22nd. January 2016. Mike Quinsey.
You are learning how quickly matters can change, and in but a short time suddenly the future does not look as encouraging as it was recently. Fear has entered some people’s minds as big business falters and is losing confidence in monetary values. Behind the scenes much is being directed by those in positions of power, with the aim of pulling away from the American Dollar. In such times there is little stability and you are at the mercy of those who control the world markets. Inevitably it will get worse before matters are sorted out and the money markets calm down. Much can happen so quickly and there is little that can be done to change the outcome. Be assured however that greater powers than those on Earth, are playing their part to ensure that it is eventually to your liking.
Many pathways are leading to a satisfactory conclusion for many changes that are gradually taking shape. The dark Ones may still have influence but their power to dictate your future is rapidly diminishing. Many countries are coming together to present a solid front and disclosure and the revaluation of your most important currencies is becoming more likely. All is planned far in advance and it will come to be for the betterment of the people of your world. Opposition to it is weakening and nothing will prevent the eventual desired changes from coming about. It is the first steps that seem to take so long to be achieved, but revaluation and the distribution of funds around the world are going ahead. In fact it has already commenced although it has not been acknowledged so far.