
" volunteered to go there to Earth and be present at this time, to not only make a difference, more so to stand in the face of diversity and reveal long forgotten truths."



Michael and David: The Way of the Warrior
The Way of the Warrior
By Michael and David,, 2/7/2011




Greetings, to each of you, kindred Spirits and fellow Earthlings. I see that a great many of you are working on the problems at hand, while even more are still stumbling about as if they had not a clue that the times you are living in, unaware that the times you have long labored for-are finally at hand. I can tell you that each of you did indeed know full well of the present conditions that are unfolding and as such you have no room to balk at them. Each one of you walked-in or was born-in with full understanding that this time, this lifetime, was to be for all the marbles and that it was to be one for the memory books. If you will allow me, I say “Go for the Gold.” “The Golden You,” that is. Rise up above everything you believe to be hindering your forward movement, discard your I can’t do this thought patterns and be the person you truly are, not the one you have been led to believe you are. Your service is needed more so now than at any other time in Earth’s history. And no, I am not just speaking of the walk-in forces that are presently there on the planet; I am referring to everyone who currently wears the mortal form of Earthizen.

Long ago we had foreseen everything that was to unfold there and it is happening now in your present time. We also knew that without sufficient forces to combat the evil that had sauntered in and taken control of the planet and its inhabitants that this time would be for naught. So we sent you, we chose you, you volunteered to go there to Earth and be present at this time, to not only make a difference, more so to stand in the face of diversity and reveal long forgotten truths. You knew it would not be easy removing the blinders from the masses and yet you felt you each had what it took to succeed, even though the odds would seem insurmountable. Is this the beginning of the beginning? I think not, for it is well beyond that now. This is the end game you are playing. The cycle of completion is upon you. The cast has been chosen, the players are in motion and this planet is striving to repair herself from eons of habitual disregard. She is starving no more, she is gliding and swaying and dancing to the beat of a new drummer. And that drummer is also Terra herself. She is orchestrating the massive changes needed for her ascension. She is also offering you a ticket to ride. No, the fare is not paid for nor will it be guaranteed to any of you. She expects each of you to live up to you own Godliness and rise above the moral turpitude of the masses.


Long ago she stepped forward and volunteered to be the Soul that would reside within this experimental planet, God’s Planet, and usher in this new race of beings. She knew full well what was ahead of her. What she did not count on was that so many of you would be trapped in the illusion of time and unproductive repetitive thought processing. She did not know that so many of you would kowtow to the darker more basic instincts. Nor did she know that so many of you would toy with this darkness and then would fall in line with this malaise, hook and sinker. She is a wonderfully sweet Soul who only wanted to give each of you the opportunity to better yourselves, to surpass your own expectations of yourselves. And now, what have you accomplished? How many of you are full of love and wearing your mantle of Greatness proudly? How many of you are still running amuck and falling into fear for your very existence, every time a voice of dissension derails you? If it is the latter how do you suppose that equates with Godliness? I personally do not see the connection. Each one of you has what it takes to make a stand and embrace the upcoming changes and yet so many of you fear it so much. What you really fear is the unknown. I say, “Step into the abyss and find out if you have indeed learned to soar with the eagles.” Time will answer that one for everyone.


Five years ago, ten years ago, fifty years ago, you all screamed that it was time for change and that call was answered in the here and now. Now that it is upon you, you fear for the life and for the comfort and security you have become accustomed to. For many of the shallowest amongst you, you fear for the preservation of your precious soap operas and your sports channels, not to mention the safety of your iPods’ and other expensive treasures that are not what they seem to be. Each one of you requires something to be complete, to be whole. Do you really think you will find that in the accumulation of one more material possession? Do you really think that if you were rich beyond your dreams that you would truly be happy? Do you still believe that money can buy you love? If you do my heart goes out to you, for your ticket to ride will not be honored.

Look at your lives and all that you have allowed to be OK. You have become an on- demand society. “On demand” in this sense simply means – to have instant gratification and it matters naught what it is that you seek. For far too many of you, whatever it is you desire, you want it and you want it now,whether it be a meal for dinnertime, another quick jaunt to the store, or a simple pleasure that only lasts for a mere flicker in time, for it holds no substance. How many of you have allowed yourself to become so weak willed? How many of you still value others opinions of yourself? In past times you knew full well the need to put away food stores for the hard times, the winter months. You could learn a lot from a bear. The animal kingdom is much wiser than the average human being in many aspects. They know instinctively of their connection with All That Is. They know intuitively when to take shelter from bad weather, when to lay away food for a long winter and they trust the timely hints that this beloved planet gives to them about upcoming changes, without question. How many of you can say that you are that much in-tune with the Heartbeat of The Universe?

In the greater scheme of things much of what you once thought invaluable will become known for its triviality, its common-placity and normalcy. Your treasured gold, silver and diamonds will be recognized for the true value that they each hold. How many of you are aware of the healing properties that are associated with gold? Do you think it was coincidence or con-incidence that they became the standard for your monetary systems and for many people they are untouchable, unobtainable? Those who coerced you to install your blinders knew full well what they were doing when they attached a monetary value to an item that is so extremely commonplace on your planet. How many of you realize the true potential of the crystals that you love to collect so dearly? Do you not know that they play a major part of what keeps you planet in balance, just as your beloved petroleum lubricates the tectonic plates with your planet? Do you think that their secreted locations were not systematically placed there for a purpose?

Much of what you thought you knew will soon reveal itself for what it truly is. Are you ready to alter your beliefs and see the greater picture or are you going to pooh-pooh what the truly wise ones enlighten you with? One of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself will be understanding, compassion and forgiveness of self. You must now come to realize that all life is Sacred that none is to be taken for granted and none is without merit and yes, this includes the animal and planet kingdoms as well. Each living organism on the planet was intentionally put there for a purpose. Each one of you is an invaluable part of that Divine Plan. If you truly understood that, how could you scoff at another who is not as enlightened as you, or are you in truth not as en-light-ened as the ones you look down upon? Can you search your heart and truthfully come up with the answer that you are better or more important than someone-anyone else? Can you justify the loss of life that occurs each and every day without feeling that you are a part of those events? Have you yet learned to feel compassion for both the victim and the victimizer? Can you see the larger picture and see how intricately sensitive all life is and the need to have balance in this system? Oh, so you did not put that gun to that person, nor did you sell them the drugs or teach them how to abuse the system. It must have been the other person who looked the other way.

The universal system is full of checks and balances if you look closely enough. No life should be regarded above another. No stone, no body of water should be disturbed or moved without first considering the consequences. No trees should be cut down without considerable consideration given to the purpose of its reality. Life is poetry in motion. Swaying to the beat are those who are in harmony with it. Life is precious, not something to be taken lightly. Each mote of energy is connected to the whole and disrupting the flow of the electrical surges can cause mountains to move. And yes, the mountains are always on the move, consider that when you choose your next location to reside in. Terra is cleansing herself now in preparation for the next stage in human evolution. That next stage is you, are you willing to do your part? If so how can you find time to fear for your livelihoods without being concerned about the security and wellbeing of all the others who are going through these transitioning times? How many of you devote enough time to your Spiritual growth and listening to your Soul Voice?

Which brings us to the “Way of the Warrior.” Are you all warriors, yes you are. You are the Spiritual Warriors of God, of The Creator. You are all evolving beings of Light whose purpose is to learn from your experiences, to share that which you have learned with others and to rise above the mundane temptations of living a physical life in a physical universe. Nobody said it was going to be easy, just worth it. Each one of you is so much more than you realize, yet you are not above another life form, no matter its size or current state of evolution. You are each a personage of your Higher Self, you are an expression of Soul Voice. Combined with all your other Selves and as the individual Self, you are a force to be reckoned with. “Why,” you may ask? Because you are all an aspect of the Divinity, you are each a separate unique aspect of the God of this Universe. Now does that not make you feel special, important beyond measure? I should think so.

The true Spiritual Warriors can move mountains with their minds, they can alter the flow of the currents and more importantly they can bring balance and an abundance of Light to any area of this tainted planet. Infuse yourselves with Light of All Lights, that which is The Jesus The Christ Consciousness and rise up to the challenges that you all volunteered to undertake. Be the Peaceful Warrior; teach these ways to those who are ready and willing to listen. Become the Gods and Goddesses that you are. Forget what others tell you, rise up above your physical self and become the person you are. You do not have to do great acts; you need to anchor the Light to this planet in one decisive revelation that will undeniably say to this planet, this Universe that this planet is home for the dark overlords no longer. Give them their ticket to leave by making this planet you call home so bright and effervescent that they are blinded by the Light. A small hint here, you can do this without ever leaving your home so please do not let me hear some of you thinking that there is nothing you can do about the ongoing current repetitive situations. You are powerful beyond your wildest dreams, yet so many know this not. You will never see those who do recognize this in themselves expounding upon their abilities to others, they will be recognized by the innocence and the brilliance that define their every thought and deed. They do not need tickertape parades, nor would they show up if one was given to them. They are the true expression of God I AM walking in human form. They have not forgotten their origins and their purpose for Be-ing.

Forget for just a moment and then expand that moment into five minute intervals, all that is wrong in the world and concentrate on all that is good. Concentrate and focus your thoughts on all that you wish to have happen, all that you wish to unfold here on God’s planet, His Eden. Expand those thought forms omni-directionally and send them out into the ethers. Take a moment each and every day to thank this beloved Soul Terra, who IS this planet, for all which she blesses you with. Thank her for all that she has endured from you and for you. Thank her for having this chance here and now to bring the Golden Light of God to this corner of the galaxy once again. Now immerse yourselves in His (God’s) Love. Speak with God as if you are talking with one of your loved ones, share your thoughts and ideas and then quiet your mind and listen for His response. HE is LISTENING. Now you are living the way of the Warrior.
From the Heavens above and from here on Earth, we are,

Michael and David
Au revoir

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  • Thank you, Karma's Helper (Spiritual Warrior).


  • 8113845092?profile=originalThank you, Karma's Helper and Spiritual Warrior.
  • Thank you KH makes so much sense to me and yes no life is more sacred than another, even down to the tiny ant. Glad I have lived this way and taught it to my daughters and their friends etc as it breaks my heart the way the earth and different life forms on it get treated by many. We do really need to clean our acts up and treat all life with the respect it deserves. LIFE IS SACRED and upping our game should be our main focus. A great reminder.

    Louise :) 

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