Message from the Galactische Federatie

Dear Grounded Members of our great Galaxy,We are here because we wish to assist you in remembering and integrating your lives on other planets, galaxies and dimensions. Every time you integrate a new aspect of your Multidimensional SELF into your conscious perspective of SELF, you expand your consciousness.We can help you now because your grounded conscious has reached a frequency of unity that allows you to receive transmissions from the fifth dimension and beyond. Furthermore, since you have integrated your Multidimensional SELF into your consciousness and earth vessel, we, the Galactic Federation, are able to pick up your signature frequency even when you are absorbed in your everyday, physical reality.Once your signature frequency tells us that you are ready to meet the higher expressions of your SELF on other planets, Star Systems and dimensions, a communication portal opens between your higher expression and your earth vessel. In this manner, we can constantly transmit messages, support, and most important, unconditional love to you from the fifth dimension and beyond.We wish to tell you that this portal now connects the Galactic Federation to your earth vessel. Because of this connection, we can officially welcome you to the Federation. It doesn't matter to us whether or not you see your self as an individual, for we see you only as the great Multidimensional Being that is your true expression. To the degree that you are able to accept and integrate this higher vibration into your earth vessel, your life will begin to resonate to the fifth dimension.There are some grounded ones who do not wish to return to their fifth dimensional home in the land of unity, peace and unconditional love. They feel that they are not ready to leave their homes, loved ones, careers, pets, etc., etc. If you are one of these people, do not be concerned, for there is to be no loss, as there is to be no leaving. Instead, you are transmuting the very fabric of your reality from the dualism of the third/fourth dimension into the unity of the fifth dimension and beyond.You can “alter your reality” as quickly or as slowly as you desire. This is your ascension. You have practiced for this moment in myriad lifetimes, and/or waited beyond time to participate in this grand event of Planetary Ascension. Look not to what is happening outside of you. Instead, concentrate on what is happening inside of you. Transmutation begins at the level of consciousness then progresses into your physical body, your cells, your DNA and into your external reality.One warning. Whether or not you believe it, YOU are creating your reality. Never forget that your great creative power is accompanied by an even greater responsibility. Because of your expanding creative power of manifestation, it is important that you constantly monitor your thoughts and emotions and focus your intention on the process of Planetary Ascension, for as you become increasingly fifth dimensional, whatever fills your consciousness fills your life. Therefore, focus on your consciousness and attend primarily to the higher dimensional voices that guide and lead you. Simultaneously, recognize all illusions of fear and separation so that you may instantly release them from your attention and focus on love.Sleep and meditate as often as possible so that you can release old, limiting beliefs and allow the seed of your Lightbody to safely grow within you. As your Lightbody grows larger and larger, it will serve to filter-out the illusions and limitations of the third/fourth dimension and filter-in the truth of the quantum world, the fifth dimension and beyond.Your quantum world will be perceived by your DNA, specifically your junk DNA. The 97% of DNA that has been labeled “junk,” for lack of a better definition, carries myriad inter-dimensional wormholes, which will receive messages from the quantum world. At the same time, the expanding scalar/torsion wave systems within your earth vessel will receive the higher frequencies of the fifth dimension and beyond. Your opened Third Eye will then translate these body transmissions into your human language so that you can share your message with others.Your grounded, earth vessel actually serves as an antenna, which can receive only the frequencies to which it resonates. Hence, as your personal resonance expands, you can receive sub-space transmission from deeper within the quantum world and further up into the higher dimensions. Eventually, your grounded form will become the bridge which connects the deepest quantum realities with the highest frequency worlds. At this point, the circle will be complete and you will release all need for space, time, or form.However, please enjoy each step of your exciting return to SELF. You have chosen, in fact, “stood in line,” to take a body at this time. On the other hand, we have chosen to “stand in the wings” to help you remember that you are performing in the final act of a grand play. We, your guides, observers, and higher expressions of your SELF, wish to give you a rousing applause for putting on a fantastic show!Now that we have made “first contact,” we encourage you to remember that we are available to you with a thought or an intention. We also want to remind you that the best carrier wave for any transmission is unconditional love. We are aware that your grounded one may be finding it difficult to love itself unconditionally. Thus, we close our message by introducing you to one of the Members of our Federation who is one of the many components of your Multidimensional SELF. Since this Being is a higher expression of your SELF, we know that it will be easier for you to accept it's unconditional love.We understand that unconditional love is not common in your polarized, third dimensional reality. Because of this, many of you have never experienced love that is free of all conditions. How can you express what you have never experienced or give what you have never received? However, once you can experience, trust, and accept the unconditional love flowing from this higher expression of your SELF, it will be natural for you to emanate unconditional love from your grounded self.The Ambassadors of our Federation resonate with the ONE of the fifth dimension and beyond. Therefore, they did not travel across space and it took no time for them to come to this table. Every dimensional world on which you have lived, visited, or from which you have received communications, has sent an Ambassador. Since there is no space here, it is not crowded, and since there is no time, they can all be here at once.All the Galactic, Solar and Planetary Ambassadors who are here with us are constantly aware of their grounded ones in every galaxy, planet and dimension. This task is not difficult for the Ambassadors, since they are fifth dimensional and beyond. Hence, they can easily dispense their energy patterns to as many realities as needed. In fact, all of you who stand before us can do so, as well. You have just forgotten. Members of our ground crew who are returning to SELF usually need assistance in reconnecting with these innate abilities.Now, as you stand before the Ambassadors, allow one of them to step towards you. Remember that you are in the fifth dimension, which is free of time and space. Hence, release all third dimensional limitations that would make this meeting impossible. Within the HERE and NOW of the ONE, “impossible” does not exist. Here, there is only truth and unconditional love. It is the unconditional love streaming towards you from your higher expression that allows you to know the truth of your Being. Please experience, trust and accept this love.The Star Being standing before you now is one of the many higher expressions of your Multidimensional SELF. Listen with your heart to receive a message from your SELF:“Dearest grounded self, I see that you are in-between. You feel vast changes within you that you cannot fully understand. You know that the symptoms that are occurring in your body are symptoms of your transformation. For example, your Third Eye is opening, which may cause a draining in your physical eyes. You often feel as though you can't stay conscious in the third dimension, but also cannot stay fully conscious in the fifth or the fourth dimension either.“Your fourth dimensional sleep is often more work than your physical life. During your “sleep,” you are visiting many parallel realities and waking up with messages that you can't quite remember but feel within you. You sense a deep peace and infinite gratitude, but you also deal with a great fatigue most of your waking life. This fatigue is because your third dimensional life is becoming too heavy, too slow, and too unreal.“You are not ascended, but you are no longer just human. You are beginning to think fifth dimensionally, which means that your third dimensional thoughts are heavy and slow in your mind. Now that you stand on the threshold of a new reality, you experience more love for your physical life than you have ever felt before.“You are receiving answers and illuminations to questions that have long been unanswered. Yet, at the same time, you are totally confused. Third dimensional illusions are dropping away, but the physical world still continues. The difference is that now it is more naked to your perceptions. However, this truth is often heavy to carry, as you are still surrounded by a world filled with illusion and fear.“You, my grounded self, are returning to your innate multidimensionality. You have largely released your fears and usually live in love and gratitude that you are returning to your Multidimensional SELF. However, judgment and impatience remain as your two worst enemies. Judgment is your enemy because to judge another person, place or thing takes you out of the Unity of the ONE. Impatience is an enemy because it takes you out of the NOW of the ONE.“You waited, lived, died, suffered and loved for millennia of lifetimes in order to experience this moment. For this, I lovingly commend you. I ask you now to enjoy every second of your life while you still live in third dimensional time. Focusing your intention on enjoying the moment will propel you into the NOW. As you learn/remember to live in Unity with all life and enjoy the NOW, your consciousness will become more and more firmly implanted in the no-time of the fifth dimension.“Then, instead of living in the third dimension and visiting the fifth dimension, you will live in the fifth dimension and visit the third. Surprisingly, your life will not change that much. What will change is your reactions to life. In other words, once you KNOW that you are creating your reality, you will no longer be able to be a victim. You will be fully aware that the manner in which you engage your intention and attention is the primary causal factor in the reality you create. In fact, you are having that experience now, as what you think about, you bring about.“Just as there are octaves of the fourth dimension, there is a shallow end of the fifth dimensional pool. In the lower fifth dimensional octave, you still hold form and continue life much as you did in the third dimension. However, you are free of all the threat that has separated you from your SELF and your SELF from the ONE. In this threshold reality you can gradually gain your fifth dimensional balance.“As you slowly adapt to your new reality, you will be less and less attached to acquiring possessions and other aspects of life that have given you comfort in your third dimensional incarnations. Gradually, you will feel more at HOME and be able to release even the illusion of the third dimension. However, first you may be inclined to assist your fellow humans who are still trapped in the myth of the physical plane. You will remember the special gifts that you have honed over your many physical incarnations and use these gifts to assist those in need.“One task/service that you shall share is breathing your Crystal Energy into the physical world to assist in transmuting the matter of Gaia and all her inhabitants into their innate expression of Spirit. Dear grounded one, I now return to the Federation, and you will return to Gaia, our beloved Sister of Light. But first, the Arcturians will instruct you in the transmutation of physical into crystal, matter into spirit.“Before I return, I wish to merge my expression with yours. Feel, my dear grounded self, as my heart unifies with yours, our minds become ONE and our emanations intermingle—forever free of all limitations of time or space. Through all eternity, we are ONE.”
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  • with hugsss
  • Obrigada pela mensagem de Luz!!
  • GREAT dear Hari that's more then beautifull (smile)
    Thanks for the words...
    Have a nice day with much Love and Light...
  • Wow! there is much peace within and around me right now. Thank You!
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