v. en·dured, en·dur·ing, en·dures
1. To carry on through, despite hardships; undergo: endure an Arctic winter
This is a message Dave (a friend of mine) and I got a few weeks ago one evening standing outside by the car just watching the clouds go by and talking about nothing or everything.....just "endure".....It happened on a mostly cloudy evening in the western sky as the sun was setting, a group of cloud formations faded in just such a way to look as though, unmistakingly, it spelled the word "endure"..............I've been back and forth about it in my head as to what i means......curious to know what the rest of you might think.........My heartiest wishes and a fond goodevening as Seth says......oh and by the way start looking to the western horizon at sun set, seems we have a companion looking out for us these days :0)