The forwarded “piece of do-do” that was sent to me, is
VERY OBVIOUSLY (at least to me—and anyone else who is REALLY, TRULY in touch with the REAL Ashtar Command & Federation of Light) made up by our good ‘ol black op friends of the cabal, in a very sophisticated way—I DO have to “hand it to them” how they have “out done themselves”, to make this piece of crap appear or seem to be “the real deal” and authentic as if it really is from someone who is really a real ET “walk-in” from the Federation of Light. And, unfortunately, for those (which literally number in the MILLIONS—and not merely only “56,000’ as was irroneously stated in the article) who are just very recently “Waking up”—consciously-- to the fact that they ARE also a Volunteer in Earth embodiment, and are attempting to now get more clarity and REAL insight about their Missions & purpose, some of them might be fooled about where this information is REALLY coming from.
Also there are a couple of possibilities in regard to who this “person” actually is who has written up this “Project Awaken Earth” article, as well as who really set up this particular web site that is made to appear as a real, authentic Ashtar Command web site. It is very possible that this person truly, sincerely BELIEVES that they are actually, really in communication with the REAL Federation of Light, but instead is being “duped” by masquerating ‘lower astral entities posing as Higher Forces, or instead they are one of those “sleeper agents” who were once taken off the street (without them consciously being able to remember this [these false memories, of course, seem real to them, like in the fictional movie, “Total Recall” where realistic, but false memories are implanted into one’s mind and they would swear it’s the real deal]).
These very sophisticated mind control techniques are used and then the person is released back onto the street/back into civilian life, for such a time as now, (because of the impact that my book, “Prepare For The Landings!” [] is doing of more quickly Awakening the other sincere, fellow Volunteers and even much of the masses of Earth’s humanity to what’s REALLY ABOUT TO TRULY HAPPEN VERY SOON) and they actually are convinced with their double, false memories implanted into their “MK-Ultra ‘Compartmentalized’” mind that they are really the “real deal” while those of us like myself are just “guillable, psychotic” “day dreamers” who are just “living in the past’ of just wanting to “believe” that we are [still] to be lifted up soon when the time is right. And that what they refer to as “Project Uplift” is really only a “temporary plan’ that was once discussed in the ‘80’s until—supposedly—1989, and then just “abandoned” for the reasons that were mentioned in this sophisticated written article, to ATTEMPT to convince those recent millions, who are “just very recently waking up or starting to Awaken” to who they are.
And while one could agree, initially, in part, that the so-called “reasons” or “points” used to supposedly “validate” this SUPPOSED authentic decision to ‘abort” the plan to openly and massively physically Evacuate Earth’s humanity off of Earth, do, appear, as genuine and even—at first glance—as having substance and validity, the problem is that so much of the so-called “valid points” raised were TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT, to give an entirely different, and inaccurate assessment of the whole situation. This is, of course, one of the “techniques” of “mind control and/or behavioral manipulation” to use certain accurate information, but because of the way it is being discussed or presented, combined with other information or points of view, to cause others with less Highly developed [REAL] Discernment and [REAL] Cognitive Deductive abilities, to go along with their main argument. And they even, of course, also bring up about the need to be “discerning”, as if to imply by doing this, that what they are pushing upon us is the “ultimate gospel truth”. Of course, they are also doing this very thing—as this person was also doing, of stating how others should never “push their opinions upon others if they haven’t asked for them to” (in other words, by indirectly implying, that one should not even talk about upcoming Divine Intervention, and instead be quiet and passive [and allow all the other truths like how they are using or attempting to use these techniques—like as is being done in this article, to manipulate our minds and to attempt to convince us to believe that Divine Intervention will never, actually occur]). And yet, they are sharing their own—though untrue—opinion as though they have the ultimate connection to the REAL Truth, and the rest of us, if we are sharing about these upcoming events, should just stay quiet. But our reasons for sharing with others is BECAUSE of being excited from our own Inner Knowing from our I Am Presence/Higher Self of the fact of these upcoming events of Divine Intervention will be,
definitely, truly occurring!!!!
But for those of us, like myself, who “didn’t just get off the ‘Cosmic Turnip Truck” who have “been around the Cosmic Block a few times”, who have developed “Cosmic planetary Streets Smarts” and who have learned to really “survive on planet Earth” while also having been able to retain my past conscious memories prior to coming into Earth embodiment, I KNOW, directly first hand of this other reality. Because I did not have all of those “Cosmic Amnesia Veils” over my mind, I specifically remember, as I share quite in-depth in “Prepare For The Landings!” this specific Plan—which this psych-ops refers to as “Operation Uplift” was always planned to ultimately occur and that certain events were destined to occur to VERIFY and CONFIRM to those of us, the real “Ground Crew” & “Cosmic Clean Up Team” that our “Cosmic Back-Up Team”, the Federation of Light had not only given us the “SACRED PROMISE” and that it was a “COSMIC DONE DEAL” that this very plan, which I remember quite vividly discussing in the Higher Councils and on board the Merkabah Federation Light Ships, was God’s Divine Plan and would, when the time was right occur, as well as there now being three major waves, etc. This information, I cover quite in-depth in my book.
And when Tuella, who I knew very well, and who was one of the clearest & most attuned Channels that had ever lived,
was guided in 1982, to publish her ground breaking book,
PROJECT: WORLD EVACUATION BY THE ASHTAR COMMAND”, this was one of the first real events by the Federation of Light to “test the waters”, to see humanity’s reactions and openness, to WHAT WAS ULTIMATELY DESTINED TO ACTUALLY OCCUR WHEN THE TIME WAS RIGHT.
I do refer to and quote, in my own book, sections of Tuella’s book, as anyone knows who has read “Prepare For The landings!” Because even though it was information from three decades ago, it’s relevancy and authenticity, still RINGS TRUE today, and as Tuella, herself, shared in her book, that right before she had published this book, she had observed, over a period of a few nights, where the Federation of Light literally, physically came down in a gigantic Merkabah Light Ship, manifested three specific times, three consecutive nights in a row, as confirmation of their ultimate plan to EVENTUALLY fulfill all of the information that was contained within her book, and these three physical manifestations/appearances of the Light Ships also verified, symbolically, that there would, indeed, be THREE MAJOR WAVES OF EVACUATION (after an initial, much smaller, “secret wave” that would “break the cosmic ice’ so to speak, to begin the whole series of more in-depth major waves).
Of course, the black ops are hoping that most people who read this forwarded article, will not be able to see or be aware of the “whole enchilada” of all of the MANY VALID REASONS WHY mass planetary Divine Intervention & World Wide Evacuation HAS NEVER BEEN TOTALLY DESERTED OR REALLY DECIDED AGAINST, after Tuella’s book had been released. And other so-called channels, like April & Steven White, who claimed to be channeling the Ashtar Command, attempted to also convince those who were on Tuella’s mailing list (who Tuella had made the mistake to share this with), that the events as described in Turella’s book were not really ever going to happen. But I remember at the time that they were really “jealous” of her and also I had sensed how the dark forces had been determined to destroy Tuella if they could, and had sent a lot of negative energy toward her to attempt to literally kill her, and she almost did not recover from these psychic attacks. But she was able to regain her health long enough to publish a few other very insightful books before she finally did pass on back to the Higher Realms. Her books, “Dynamics of Cosmic Telepathy”, “Ashtar: A Tribute” and “On Earth Assignment” were three of her best books she was to publish before her passing in the early ‘90’s, and they helped to clarify the role of the Volunteers in Earth embodiment—until our “Friends Upstairs” would “make their move.”
But never had this ultimate plan of “planetary Upliftment” ever been totally or even partially “shelved” or decided against at any time. And there was a huge “backlash” from the imbalanced forces, both ‘metaphysical” in nature, and from the black op government/military agencies, themselves, who began—as I was then specifically warned by Ashtar, himself, and the entire Federation of Light, that there would now be numerous VERY SOPHESTICATED METHODS USED IN THE COMING YEARS [LIKE RIGHT NOW!!!!] TO CONVINCE NOT ONLY THOSE OF US WHOSE SOULS ARE DIRECTLY FROM RIGHT OFF THE FEDERATION LIGHT SHIPS (INCARNATES, WALK-INS, INDIGOS, ETC.) THAT SUCH A PLAN AS TUELLA HAD VERY ACCURATELY DETAILED AND DESCRIBED IN HER BOOK, WERE JUST “IDLE AND UNREALISTIC DAY DREAMING AND FANTASY” CREATED UP IN OUR MINDS AND THAT THERE EITHER NEVER WAS AN ACTUAL PLAN AS TUELLA HAD SO ACCURATELY DESCRIBED, OR ELSE THAT SUCH A [ORIGINAL] PLAN HAD NOW BEEN ABORTED AND CHANGED, AND THAT WE VOLUNTEERS WERE NOW “ALL ON OUR OWN” AND WOULD NEVER, EVER BE TAKEN UP TO RETURN BACK TO OUR COSMIC HOMES.
And then, much more recently, in fact, within the last few months, I was again, specifically reminded of this earlier warning, of how this very thing was about to occur, of the black ops and/or their “mind controlled” agents or pawns, putting out this very disinformation, of Truth mixed with lies, to ATTEMPT to confuse those, as stated, who were just waking up recently of who they are and about up coming Divine Intervention. And part of this scenario, is to on one hand convince us that real mass planetary Divine Intervention by Higher Benevolent forces will never happen and was not ever really a plan anyway—or if ET’s DO show up that they are only evil aliens here to attack, enslave and/or eat us (the forwarded article and the recent National Geographic TV special are two excellent examples of this desperate attempt to convince us of this)
So I knew that such type of articles would be released over the internet and posted on blogs, as is this forwarded one, written in a very “convincing” way, by either directly from the black op disinformation agents that had infiltrated the so-called “New Age & ET Channeling” movement, or those who were, as stated earlier, “sleeper agents” who did not even know that they had been “programmed” either from a distance, by various “psych op” techniques & technologies or in person (but the person is not even aware that they have been “mind controlled” to believe what they do) that such “beliefs”—or rather one’s strong Inner Knowing from their I Am Presence/Higher Self—or their own authentic Space Contacts within the Real Federation of Light, that we are very soon due for mass planetary Divine Intervention—is just all just a fantasy, etc.
But, of course, these ones involved in their attempts to convince us of their “psych-ops” are hoping that someone like myself—who has always been a “thorn in their side” after attempting to “off me” a number of times, and were not able to, would not have a chance to share my own very powerful & empowering experiences and communications from our Friends Upstairs.
And now, much more recently—as I have shared in that recent e-mail partially quoted from Lance Campbell, describing his awesome UFO sighting, titled, “Recent UFO Sighting Confirms the Authenticity of my Book, “Prepare For The Landings!”, when as described in Lance’s own first hand “up close and personal” sighting, as the gigantic Merkabah Light Ships physically came down to hover there in the sky right before him, while he was driving his truck along the highway. And how he had specifically asked these particular Light Beings, who had many times before given him very strong “YES” or “NO” answers (which was definitely confirmed later every single time) by causing their ship to either move from side to side, as a “NO” answer to his telepathic question, or would go up and down as a strong “YES” answer to his question, And as I have shared in that e-mail, how he had asked his own space contacts to verify so many of the guests on George Noory’s “Coast to Coast AM” show, who were claiming to be “professional civilian UFO investigators’ (but so often are really originally right out of the black op, covert agencies giving out disinformation to confuse everyone).
Usually, Lance would get a strong “NO” when he would telepathically ask his space contacts if he should even listen to these different guests, if they were even telling the truth for the most part and should he consider what they were stating as being Trueful.
Usually, as stated, he would get a strong “NO” about even bothering to listen to most of these guests. As I stated in the e-mail, there is nothing like “getting it straight from the ‘Cosmic Horse’s Mouth” about whether people were telling the Truth or were in someway “full of it”. But on a few instances, with me and James Gilliland and a few others, the gigantic Light Ships went up and down vigorously in CONFIRMATION about what I have shared in my book, “Prepare For The Landings!”, And, of course, when Lance attempted to order a copy of it, he had to initially wait about a month and a half, because of us being so extremely back ordered from so many others who had also received their own Inner Confirmation/and from their own ET space contacts as well.
This very thing, right here, of such powerful “physical confirmations” of the fact that not only mass planetary Divine Intervention IS INDEED going to occur, which is, of course, well detailed in my book, of not only of having been physically taken aboard Federation of Light Ships twice, and each time it was CONFIRMED to me while on board each time,
of this ultimate plan to do so, And also, especially, that experience back in 1981, at Squaw Peak Park, Phoenix, AZ, when that ET walked up to me and verified to me here in the 3D level, which I had remembered prior to taking Earth embodiment that this very thing was to occur to help VERIFY and CONFIRM that this was definitely going to occur at some point in the future.
Once, again, as also physically occurred while I was physically aboard the Light Ships, on both occasions,
this was RECONFIRMED of the ultimate plan. That even though there was a slight change in the exact circumstances of what would necessitate the Federation of Light making a mass, open appearance over the planet, because now in more recent years, in this new Time Line that is replacing the old Time Line and ‘martial law” will not occur on a mass level as was originally forseen at that time in ’81, this did not, in any way change the plan of eventual open, mass planetary Divine Intervention, and of there being, as was well described in Tuella’s book, more than one wave of Evacuation. And now with Lance Campbell’s powerful sighting of the gigantic Light Ship also vigorously going up and down in their “YES” confirmation “Cosmic Kosher Stamp of Approval” about my book, this is the very nightmare that the black op, covert agencies were hoping would not occur, which shows how “full of it” this forwarded article “Project Awaken Earth” really is.
Also, I actually consider this posting of this forwarded article as a HUGE CONFIRMTION and VERIFICATION of the fact that Divine Intervention must, indeed, be getting much closer to actually occurring. For so many times, in years past, so often when I was about to have or had just experienced some type of wonderful and positive “Epiphany” about my or other’s sincere Mission for being here in Earth embodiment, and of certain Truths and Revelations being discovered, or about to be revealed, I had experienced different types of negative interference or ATTEMPTS to block what I was doing, or attempts to CONVINCE ME OR FOOL ME IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION OR CONCLUSION ABOUT WHAT WAS REALLY GOING ON. But each time that I listened to my own Inner Guidance (and specific communications with my “Friends Upstairs” confirming my awareness)—every single time, these attempts failed and it only made me more determined and dedicated at exposing those forces whether “physical” or “metaphysical” in nature, that these earlier ATTEMPTS ONLY VERIFIED THAT I WAS OBVIOUSLY “HITTING A SENSITIVE NERVE’ AS FAR AS THE IMBALANCED FORCES WERE CONCERNED, AND I KNEW I WAS INDEED DOING THE RIGHT THING. Of course, for others less discerning, with less real “cognitive deductive” abilities, they may have “succumbed’ to the impression that this ‘interference” was instead somekind of “sign’ that they should not be doing what they were, and would have allowed the imbalanced forces to have manipulated and outsmarted them. These types of ‘sophesticated’ manipulations occurred quite often, which helped me to develop a very focused and discerning awareness, and even though it was initially “irritating” that such “subtle” tactics were being used against me, I grew to recognize the ‘signature’ of such forces. Because I knew I was totally protected from any harm, but that these type of “interference’ actually, as stated, always gave me strong confirmation of my success at exposing these forces and their more sophisticated tactics. So whether this posting is from someone “well meaning” and sincere, who received a message from ‘lower astral forces masquerating as the Federation of light, or this was posted directly by the black ops, themselves, or they used one of their “programmed” sleeper disinformation agents-but also consciously “well meaning & sincere, it does not matter to me, after all of the experiences and CONFIRMATIONS of upcoming Divine Intervention, it is, once again, another one of many, but more recent “Confirmations’ that I Am, again, indeed, doing the right thing and are, once again, “hitting the sensitive nerve” of those forces who are determined to stay in positions of power as they fulfill their plans of not only world control, but also to convince anyone and everyone who will listen, that we are to stay stuck here on earth while they continue to “run rhipshod” over us. But Thank God God and our Friends Upstairs have a plan that is, indeed both a “SACRED PROMISE” and a “COSMIC DONE DEAL”!!!!
But, please, go ahead and read the forwarded article—and yes, decide for yourself, just how sincere this person is, whether they are actually believing their statements on a conscious level but have been programmed before to “sincerely believe” their position, or this whole thing was more “impersonally” posted directly from the black ops, themselves, on this web site as a place to put out more disinformation.