Message from the Masters

Message from the MastersSeptember 29, 2010Antui Asi, Asi, Asi, Anshallah!Greetings to each of you of the light, from the light and within the light!We have been witnessing the intensities that come to your world, the energies coming to you currently with a force that belies full description as it moves through you like a hot wind communicating to you real time that which you cannot fully comprehend.The energies bring to each of you the possibilities that you are not now and have never been alone in your journeys. Nor has humanity ever had the amount of support and assistance that is has not from those of use in the other worlds. As you know from previous transmissions, the Unified Councils have come together to support you in your world and to share with you communications that are vital to your existence and even your survival. Our message is one of the heart.You must know that without compassion for yourselves that you cannot have it fully for others. Nor will you know how to receive it from others for yourselves.The time for self-criticism and judgment is over and now is the time to begin to embrace and see what it is that each of you holds in your very beings. Each of you is indelibly created of light that came from the source of all things. Each of you reflects that light differently and yet in your coming together the light frequencies that each of you holds harmonize and then expand exponentially as each of you joins the other and then the other and then the other.As powerful aspects of God, your Creation, of Spirit, each of you reflects a unique aspect of your source. These reflections are shining truths that only you carry. By virtue of each of your existences, creation is complete. Without each and every one of you who holds your unique place in all of creation, creation would have no balance and not exist at all. By virtue of your very beings you are intricately hard wired into all that is, sending messages each and every moment of your feelings, thoughts, experiences, desires, intentions, and all other expressions of energy. And creation hears you.As it does, all forms of creation rearrange in order to respond to you, and you reap all that you have sown.You must know that being in and of service does not mean to give yourselves away. Being of service includes you first and all others inherently. As you exist, as you live as a living, breathing example of the perfection of your infinite source, you share that energy with everyone and everything that you are in contact with. You cannot help but share your energies. When you live intentionally, knowing that in each moment you are doing your best and living your lives to their fullest, you must also know that the exchange of your energies with all people, places and events carries communication of your perfection and challenges creation to creation more of the same.What we are saying to you is that by living your truths you are being of the highest and greatest service to all creation. You are that powerful. By being examples of the living one, you are communicating within the entirety everything that you are, and creation responds by bringing you more of the same.The current energies are immense and being funneled right through your dimension as the fabric of creation has moved into an almost alignment in the process of the star gate openings. If you could see the composition of the alignment, currently it is in a “V” shape where energies enter at the widest part then shoot out the narrowest part directly through multiple dimensional realities. As this occurs, you are getting a direct infusion of clear and powerful as well as intricate information and heightened energy frequencies. The energies, because of their compaction during the funneling process, are becoming heated, which intensified their speed and effectiveness. Many of you are experiencing heat surges that cause your bodies to feel extraordinarily warm and even hot when the external temperatures are otherwise. This will occur for 23 more days from your current one until the corridor alignments of the current star gate system opening fully align.Eight days before the alignment, there will be a three-day (October 14, 15 and 16) misalignment, which will fell very chaotic. There will be overlaps of realities during that time which will come to many of you as time glitches, reality blips and confused awareness as multiple perceptions come to you simultaneously. As the final alignment occurs, your will feel within your very beings, a cosmic “whump!” as if something has just snapped and things heighten and then normalize again very quickly. For some of you it will be as if a several day fog has suddenly lifted and full clarity will come as if someone just turned on your inner switch. In a way this is so, because as the alignment occurs, you are harmonizing with it.We remind you to be at ease within yourselves. Do not resist what you do not comprehend. It matters not whether you do or don’t understand. What matters is that you live, you breathe, you experience on every level of your beings and you have the free will to choose as you will in any given moment. Your destinies lie in your choosing, not in ancient contracts or agendas. You are the creators of your worlds both inside and out and we are allied with you as are countless others as we come together to rejoice in the enlightenment of humanity as it was and as it has always been.Be in peace. of transmission.
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