Archangels of Ascension Integration / Channelled through Natalie Glasson
Archangels of Ascension Integration
Greeting, I am Archangel Metatron,
I come forth from the angelic kingdom with love pouring from every pore of my being, I am extremely joyous and proud to bring forth special information and news from the angelic kingdom which I believe to be extremely eneficial for humanity and the growth of the Earth.
Within the angelic kingdom all angels are devoted to expressing the light of the Creator, each angel can dedicate themselves to a role or a purpose, some angels have several roles within the universe of the Creator, sharing and manifesting their light in many forms. As people on the Earth evolve, so do angels evolve and become more united with the Creator’s soul due to their dedication to assisting all aspects of the Creator’s universe. It is normal that many angels and archangels change their purpose or focus without anyone on the Earth realising or noticing but it is my wish to make you aware of three archangels who have adopted a new role within the angelic kingdom, which has been granted due to their commitment to this field.
It is my pleasure to announce that Archangel Chamuel, Archangel Zadkiel and Archangel Raziel have been appointed to ‘Archangels of Ascension Integration,’ acting as angelic chiefs of present day ascension.
These three archangels have been placed as angelic leaders of the ascension process that is occurring on the Earth and the angelic ascension energy that pours from the heart of the angelic kingdom to assist and inspire all.
Archangel Chamuel, Archangel Zadkiel and Archangel Raziel have been asked to oversee the angelic energy of ascension and ensure that it integrates into receptive souls on the Earth. The ascension energy is a synthesis of angelic pure loving energy, the planetary white light and cosmic light vibrations, its purpose is to raise energy vibrations, increase light quotients, assist with mastery and aid acceptance of the Creator’s soul energy. The pure meaning of ascension is acceptance of the energy of the Creator within and around you, thus resulting in a rise in your consciousness, spiritual awareness and the vibration that you hold within your physical body.
The angelic energy of ascension is needed now on the Earth as it is prominently composed of love which is essential to assist in the manifestation of the Creator’s feminine energy and the integration of love onto the Earth for the shift in energy in 2012. It is during this time that the energy will predominantly change from a negative focus to a positive focus, this will only occur due to the dedication of humanity to the Creator’s light and soul.
By anchoring the energy of ascension into the souls of many we will assist in inspiring people to achieve the goals of their souls and to accept themselves as manifestations of the Creator’ s soul on the Earth, understanding that they can alter the energy of the Earth by existing as loving beacons of light. By anchoring the energy of angelic ascension you are allowing yourself to embody the love of the angelic kingdom and gain the necessary wisdom, insights, energy vibration and support that you need to aid your spiritual development on the Earth. The angelic energy of ascension can boost your advancement, offering you the guidance and spiritual assistance that you need to exist as an embodiment of the Creator’s profound wisdom, blissful love and intense light.
I wish to encourage you to connect and align with the angelic ascension energy, remembering that as overseers of the angelic ascension energy Archangel Chamuel, Archangel Zadkiel and Archangel Raziel are here to help and guide you at all times. They are focusing on the energies, wisdom and light that are needed now in the present to aid advancement, allowing you to accept information and inspiration that is needed to raise your energy vibration now, with ease and perfection. Archangel Chamuel, Archangel Zadkiel and Archangel Raziel have placed themselves as a powerful trinity of light to assist in the integration of the angelic ascension energy into the hearts, souls and realities of many.
One of Archangel Chamuel’s roles is to act as the angelic representative with Archangel Charity for the third ray of light which is of a yellow colour and aids in building consciousness and manifesting the divine energy of the Creator in all its forms onto the Earth for all to experience and accept. Archangel Chamuel works to assist many in accepting the consciousness of the angelic kingdom, ascended masters and the Creator while aiding souls on the Earth and on the inner planes in mastering the art of manifestation through the process of positive thoughts.
The third ray of light is the building blocks of the Earth and aids the manifestation of everything you experience on many levels. Archangel Chamuel is bringing to this powerful trinity the ability and power to manifest and integrate the angelic ascension energy onto the Earth, overseeing
the integration and connection of a person’s soul with the angelic ascension energy.
Archangel Zadkiel is the angelic representative of the seventh ray of light with Archangel Amethyst which is of a violet colour and is known for bringing forth new energy waves and information from the higher realms and levels of the Creator’s universe, for all to share on the Earth. Archangel Zadkiel assists with the integration process of the angelic ascension energy but ensures that each person who aligns with the energy receives the most appropriate energy vibration, wisdom and guidance that are needed in their lives.
Archangel Zadkiel also ensures that the angelic ascension energy remains pure and cleansed emanating a high vibration of light when it exists within the angelic kingdom, travels through the dimensions of the Creator’s universe and exists within a person’s energy field and soul on the Earth.
Archangel Raziel is an angelic overseer of the universal and multi universal level of the Creator’s universe.
It is one of his purposes to assist souls in accepting the teachings, wisdom and guidance of the universal and multi universal energies and light rays. Archangel Raziel is assisting this powerful ascension trinity by anchoring high vibrations of light into the angelic ascension energy to encourage advancement in those who align with the energy.
Each archangel will also integrate their own wisdom, teachings and insights into the angelic ascension energy and to assist the integration of this sacred energy with the Earth and its humanity. I hope that you will take advantage of this wonderful news and allow yourself to feel inspired to invoke the three archangels, permitting them to assist you in anchoring the angelic ascension energy into your being and the Earth.
I offer to you this special invocation to assist you in your connection.
'I am now ready to anchor the angelic ascension energy into my being to aid my spiritual advancement and awareness on the Earth. I invoke the beloved and sacred high vibrational energies and presence of Archangel Chamuel, Archangel Zadkiel and Archangel Raziel. I am open and receptive to your energies and ask you to channel your united light into my being to cleanse and heal me, preparing me for integration with the angelic ascension light.’
Imagine, sense or acknowledge Archangel Chamuel, Archangel Zadkiel and Archangel Raziel surrounding you and channelling the energy of their souls into your aura, body and soul. This is a deep cleansing process and is raising your vibration ensuring your receptivity to the ascension light. Take a moment to bathe in their light.
‘Archangel Chamuel, Archangel Zadkiel and Archangel Raziel please align me to the most appropriate vibration of the angelic ascension energy, let it pour into my being, integrating with every aspect of my body, energy and reality on the Earth. Help me to understand the angelic ascension energy comprehending its wisdom and experiencing its influence as it anchors deep into my soul. It is my mission to advance spiritually and to rise to a new level of consciousness while remaining within my physical body, please assisting me in achieving my goal, allow me to integrate the angelic ascension energy deep within my being and share it with those in need on the Earth. Please allow the integration to begin overseen by Archangel Chamuel, Archangel Zadkiel and Archangel Raziel. Thank you.’
Allow the energy to surge into your being; it is a synthesis of angelic pure loving energy, the planetary white light and cosmic light vibrations, let the energy continuously flow through your being for as long as is appropriate. The archangels will be by your side at all times and will ensure you receive the most suitable energy for the perfect length of time for you. Experience the energy until the flow of energy pulsating through your being becomes less. The archangels will guide you at all times and ensure your protection and safety.
You can ask them to assist you with specific aspects of your ascension, acceptance and spiritual development on the Earth.
I hope that you will welcome this news and agree that it is essential for all on the Earth to understand and be aware of. Archangel Chamuel, Archangel Zadkiel and Archangel Raziel are offering their services to all and are joyously taking control of the angelic ascension energies to oversee its integration into the Earth and soul’s of humanity. Their energy is so powerful and their wisdom so expansive that they are ideal angelic leaders and overseers of the present day angelic ascension energy and its process of integration.
May the light of the Creator shine like a spotlight onto your being,
I am Archangel Metatron