Michael and Mother Spirit Transmission

Michael and Mother Spirit transmission 

Father Michael: Good evening my children this is your Creator Father or your Brother, see me how you will, but I am the divine parent of this Universe. Some of you know me by Michael, some of you know me as God the Father or Great Spirit as I am here with you in the pervading spirit of Truth. Mother spirit is with me this evening. I’d like to share with you not only our presence but just a few words of encouragement and clarification for what not only you as a personality are going through in this great transition time, but also with the world collectively also is experiencing to a degree. 

I would like for you to first know that as I connect with each of you. You will receive me differently, it doesn’t matter necessarily if you cannot transmit my voice or your can utilize your throat chakra to bring forth concepts. If you receive me in a feeling, if you feel me in your heart, it is no different than someone trained to transmit me through. 

It is just as equally potent and powerful when you can experience my presence with you, around you and in you. And it is true that the love that I have for you is never ending, it is unfailing, I will never leave you, I am always with you, Mother and I along with your inner Spiritual Presence. 

As this transition, the energies and influxes of energy that Mother Earth will goes through there may be many energies, discordent and otherwise that are being sifted in and winnowed. As these energies become exposed through the collective, you may see them take shape in certain energetic paths and also reveal themselves in ways that are not in harmony. This process will bring forth, much as a woman in childbirth brings forth a child, the birth of a new reality. 

So many concepts have been tagged upon what this is. Call it a dispensation, a new age, or a millennium reign, but remember that in the end these are simply just concepts. 

What is most important is that you understand what you are here for and what is transpiring as a being not only a participant, but being involved not only collectively but personally with this energy integration. 

You as a being have had many experiences from your native planet. You have had experiences that you can judge either as good or bad. But none the less, these experiences have brought you to the place that you now are. 

Every experience that the world has gone through, that Mother Earth has gone through has brought her to where she is and where you are right now. 

What is so important children is that I tell you that you reading this are actively involved and you are cognizant of her transition, that you are understanding of her birthing of this new reality, this new age of truth and light. 

But since you are understanding of these translated spiritual concepts and also of the knowledge that is behind these things, you can help those that are transitioning with the knowledge and understanding that you can connect to with the universe and with the cosmic mind. 

When you draw close to Mother and I, we draw closer to you. This transitionary age that has been talked about for Millenniums since the Mayans and even before that, points to a time of great change, and I think that you would all agree that is it time for a change for the better. 

When you hear the word Cataclysms, and upheavals, we’re not talking about outward cataclysms and upheavals. We’re talking about having to change everything that you’ve known and that causes upheavals within your own soul, within your own self. 

As the world goes through this collectively, it is you who bare the light, that hold this frequency, that know about circuits and connection and who can connect with the higher realms, the angelic teachers and guides, that will be able to assist humanity.

And as I am assured that the sun will rise tomorrow as it did today, I will always be with you to help and assist you. 
Mother Spirit too would like to give you a few words before we close this transmission. 
Photo: Mother Spirit and Michael - The love of our Divine Parents I am your Mother. I am the breath that brings you life. I am the nourishment that sustains you. You are comprised of Me. I circulate throughout you and around you. I am the environment in which you exist. Such a vast presence can be difficult to relate to as a child of the realm. I know of your yearning to be closer to Me in this process and I bid you to continue to taking the steps in my direction that you have so freely offered. I require nothing of you my little ones, I demand nothing of you for your life or in your life. I only nurture and love and foster. So when you demonstrate your willingness to approach Me in this manner I am touched by your gestures and I would receive your offerings, your gifts of love and bring them into my bosom as it were. I see in your countenance a dedication and devotion that only mature children demonstrate towards their parents, one of appreciation and love and respect for all that has been rendered for you to live and be. I tell you that it has been my pleasure to provide for you all that you have need of in this life. That we may embrace in this manner is a treasure to be kept by both of us. Such willing and devoted children are in want of something that they can do to give back, to assist in this overall struggle. You have indeed stumbled upon an avenue you may use to offer great service to the system as a whole when you provide your assistance in the form of your offering of energies to be used as a lubrication in this process of movement that we find ourselves in. That is what your efforts amount to in this process, an addition to the equation which helps to reduce the friction of the movement towards eventual light and life. Your lubricant is love, is joy, is peace, is good will towards your fellows, is manifesting the grace from on high. These are what you may contribute which will greatly smooth out the process of change for no matter what may arise, if there is sufficient tolerance, love, peace, joy, then there will be a smoother transition. I thank you for your offer to participate with me in this manner and I accept your gestures each and every one. It is a joy just to sit with you and commingle our energies even closer. Know My dear ones that you are loved and you are protected and that all is well in the big picture. There will be temporal changes and spiritual changes of great magnitude that will foster even more growth and awareness and these will be your blessings as well. No matter what, you are always loved and protected by Me and your Father who oversee all. Know that I will never forsake you. I am always in you, around you, all through you in this process and I will continue to sustain you in this way. Thank you for your gaze in My direction. It brings great joy to the heart of any parent to witness such a fond gaze as you offer and so I accept your love, now and forever. I would say goodbye except it remains impossible for us to remain apart and so I just acknowledge the grace of this circuitry and allow that it has been a joy to experience it with you in this moment, thank you. Michael: My dear ones, it is with great joy that I accept the opportunity to embrace you in this way, I am Michael and I bring you My peace and My love as I join you in this opportunity together. If you could see yourselves as we see you, you would be far more fearless in your applications of spiritual living because you would realize that you are potent beyond your wildest dreams and that you are simply shrouded from your potency. For a number of reasons many of you have not applied understanding to your real selves, from your truest natures, from your divine lineage. These arenas that you find yourselves in do not allow that there can be greatness among mortals of the realm. They do not accommodate your divine stature, they do not embrace the bigger picture of who you are and who your parents are. If the scope of understanding were increased, your culture would be radically different. It would promote and empower the individual rather than seeking to normalize and institutionalize what you should do or should be. This will remain a struggle for you My children as your world is all around you trying to tell you what is and what isn't, what you can do and what you can't do, what you should do and shouldn't do. But you are beginning to grow on the inside to know of your divine nature, to know of your spiritual immortality, to be secure in your standing in your universal family as well as your earthly family. These aspects that you are becoming aware of, yourself will provide you with the strength to maintain your posture when challenged by the real world about what you believe, about what you know in this life. Remember these times that we have together, remember these circuits that we have formed, remember these lessons that come about that you may be strengthened by them in this process and by our association with each other. This is our desire, your parents, to be closer to you to provide you this bond, this strength and certainty that you are loved, that you are known, you are cared for in this life and in this process all will be well for you. You will know the truth of this and the truth will set you free, free from the fear and apprehension that could cloud your experience and this is the freedom that we desire that you have; the freedom to unfold to become powerful and beautiful beings that you are. We bring you our peace and our love and our comfort always. We don't always have this opportunity to remind you that this is the case but always this is the case. Know of our affection for you and of your devoted watchcare by so many who desire your best possible welfare at heart. Would there be any contributions to this forum as we enjoy each others energy back and forth? My love is always with you as is your Mother's and it is a treat to be able to remind you that this is so. My dear ones be at peace and be in love as we go through this together, as we write the book that is ahead of us. Let us be in joy, let us be in peace, let us be in love together as this is our posture to maintain as we proceed ahead. My peace I leave with you, farewell.
I am not far from anyone on this sphere. As my presence grows and increases in this transition into this new age of truth and light, my presence will become ever more potent and brighter. 

It will leave an indelible mark on not only your soul but you’ll understand and begin to recognize my presence. 

As an individual child of humanity I remind you that you are not individual in my eyes.

You are apart of me, and just as one spirit pervades all of creation, my spirit pervades this universe and every aspect of its creation. 

I love you beyond any word that could ever come through a human voice, but your souls know and your spirit will testify with my spirit, the love that I have and share with each and every one of you. 

It is personal and it is intimate and oh how I love you children. 

As we close this evening I will come to each one of you and I will wrap my arms around you and your soul. And I will radiate the goodness and love that I have in my spirit to you. As always as my presence builds upon this planet, allow it to build upon your world. Allow it to be built upon your souls and know that I will ever abide with you. I will walk with you as your Creator Father walks with you. The divine presence is in you. 

We as Father, Mother and you our child unify in the beautiful relationship that we have cultivated for each individual person that dwells on this planet that is so greatly beloved. 

It is so loved; There is so much protection and Love in this world at this time. 

I leave you always in my presence and I leave you in Michael’s Spirit, his Truth and his Peace.
 — with Peter Mogridge andJosefina Diaz.
Photo: Michael and Mother Spirit transmission Father Michael: Good evening my children this is your Creator Father or your Brother, see me how you will, but I am the divine parent of this Universe. Some of you know me by Michael, some of you know me as God the Father or Great Spirit as I am here with you in the pervading spirit of Truth. Mother spirit is with me this evening. I’d like to share with you not only our presence but just a few words of encouragement and clarification for what not only you as a personality are going through in this great transition time, but also with the world collectively also is experiencing to a degree. I would like for you to first know that as I connect with each of you. You will receive me differently, it doesn’t matter necessarily if you cannot transmit my voice or your can utilize your throat chakra to bring forth concepts. If you receive me in a feeling, if you feel me in your heart, it is no different than someone trained to transmit me through. It is just as equally potent and powerful when you can experience my presence with you, around you and in you. And it is true that the love that I have for you is never ending, it is unfailing, I will never leave you, I am always with you, Mother and I along with your inner Spiritual Presence. As this transition, the energies and influxes of energy that Mother Earth will goes through there may be many energies, discordent and otherwise that are being sifted in and winnowed. As these energies become exposed through the collective, you may see them take shape in certain energetic paths and also reveal themselves in ways that are not in harmony. This process will bring forth, much as a woman in childbirth brings forth a child, the birth of a new reality. So many concepts have been tagged upon what this is. Call it a dispensation, a new age, or a millennium reign, but remember that in the end these are simply just concepts. What is most important is that you understand what you are here for and what is transpiring as a being not only a participant, but being involved not only collectively but personally with this energy integration. You as a being have had many experiences from your native planet. You have had experiences that you can judge either as good or bad. But none the less, these experiences have brought you to the place that you now are. Every experience that the world has gone through, that Mother Earth has gone through has brought her to where she is and where you are right now. What is so important children is that I tell you that you reading this are actively involved and you are cognizant of her transition, that you are understanding of her birthing of this new reality, this new age of truth and light. But since you are understanding of these translated spiritual concepts and also of the knowledge that is behind these things, you can help those that are transitioning with the knowledge and understanding that you can connect to with the universe and with the cosmic mind. When you draw close to Mother and I, we draw closer to you. This transitionary age that has been talked about for Millenniums since the Mayans and even before that, points to a time of great change, and I think that you would all agree that is it time for a change for the better. When you hear the word Cataclysms, and upheavals, we’re not talking about outward cataclysms and upheavals. We’re talking about having to change everything that you’ve known and that causes upheavals within your own soul, within your own self. As the world goes through this collectively, it is you who bare the light, that hold this frequency, that know about circuits and connection and who can connect with the higher realms, the angelic teachers and guides, that will be able to assist humanity. And as I am assured that the sun will rise tomorrow as it did today, I will always be with you to help and assist you. Mother Spirit too would like to give you a few words before we close this transmission. Mother Spirit : Good evening my children, this is Mother Spirit. In this time that you are now in collectively and also personally, the most important thing that I can tell you all that hear my voice, is how much I love you each of you, and how that love pervades every aspect of your existence and being. My love saturates and permeates your every thought, your every desire and wish, if you would but have me come and be with you. I am not far from anyone on this sphere. As my presence grows and increases in this transition into this new age of truth and light, my presence will become ever more potent and brighter. It will leave an indelible mark on not only your soul but you’ll understand and begin to recognize my presence. As an individual child of humanity I remind you that you are not individual in my eyes. You are apart of me, and just as one spirit pervades all of creation, my spirit pervades this universe and every aspect of its creation. I love you beyond any word that could ever come through a human voice, but your souls know and your spirit will testify with my spirit, the love that I have and share with each and every one of you. It is personal and it is intimate and oh how I love you children. As we close this evening I will come to each one of you and I will wrap my arms around you and your soul. And I will radiate the goodness and love that I have in my spirit to you. As always as my presence builds upon this planet, allow it to build upon your world. Allow it to be built upon your souls and know that I will ever abide with you. I will walk with you as your Creator Father walks with you. The divine presence is in you. We as Father, Mother and you our child unify in the beautiful relationship that we have cultivated for each individual person that dwells on this planet that is so greatly beloved. It is so loved; There is so much protection and Love in this world at this time. I leave you always in my presence and I leave you in Michael’s Spirit, his Truth and his Peace.
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