beverly mcginn




"Greetings! I am Metatron, Lord of Light!

We once and always greet you. Warmly and lovingly, in this eternal Moment of Now. Indeed we sense each of you personally at the specific time in which your eyes read these words

And so another moment brings us together, uniting truth, understanding and wisdom through the matrix of the unified field, combining geometric thought pattern with desire, and awareness. And so do all things come together in the same way. For all thoughts, all things, all beings, are electromagnetic representations of consciousness, of manifestation, of all that ever was or ever will be. And so some things, some thoughts, some creations travel at more rapid speeds, more accelerated frequencies within the matrix. Others are more dense and travel slower, more sluggish, but all the same, they seem to arrive in perfect order, aligned with the nature of their creation and creatorship you see. For the Universe, the Cosmos is perfection itself, regardless of any dimensional interpretation or perception of it. In a mechanical sense, in quantum tangent, all things in the unified field act precisely, perfectly according to their nature, their architectural integrity. Yet some are created at higher frequencies, at higher vibratory resonance than others.

And so we continue speaking about the Crystalline Field, a field that is of tantamount importance to the planet as the Ascension draws near.

Question to Metatron: Can you speak about Vogel Crystals, phi cut crystals, and the man who invented them Marcel Vogel?

AA Metatron: Indeed! The inventor of these of course, was an astute Crystal Master from the Atla-Ra, the scientist priest of Atlantis. However he did not truly invent them, rather did he channel the knowledge of same which co exists within multi dimensionality. In truth, most of what you consider to be invented is not new technology, rather is it pulled from the future and the advanced technical knowledge of the past.

Crystal knowledge is essential to the coming age of the Quantum Crystalline Field. Many of you were involved intricately in this lost science. It is why so many are now fascinated with not only the quartz variety, but all aspects of the mineral kingdom. Yet be aware, the Crystalline Field is equally valid in terms of its relationship to consciousness, to thought, to action and manifesting creation.

Marcel Vogel correctly surmised that the energy signature of quartz was very similar to that of pure water, and that as the human body is over 70% water, the quartz could be used to charge and influence both.

Crystals cut into sacred Phi angles are capable of many things, most of which are beyond the current understanding of the masses of humankind within polarity consciousness. You see these crystals exist above the spectrum of your visible light, well into the perceptual divisions of crystalline light within x-ray and ultraviolet. In so doing they exist in the eternal void or Now, beyond time sequence. As such they are time gates and can offer glimpses of realities both in your perceived past and future. As simply as I can explain it, your consciousness within planetary duality and 'flashing' continuum sequence is "divided" into linear time and probability parallel areas. The Now moment in the higher ultraviolet field is a crystalline unit which contains Universal Truth. When you are able to access that unit, you achieve the ability to expand that truth, and gain the control of your reality. Phi Crystals then are the fabled Philosophers Stone that assist your consciousness into the unit of the Crystalline, Alchemical Moment of Now.
Alchemy has always made extensive use of analogy, symbolism, and so forth to relate transformational concepts to esoteric ones. In some epochs and contexts, these metaphysical aspects came to predominate, and the myriad transformational processes were then viewed as symbols of spiritual processes.

In your hermetic view of alchemy, the Philosopher's Stone represented the tangible crystallization and morph- transmutation of a subtle substance into something greater. This then is the sacred metaphor for the inner potential of the spirit and reason to evolve from a lower state of imperfection to a higher state of enlightenment and perfection. Phi Crystals are the tool of the MerKiVah that takes one to the Alchemy Journey. They are one of the paths of the Philosophers Stone, the crystalline journey into coherent energy through Phi.

The 'Black Hole' Within Quartz

Now, there are some interesting aspects related to certain crystalline forms that are only beginning to be understood by your scientist. Marcel Vogel correctly theorized that there were 'missing' silicon atoms in the quartz molecule (SiO2), in what was is now termed the 'Lattice Defect Theory'. There are in fact 'holes' that occur in the tetrahedronal pyramid of the quartz molecule, the missing component is silicon, and we tell you that space retains an energetic form that is capable of receiving and amplifying human intent. It is a 'black hole' of sorts that is a void space capable of receiving human energetic intent! That is why quartz and many other crystalline gems are capable of being 'programmed', and Dear ones, this is an important aspect of why these are particularly beneficial to you. Phi Crystals by their sacred geometric construct, emit a unique energy, a crystalline light. They change the vibration that affects the able user. They change the frequencies at which humanity's minds operate. Phi crystal receive human intent, and indeed intent creates an energy that is synergized and transformed through crystalline light and that embellished energy is capable of manifesting and reaches the heavens and earth, the inner and outer dimensions, you see?

The variations of Phi Crystals are compatible with humanity. Some of them are compatible with the earth, some with the elemental and emotional worlds, others with the celestial realms. Some create frequencies that unlock ancient encodements, even as some natural crystals do. Certain Phi's have past and future sequencing keys that open time and dimensional gates, but these are less understood in the present and many of these remain unutilized and locked. This knowledge is now available to the savant and focused adept. It will surface and offer itself as the individual user becomes capable of understanding the responsible usage of same.

Now, your gemologist and crystallographers are aware that certain crystalline gems, including ,topaz tourmaline and especially quartz have a quality called piezoelectricity. This is the quite unique ability within the living crystal to generate electricity under specific polarized conditions.

Crystalline solids have a very regular atomic structure: that is, the local positions of atoms with respect to each other are repeated at the atomic scale. These arrangements of crystal structures serve many purposes, and in essence form the life force structure of the Crystal Entity. As with all life there is an auric field and indeed a consciousness within crystals. That of quartz offers many functionalities that make it especially beneficial to mankind, yet in truth all crystalline structures offer myriad benefits.

One of the primary attribute of Quartz Crystals is that these living mineral forms can receive, store, recover and transmit information. Your scientist discovered this two decades ago when they succeeded in putting a 3-dimensional image of the Mona Lisa into a quartz crystal and then retrieved it . Your main stream academics have long recognized the ability of crystals to transmit energy waves, your early radios used crystal transmitters, and crystal or 'silicon' technology is the basis of your computers.

Masters, this is the only tip of the iceberg; or should we say the tip of the crystal !

The purpose of using a Phi crystal is to amplify and cohere the thought and energy that you wish to direct. Amplification you can more readily understand, but coherence is a somewhat difficult concept for you in in physics or Metatronic terms. Coherence is a crystalline aspect of light energy waves with each individual wave in intelligent ordered harmony with every other one. At present your laser light is the most prominent example of perfectly coherent light; all the photons emitted by a laser have the same frequency and are in harmonic crystalline phase in quantum states. We tell you Phi Crystals are capable of forming and emitting a unique blend of intent coded light in perfect coherent union. This may not be easy for you to grasp, but it is an important axiom, a key aspect of a 'new' paradigm as you enter the Ascension within the Quantum Crystalline Field. Coherency enhances manifestation of appropriate intent, you see?

Question to Metatron: Can you describe and explain the various benefits of Phi Crystals, in the Vogel Cuts of 12, 33, 13-20-33, 88, 108 and 144 as well as the 'Dream Cuts' ?

Metatron :
Indeed. First we will say that the Phi Crystals in the Vogel format, are an Atlantean-Arcturian Technology that utilizes specific base end angles to activate, vastly refine and greatly amplify the sentient characteristics of the quartz itself. There are many different kinds of benevolent frequencies available with Phi Crystals and of very, very different kinds of vibration and not what you would find in your naturally formed quartz. The Atlanteans and Arcturian Masters developed and understood the vast and complex Phi Technology of Crystals. Indeed some of the crystals placed by them in key nodes on the planet were intricately designed to emit Phi frequencies, and are awakening now. However, those formed naturally in time in the earth do not have that same refined vibration, you see?

So it is the Phi, the Golden angles and sacred lines that create the revelation of the pulsing Crystalline energy, activating and merging with the Quantum Crystalline Field to revere that which is holy, to reveal the highest symbol, the highest vibration of that which is the deity energies of crystalline light from the sun and the great central sun. So the element of Golden Phi then, originally has come from the Sirian sun and here it founded itself upon the earth and where these omnipotent Phi Arcturian crystals are, true deep and wise vibrations are also.

But we note that but not all quartz is of such vibration. Indeed some of the Master Atlantean Crystals do, and we have told you previously of these, and that they are being awakened now from dormancy.

Natural quartz formations generally do not hold such a high frequency, and are neither phi in resonance angles or of gold-alloy. Some do, but not most. It is the crystals of the gold-silicate alloys that were originally used in both the crystal skulls and the Master Atlantean crystals that carry the highest field. Sparse pockets of these in natural form do exist in Brazil, Tibet and Arkansas deep below the surface, but these are very few, and have not been accessed.

Natural quartz crystals are hexagonal, and release a spiraled phi energy that is emitted most powerfully through the point. Because few naturally formed specimens are perfectly symmetrical, the Arcturian and Atlantean Scientist Priest of the Atla-Ra developed a means of precise cutting of quartz in a double terminated format with equally symmetrical faceting to allow the Universal Life Force to be emitted through the crystal. In so doing they realized that the Chi Energy from the human biology can be transferred into the crystal and better refined and spiraled to a focal precise point on the upper point.

The base angle was determined to most fluidly receive and refine chi energy with higher dimensional Phi energy when faceted to the angle of 51.8 degrees, which is the angle of the Quad-Pyramidal Octahedron. It is the sacred angle that transmutes Celestial Energy into the Bio Mineral Sphere of the Primary Polar Earth Plane. It is the THOTHIAN METATRONIC angle used in your Great Pyramid. Some refer to this angle and measure it as 51.8 degrees, in fact it is 51 degrees, 51 minutes and 51 seconds. Do you see the Mastery in connecting the octahedron as such to as above so below, it connects both worlds Dear Ones, and indeed is divine in its sacred resonance.

There are other precise angles that can be used for specific purposes both on the base and tip that have not as yet been 'rediscovered', but this will be given in the appropriate timing. In the NOW the 51.51: 51 degree angle is most beneficial for the awakening of mankind to his initial phase of TRUE SELF realization. The geometrics draw a precise sacred energy field to it. It draws the human field to it as well, you see?

The one you refer to as Marcel Vogel, Khirron, recognized the synergy between crystals and water. The Phi's create a synergy that belongs quite nicely to that which blends water and light, the two alchemical elements, you see? The blend of the two-one that both hardens and softens. It softens the soul. It strengthens the spirit, you see?

Now, all PHI Cut ( Vogel) crystals have 7 common primary properties that occur with them. Natural quartz crytsals contain some of these properties, but these are greatly refined and amplified in the Phi cut units. These are the ability to :

Amplify Thought Frequency Enable Focus for Manifestation Receival and Storage of Thought or Intent Transform or Refine Light Wave Frequencies Transfer Thought Energetics or Thoughtforms Merge Frequential Energies Emit a Frequential Field
Vogel PHI :

Now, per your query, we will offer brief descriptions of the key benefits and traits of the requested faceting, but do note that there are numerous other ratio combinations and faceting models that are not listed or herewith inquired:

Double Terminated 12 Facet Phi Crystal (Vogel): The 12 Facet Vogel works on the level of humanity and accesses, activates and harmonizes the 12 strands of DNA and the 12 electromagnetic patterns of consciousness within duality. The 12 Vogel Phi fortifies the human EMF, and enables the user to amplify thought frequency. In truth this occurs with all PHI Cut Vogels, and the greater the number of facets, the greater this quality is amplified, as faceting enables more light, and thus more energy. The 12 initializes the awakening of man on the physical conscious level, and creates the desire for more understanding. It brings in the Ruby Ray of Strength, Will and Perseverance.

Double Terminated 33 Facet Phi Crystal (Vogel): The 33 Facet Phi works on the level of humanity and assists mankind in clearing obstacles that impede advancement into the Christos. The 33 advances the desire for clarity for greater compassion and an understanding of the unity of all mankind. It enhances the spirit of brotherhood, and brings the desire for unconditional love. The 33 taps into the 5th dimension. It brings in the Emerald Ray of Harmony and Healing. It resonates with the energy of the Elk and Deer.

Double Terminated 20-33-13 Facet Phi Crystal (Vogel): This special ratio crystal taps into what is termed the Melchizedek Order of Alpha and Omega from the stance of humanity. It introduces the Divine Feminine ( Emerald Ray) and the Platinum Ray. It carries all of the characteristic of the Vogel-33, with special ratio characteristics. It is inspired thru the channel by the work of Enoch, of Kamadon. His energy is herewith imbued in this unique ratio. It may be termed the Melchizedek vibration. It is nurturing and healing, and taps into the ratios and frequencies of the 4th 5th and 6th dimensions. From a healing perspective, it is especially effective in working with and releasing emotional trauma, and allowing for the clearing of these blockages for establishing the true Souls Divinity within the SOVEREIGN SELF. It assists in clearing karmic relationship issues. It heals and enables the clear functionality of the glandular system.

Double Terminated 44 Facet Phi Crystal (Vogel): The 44 also operates on the level of humanity. It connects the individual to the concept of the oversoul. It makes known the unknown, and compels greater investigation. It restores memory and offers the entry level of Earth completion. It is healing in the physical aspects of the joint inflammation and arthritic conditions. It is helpful balancing purpose and energy, helpful in stimulating brain activity and circulation. The 44 Vogel Phi assist in communication with the Animal Kingdom, and the Buffalo.

Double Terminated 77 Facet Phi Crystal (Vogel): The 77 Vogel is quite unique in its frequency. It vibrates extremely well with the Devic Kingdom, that of the Fae and of the Cetaen, the dolphin. It opens the psychic channels into elemental kingdoms. It brings in the Pink Ray. It enhances the Spirit of the Eagle and winged aspect of the Animal Kingdom and Totem.

Double Terminated 88 Facet Phi Crystal (Vogel): The 88 crystal operates on the level of the oversoul, and introduces multidimensionality. The 88 operates as a portal, capable of transmitting and receiving energies from the higher dimensions as well as enhanced thought manifestation and transferal. It is the Crystal of the Saint Germain energies. The 88 links the past to the future in forming the union of the NOW, it links and harmonizes the two hemispheres of the brain. It is the initial crystal of the Merkabic Transformation and introduces the first level of the Merkivah. The 88 correlates to the Blue Ray of Wisdom and Conviction. It correlates to the energy of the kundalini, dragon and transformational aspect of the sacred snake totem.

Double Terminated 108 Facet Phi Crystal (Vogel): The 108, represents the 9 of completions and connects to the Violet Ray, and the energy of Archangel Michael. It is also a portal, enhancing higher dimensional communication and multidimensionality . From a healing perspective the 108 is especially capable of fine tuning the chi energy through out the body and working with the nervous system. It is especially effective in balancing energies, reducing over intensity, anxiety and panic disorders. The 108 amplifies life force in those with a lack of vitality and chronic fatigue. The 108 is also connected to the electo-magnetic grid, the icosahedron, and is especially attuned to the vibration of GAIA- vortexes, portals, leylines and certain powernodes or infinity points. The 108 resonates with the Mineral Kingdom and Living Earth, and enhances communication with same. It is the vibrational tool of the Earth-Keepers and is effective in connecting to specific portals for alignment to same, it is effective in working with GAIA. It attunes to the 20 Point Star Level of the MerKiVah. It corresponds to the spirit of the Jaguar and Puma.

Double Terminated 144 Facet Phi Crystal (Vogel): The 144 is the most potent of the available Phi Crystals. It is the energy of Thoth and the Field of Metatron. It connects to the Elohim level of the 12 squared, a key frequency for mankind's ascension. The 144 also directly connects to the 144 Crystalline Grid and Quantum Crystalline Field. It is very beneficial in achieving the advanced Merkivah State to the 24-pointed star. It is the frequency of completion. It assists the union and harmony of all lifetimes created by the oversoul into the merged oneness of Mastery. From a healing level, the 144 is especially helpful in unlocking blockage and disease in the kidneys, liver and spleen. The 144 brings in all the rays and correlates to the Golden Ray of Omnipotence. The 144 is in itself a portal that enhances channeling and what may be termed celestial and dimensional travel. It is a 'contextual' portal, a time gate that can take one to the past, to the future, or even to another day within your present. It is a doorway into parallels that can take you to another paradigm within your current reality so that you can experience it differently. If you are uncertain as to a given direction or decision and wish to experience it from a different perspective a portal, or in this case a window, it can help you do just that. A portal can also be experienced as energy without expression, because experience does not require form, only context. A contextual portal has the advantage of allowing you to experience an event horizon whether it is the thought vision of it or actually manifesting it into being and living it. In the contextual portal both are equally valid, equally tangible from an experiential context. It is Merlins Wand, the Philosophers Stone of Alchemy.

Now we will say that the Phi Vogels, in your terms, of the 88, 108 and 144 are the levels of Mastery, of the MerKiVah. These each access portals, with increasing frequency, yet each within a unique spectrum, so we will clarify that one cannot truly employ the energetic frequency field of an 88 within the 108, nor the resonance of an 108 within the 144, or vice versa. It is not that way, you see.

Each opens a unique stance, and stances that stack upon one another yet do not merge. Do you understand? Portals are utilized from different perspectives. There are many realities from which to choose from and there are many dimensions to explore. Densities within dimensions offer even more variety and infinite ways in which to explore and experience life. Portals are opportunities to experience yourself as beyond your everyday self. They activate expansion within and without, and allow you to choose a reality rather than have one chosen for you. Experiences beyond the third dimension are best accomplished when desire, creativity, active intelligence and participation are all present. These conscious, transformational experiences are available and accessible by you, but remember, they are possibilities not requirements. They are not prerequisites that you must accomplish on your way here or there. They cannot gain you entry or reentry to that which has always resided within, but indeed they can assist you in experiencing these if and only if your energies are of a specific level of attunement.

Just because one goes to the energy field of a portal or time gate does not insure that one will frequentially experience either. Is this understood? The light quotient of the seeker must be of a high enough level to allow the merging, and afford the opportunity of such. As you humans are fond of saying, you must learn to walk before you can run. These are tools, and potent ones in the hands of those seekers on the Path who are ready.

We will add that all modalities of true Phi Crystals, especially the Dream Phi and Vogel Phi (and there are indeed other cuts that have not emerged), are powerful instruments that operate in higher as well as infrared ( below visible) frequencies of light and multidimensionality. Indeed many of you will instantly recognize them. Those of you who have used these Master Healing Crystals in past Atlantean sojourns will be immediately drawn to them and have an innate understanding of their capabilities.

These tools however, require study, require interaction. They are not 'ready to use' per say. There must be the appropriate and deliberate effort to communicate, integrate and synergize with the living consciousness of each Phi unit. And this effort is in the vibration of high intent, of the desire for growth, within love, and healing within compassion. Phi Crystals require a suitable time for activation, integration and charging. They must then be programmed with intent. One cannot achieve the desired results without taking the initial steps of melding before hand. And a key part of the pre-step is having sufficient knowledge as well as compassion (light quotient) to be able to raise a frequency high enough to enter their resonate field.

They cannot and should not be used for any purpose other than the highest good. They will not function in any intent or thought other than the highest good.

Question to Metatron: Can you speak on Dream Crystals, how are the different from Phi Vogels, and what are their functions in the 3 Gate, 5 Gate and 7 Gate models?

Metatron: The base angle of 51.51:51 degrees is the same on both. What differentiates the 'Dream Phi', to use your nomenclature, is the convex and concave cuts on the body of the Dream model, as well as the 'charging filter' on the base tip. The charging filter, often referred to as a flower, is a precise cut used primarily on Dream Phi's but can equally be used on Vogel Phi's. It works as a preamplifier.

Now, keep in mind that each crystal, fashioned from natural quartz is individually unique.

The usage applications that we present in both Vogel Phi and Dream Phi are somewhat generalized in primary application.

Some forms of quartz, such as smokey and rutilated will have additional properties. In truth each piece will have additional and specialized aspects.

The user then is required to 'test drive' each to learn the characteristics of each. Water clear quartz is different from included quartz.

Using a Dream Phi with a Vogel Phi, in tandem, is highly synergetic. The Vogel Phi is in a sense, the macro, and the Dream Phi the micro. One the outer world the other primarily the inner. The two dance with light in different rhythms.

The inner wave spiral and rotation of the beam in the Dream Phi is opposite of that to the Vogel Phi. The Dream Crystal by means of its convex concave structure has what may be termed as a clockwise spin, and the Vogel Phi counterclockwise, although that description is somewhat metaphorical, for use in explaining their opposite spins of light. It is not in truth a simple clockwise-counterclockwise action, but the concept is a valid simplified image for this descriptive purpose. The Phi true action with light is far more complex.

We can say that the combination of the two succinct energy models combine two 'wholes' and form a greater whole-ness. Combining then the inner and outer, the conscious and subconscious, the expressed and unexpressed, that felt and that seen. For healers working in the shamanic tradition, Phi Dream Crystals are an especially beneficial tool, a refinement for extraction work. Dream Phi's emit a light field resonance that removes negative energies and attachments and obstacles from the auric field, emotional body and indeed physical body.

All Dream Crystals take the cleansing of your white sage smudging to the level of light, and complete the purification in that tonal context. These crystals once attuned are very effective in repelling untoward or 'negative' thoughtform energy.

The Dream Phi interacts in the interior worlds of thought, world devoid of space, worlds of dream and vision, of imagination and parallel. These dimensions exist and are fully valid in their aspect. Equally there are aspects of you that would rejoin with other aspects of you, and in the process become greater If you add a drop of water to a glass it will rejoin with itself and to the ocean again. So always when there are grander aspects of your beingness, you will rejoin with them, and you will change, expand in the process. It is appropriate, it is the expansive nature of your purpose and paradigm.

Double Terminated Dream Phi 3 Gate: The 3 Gate Dream Phi works on the level of humanity and the trinity of beingness. It amplifies harmony within the body, mind and soul through compassion. The three-gate Dream Phi Crystal has the ability to connect the individual with higher waves of information and energy. The energy from the Three Gate radiates around the emotional, heart and crown chakras as it balances physical, intellectual and spiritual fields. It reconnects all the passageways of the matrix and allows the brain to operate more smoothly. In healing aspect it works in the extraction and repulsion of negative aspects including fear, doubt, greed, self-centeredness, self-righteousness. It assists in ego imbalance and physical imbalance in order to gain a sense of greater unity and harmony. It is the Phi for those entering new pathways of knowledge.. It corresponds to the energy of the wolf.

Double Terminated Dream Phi 4 Gate: The four gate Dream Phi is based on the Cabbalistic Wisdom and the Tree of Life. It is the progression of the 3 Gate. It is especially compatible with the 44 Vogel. The 4 Gate can be used for gaining understanding and removing false beliefs, breaking ties from group controls and controlling relationships. Iy enhances the desire to work well with others, and reveals blockage to same. It works very well with the Animal Kingdom, and is helpful in healing of the four legged. It is very helpful in communication with all Animal Totems.

Double Terminated Dream Phi 5 Gate: The 5 Gate Dream works especially well with the Melchizedek or Kamadon Vogel in bringing in a very powerful feminine energy. It correlates to the Emerald and Platinum Rays. This shape releases obstruction around deep trauma. It opens the way to the happiness and euphoria that is pure and impeccable in our transparent and sincere core within the etheric heart chakra. It is especially harmonious with the Divine Femine, with the aspects of mercy and nurturing Magdalena, Isis, Lady Faith and Quan Yin. It reveals the lack of Self Love, and assist in extraction of self-denial, mentality of lack, and the core issues around lack of energy and initiative. It assists in regaining momentum and purpose.

Double Terminated Dream Phi 6 Gate: The 6 Gate Dream Crystal is very effective in assisting in relationship issues. It reveals the inner motives of the user and assist in purging that which is in conflict with the higher self. It assists in revealing and removing that termed 'Spiritual Ego'. Likewise it effective repeals energies of jealousy, control and anger directed at the user from another. It reveals likewise these conflicts within the self. The Six-sided Dream Crystal is often experienced as a total body energy- radiating outward to expand the energy field of the user. It especially purges and balances the second, third, fourth and fifth chakras so that the mind and body are more connected and in better communication. It is the sword of Michael, and indeed it cuts both ways. Exposing our own as well as others true motives and conflicts. It must be used wisely and compassionately. It adds the information, feelings, and "software" necessary for operating the matrix that has been reconfigured and healed. Much of the experiential information from Atlantis radiates from these Six-sided Dream Crystals. It is expected that the overall effect of this Dream Crystal will be to enhance and expand the doorways of knowledge to Atlantean technologies and spiritual practices.

Double Terminated Dream Phi 7Gate: The 7 Gate Dream Phi specialty is bringing perfect order, completion, reconciliation, unity and connection with eternity. Brings all other healing energies together and connects you and spirit. The 7 Gate is the Platinum Ray, and correlates very well to the 88, 108 and 144 Vogel Phi. The 7-Gate Dream Crystal receives and merges wisdom from all spiritual sources and views, from all peoples and ethnicities and cultures. It is the crucible that shows what is pure and what is not in spiritual path. It repels untruth, it repels control and enhances freedom, and power of choice and will. It reveals hidden prejudices and self-concealed vices within the user, for extraction of same. It enables the MerKiVah. It enables better contact with the conscious grids, the Reshel and planetary grids.

Double Terminated Dream Phi 12Gate: The 12 Gate Dream Phi is the highest frequency of the Phi Dream. It correspondents to the Purple, Golden and Platinum Rays of the Ascension, it correlates to the Metatronic Cube and 24 Point Star of the merkivah. It works especially well with the 144 Vogel. It offers protection in the higher realms of inner micro dimensional travel and assist in channeling. It stimulates the intellect and blends the hemispheres of the brain. It connects to the 144 Crystalline Grid, the Golden Sun Discs and activates the 12 strand DNA. It opens Celestial Portals and connects to the Elohim.

Question to Metatron: Minerals, Gems and Phi Crytsals are often expensive, and seemingly not available to all. Why is that, and are these necessary 'tools' ?

Metatron: First of all, gems, minerals and noble metals are in truth quite available to any one that seeks them, to anyone that would draw them to self. You must recognize first that the Mineral Kingdom is alive and sentient, in all its myriad varieties of expression. Within the Mineral Kingdom there is indeed the spark of Divinity, of Divine Consciousness that is quite equally aware in certain aspects, as is humankind. This is a fact that is as yet unrecognized by most of humanity, yet it is quite true.

It is only the mentality of lack and the non-recognition of the crystalline and mineral kingdom as being sentient that keeps anyone from manifesting these. Your societies and cultural systems spend unquestioned amounts of energy or money in the acquisitions of what may be termed luxury items and excessive amounts in dress clothing, dwellings and vehicles, yet do not recognize that energy exchanged for certain forms of the mineral kingdom offer them great advantages in health, consciousness and manifestation amplification.

Certain of your civilizations recognized the Mineral Kingdom as being sentient, and as a result of that key acknowledgement they were able to communicate and interact with the mineral and crystalline beings. Accordingly the Mineral Kingdom offered itself, and made itself readily and bountifully available to mankind. And Dear Ones, the Mineral Kingdom responded to their desire, to their acknowledgement, to their call, and made itself available to that call, to that seeking. Indeed it is an example of the Law of Attraction.

The same law is valid today, in your present. Even though you do not generally go to the fields and valleys to find your minerals, you are still very capable of sending out the acknowledgment to the mineral kingdom, and manifest, to attract to you what you need, what you desire to assist you. The mineral itself, the sentience of the mineral, once acknowledged, will indeed make itself available to you. That is quite true, believe it!

The paradox, is that if you do not believe it, indeed that is the reality you will manifest. If you do not recognize the mineral kingdom is alive and sentient, then you will not be acknowledging its sentience, and acknowledgement, belief is essential, you see.

Unfortunately, the mass of humanity view gems and precious metals as simply decorative jewelry, vanities and investments. Therefore they are viewed by many as expensive embellishments. Those who are aware of their true nature, purpose and energy benefits then understand that they can and do enhance physical health and calibrate and generate higher frequency energy fields that can offer myriad advantages to those that understand them as such.

So as to your question, are gems, metals and crystalline forms necessary. We will answer in this way, your cars, trains and planes are not truly necessary, you can walk, and if you are an extraordinary Master you can astrally bi-locate, but in the interim, the tools you have manifested make transport a lot easier.

Some humans on the spiritual path remain limited by their mentality of lack. This is manifested in both a fear of poverty and the belief that abundance is an aspect and indulgence of materialism. Both are false beliefs that do not serve you. Abundance offers itself and is available to all, the paradox is that you must believe that abundance is not only available but is equally a path of spirit. Once the laws of manifestation arte realized , Masters you can create and acquire what you desire. Only be sure it serves your greatest good.

So indeed these tools, these living crystalline forms are available to those that are aware, and the truth, whether you accept it or not, is that the crystalline forms are energy generators, frequency portals and resonate shields that offer myriad benefits.

Question to Metatron : Please explain the proper manner of caring for, charging, and programming a Phi Crystal?

Metatron: The methodology taught by Marcel Vogel is available to all, and is the accurate modality. So we will accordingly not delve too deeply into information that is accurate and already easily available to you.

We have described in the (above) discourse the requisite belief and importance of recognizing that all crystalline forms have sentient consciousness. Initial synergy and communication with the crystal is achieved primarily through transferal of the frequency of love into the crystalline form, and asking for its assistance. This should be done daily with meditation and the use of deep breathing exercises to raise the vibration of the user. When the vibrational frequency of the theta wave is achieved, imbue the crystalline form through visualization. Imagine a beam of love from the heart chakra directly into the crystalline being. When a return flow of 'love' is felt, the synergy is achieved. In many cases there will be an electrical sensation felt in the arms of the user, that flows upward into the heart. The actual sensation may vary with the user, for some it may be simply a knowing, for others a physical tingling, but the return flow must be unmistakably sensed by the user.

Once synergy is established the infinity breath exercise should be employed in meditation whilst holding the crystal in order to establish intent or programming. Once the deep breathing takes one into the theta state, the crystal will signal when the field is appropriate for receival of intent.

At this point the user should lightly stroke the body of the Phi crystal with the fingertips to charge the Phi while sending the intent of the particular usage. Transfer the visualization of what is requested. Whether this is to assist in multidimensional awareness, self purification, protection or healing for self and others, the specific intent should be clear and imbued into the phi.

The process of healing or extraction of obstacles or disease is done only with the permission of the one receiving the healing. The Phi is then held with the female base in the palm of the primary hand of the user and circulated over the area of focus. For Vogel Phi Crystals the circulation should be counterclockwise, for Dream, Phi's clockwise. Visualize and speak the desired result. Continue this process until a clear response is received that the task has achieved maximum energy for the session. To seal the opening, upon completion, circulate the opposite direction until the field is closed. Usually three to five circulations will reseal the field.

The most effective method of cleansing a Phi is through vigorous brief shaking in the hand while visualizing intent of removing unwanted energies, and the use of white sage smudge. Running water can also complete this process, but care should be taken to insure the temperature of the water is within 10 degrees of the ambient temperature of the crystal. Rapid contraction or expansion due to great temperature variation can create inclusion cracking in the quartz structure.

Closing : The Changing Paradigm & Sacred Science

Masters, there are differing sciences, different physics for each dimension, just as there are different approaches and paths of science and physics available to mankind in his current reality. Man has omitted the divine from science in his mainstream thinking. Science is indeed a sacred aspect of the whole.

Mankind has largely ignored sciences that would have led to very different concepts thus far. There are alternative approaches to physics that reveal much more about transport, transmutation, bi-location and locomotion than your accepted mainstream science understands or wishes to understand. Had the human species gone into certain mental disciplines as thoroughly as it has explored exterior technological 'laws', your knowledge, means and resulting knowledge of dimensional and crystalline reality aspects would be vastly different, and far more efficient in scope than it is now. You have embraced the external and to some degree dismissed the capacities of your 'internal abilities' within divine consciousness. Crystalline knowledge is a key part of the emerging 'new' paradigm. Although in truth it is an ancient knowledge, forgotten but not new!

Now, when mankind decides to devote mainstream study into what is termed the 'mental' science of dimensional and crystalline aspects of transport and bi-location, and indeed it is a science with laws that can be learned, practiced and fine tuned, then visitations into parallels and vectors within time and space and inner worlds will become less accidental and occur by design, by plan.

Once mankind learns and masters 'mental physics' then he will be liberated, vastly liberated from the filtering illusion, the duality camouflage of physical pattern. Indeed you are just starting to understand how the Merkabah and Merkivah when tuned by mind as the builder into the crystalline field, unlocks this key. This will be greatly enhanced as your 144 Grid and its networking of crystalline energy completes its unfolding. The grid will offer great opportunity of advancement to those of you willing to devote focus to this divine science of 'mental' manifestation and what you term astral travel. You see all science must include the divine, and it is grossly omitted by your mainstream academics in the present.

The knowledge and utilization of Phi Crystals and indeed properties of all crystalline forms is an intricate and essential part of this aperture into the vast Void, into inner and outer worlds of the celestial and indeed Divine aspect of the Crystalline Ascension.

I am Metatron, and I offer you these truths in love and in wisdom. You are Beloved."

... And so it is.

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  • Thank you what a fascinating post, full of great information.Blessings to you

    In Lak'ech Ala K'in :-)

  • Thank you for posting this!  Absolutely fascinating!!

    love, light & blessings

  • What a magnificent post, very en-lightning! In fact I live in Arkansas and will be going to Mount Ida (the crystal capital of the world) this weekend for merry crystal hunting:) We have some wonderful natural crystals here and  I wish everyone could experience the amazing energies that I feel when I'm there. Crystals can change your life and help you fulfill any of your dreams. If you have never experienced crystalline energy, please pick one up today. Namaste


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