Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self -
29 November 2019
By now you should be becoming aware of the changing pattern of the New Age energies, they are pushing ahead more quickly than any previous time. No matter how much people hang on to their old ways the onward movement for change is becoming well established. People are aware that their freedom has been controlled and curtailed to such a degree that they are unable to fullly follow their own desires. Perhaps the most important aspect will be considered as freedom of speech that is essential for a growing movement that desires to freely express its opinions. Rest assured that we on our side of the veil are giving you every encouragement to press for the changes that will help propel you along your chosen path. The time for real change has arrived and they cannot be turned back and that particularly applies to Mother Earth whose actions are already felt.
Your future is one that has always been envisaged and is why you are preparing for Ascension. There is an opportunity for every soul to progress, and none shall be able to say that they missed out as you all have freewill. On our side we ensure that everyone is given every opportunity to evolve, but by the same token we do not pressurise people to do so. Every conceivable bit of information that you may seek will be found somewhere on your computer, even if it takes a number of links to find it. Progress individually obviously depends on how much you take on with each incarnation and know that it is never allowed to be more than you are capable of handling. There is no reason to take on more than you can manage as no one is set target dates to evolve by.
We know it is difficult to follow events when there is so much going on around you, but focus on what is important to you as your future is at stake. By now you should have some idea of what you need to do to make progress and stick to it without being put off your selected path. Think big because in reality you are as you are quite capable of reaching whatever goal you set yourselves, but obviously be realistic and your chances of success will then be greatly improved. At the other end of your journey many reunions await you from those souls who know you and have had incarnations with you. Strong friendships remain in spite of the passing of time and many are family ties with whom you may have spent many lives together.
The important thing to remember is that as soon as you return to the higher realms most of your own memories will be restored. At present many have little or no memory of their earlier incarnations, yet they still have a bearing on your present life. You may carry forward traits of character and skills from one life to another where it serves your need for certain experiences, and helps you fulfil your life plan. Understand that no experiences are forced upon you, even including those that are for karmic reasons. There are times when you accept that certain experiences are necessary for your evolution, you may not otherwise wish to experience. Understanding yourself helps you accept that other souls are also like you and also have a life plan that was accepted before incarnation. Such experiences are to lift you up and often to atone for previous mistakes. We must however emphasise that they are in no way a form of punishment.
There is no shame in making mistakes that are simply best called errors of judgement. After all life on Earth is somewhat like being at school again where once you have learnt your lessons you should never need to have the same experiences again. There is a lot more to you than you imagine but with your memory deliberately dimmed you are largely unaware of it, but when appropriate you may have a recall. You come into life with a genetic plan that is passed on from your parents who in the first instance are normally chosen by you. You have almost certainly at one time or another come across whole families that follow similar life patterns. It means that their children will be inclined to follow in their footsteps. From this you should realise that great care is taken to select your potential parents, so treat them with love and caring as they in turn have accepted you.
Your Earth is moving in a spiral motion through Space and as it does is moving through an area where the vibrations are increasingly higher. It means that it no longer supports the lower vibrations and is causing much consternation amongst the beings at that level. Slowly but surely the dark Ones are increasingly losing their power and ability to greatly affect your future. The Light is growing increasingly more powerful and is bringing forwards a peaceful period upon Earth. It will take some years before you fully experience them or are aware of such changes, but its influence is already being felt. Your real home is not on Earth and the Human Race represents many different types of beings who upon Ascension will return to their own home.
You have a saying that “crime does not pay” and when you understand that each soul’s life is reviewed as soon as they return to the higher dimensions. The truth cannot be covered up and it may be difficult to accept, but you cannot lie when you are asked questions about your motives for actions taken. In other words there is no getting away with any that are negative in nature, or harm another soul in whatever way. So you can see that a true assessment of your life takes place and some harmful actions will have to be accounted for and seen for what they were really intended. It is the intent behind any actions that is determined so that karma if necessary can be appropriate to those taken. The system is absolutely fair and helps you evolve by identifying what further experiences you need. Realise also that incidents are fully accounted for and if need be there is what you may call “an action replay”.
Enjoy life and do not let matters around you bring you down as the most important thing is to keep your vibrations as high as possible. Negative feelings can bring them down and rage and bad tempers are an absolute disaster and soul destroying if allowed to go unchecked. We realise that on Earth it is normal for souls to show and express their feelings, but a more controlled response is necessary, but it will take you time to avoid the usual outcome. The bonus of being in full control of your feelings is that you will always be at peace with yourself instead of becoming involved in arguments. Also, if people around you are creating a problem, bear in mind that you can surround them with the peaceful Violet Flame of St. Germain. Your presence will normally have a calming affect anyway, but sometimes more is needed. There is also the Green Ray that is recognised as having a calming effect and in your “mind’s eye” you should visualise each soul with an aura of that colour.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same internal connection with God.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light
This was and is the message that we all need to hear, it made my day. Spiritual info is like food, water and air, it gives us energy so that we can carry on in our spiritual evolution. And spiritual blogs like this one is like eating super-foods, drinking mineral water or breathing pure oxygen. Thanks Mike for your work and inspiration ! Adonai
Fully understood & appreciated, will come as a reminder that all good will be cast forever. Thank you, namaste.