9th June 2017. Mike Quinsey.
Time marches on and waits for no one as it heads for Ascension. Meanwhile the day approaches when it will be safe to release a mine of information that has been held back from you for a very long time. A great number of changes are waiting to be released that will transform you and your society in a very short time. The transition period that you are in will not last much longer, and will end soon with you having being prepared for your ascension.
Matters have reached a level where there is no going back to the old ways put upon you by the old regime of the dark Ones. Their control over you is weakening and they do not have anything like the power that they used to have. Groups that run the black operations continue to command Space around the Earth, but are totally restricted from taking their weaponry outside of your Solar System. Steps are being taken so that they are unable to continue with their plan to dominate Outer Space, and the Blue Avians are also overseeing your progress to ensure success . They cannot otherwise interfere but are allowed certain exceptions due their historical association to you, and reasons that go back further than your known history.