moving toward certainty in Earth’s energy field of potential and in November, the voters will elect a wise, honest president.   

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