Message From Whitney Houston thru Rubens
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Hello everyone
This is your sister Whitney Houston and I had to insist upon my brother to convey this message for me to humanity that I have just taken leave of. It has been a pleasure for the most part to have been on this journey with you my brethren. For love of my Father and that of my brethren I had taken it upon me to have a short stay with you in order to attempt to elevate the souls of men with my voice so as to give hope to those who were hopeless and those whose hearts were failing. Your realm is not an easy one and many of you understand that.
I have had considerable problems with staying in such a dense world and as you know I have resorted to means not exactly healthy or the proper ones but, please understand, brothers and sisters, that does not diminish my contributions for many like me who have taken the journey have attempted to escape by the same very means and I wish that it were different but, you live in a sick environment and it is almost impossible for many of us not to resort to those unhealthy means without succumbing completely to the pressures of your world.
My dear brother, here, knows and truly understands of what I speak and that is one of the reasons why I have chosen to utilize his ability to get this message out. We have known each other for quite a while and he knew from the get go that I was not from this realm but, could not get it to the surface quite.
Your world is about to undergo some serious transformation and I know that you can hardly wait and you, the very few so deserve it. My Father has made everything in His power to lead you to this point where deliverance is at hand and Glory be to Him and a whole hosts of others from our realm.
Do not feel pain from me for mine is over and I am as free as a bird now. I want you to remember me as one of the many who have come to assist despite the many trials and tribulations we had to endure but, out of love, we did come and hopefully gave valuable contributions to you.
I salute you and give you my love through this one, my brother and soon enough, I will be able to see some of you.
Blessings in abundance
Your sister, Whitney Houston, the arch angel
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