I read a good post by Flashstorm on mind control implants but it was a couple years ago.
I'm a milab (military abductee) and have been experimented on and tortured horrifically by the military. They are very interested in starseeds, adepts and people with paranormal abilities. It's utterly sick what they are doing. They are electromagnetically mapping people's souls and frequencies and harnessing this as a kind of weapon. They are using these ripped-off frequencies/energies to pump into deep space to try to communicate with ET lifeforms. They do near death experience experiments on you also. Another thing they are doing is trying to deter souls from ascending to their source/heaven and luring them instead to their synthetic dimensions. They want to be able to control who reincarnates etc, control all life on this planet.
How do they do this? It's all done remotely, electronically via synthetic telepathy. They can instantly implant anyone on the planet via chemtrails or HAARP and nano-fibers. Believe it or not they can teleport subjects as well. They'll do this is they induct you, then they'll clone you and keep you synched with the clone.
By the way, they destroyed Ascension. It wasn't a 12-21-12 thing, it was going on for several years and only a handful of people on this planet were getting powerful energies. They ripped this off as I said and have greatly stopped any chance of the sheeple expanding their awareness and dimensional features. www.starseedresistance.com for more.
Would like to hear from any others who might have experienced this. Usually it starts with 'alien abductions' usually with 'greys' then you start seeing military personnel.
www.electronictorture.com - for more info on electronic remote mind control.
Of course Helien...But we may sometimes place our thoughts or focus upon negaitive thing,s in view to transforming them, or to solve problems they may present us...
BUT, doing this FEARLESSLY will always provide the best armour possible...and of course, the dark know this..
It is far easier to control the minds of the general population, than starseeds...and although the dark cabal have tried various projects, such as MK Ultra, these are effectively resisted by the GFL, as they are directly at odds with the Divine Plan...
This is fear porn and mostly fantasy, written by CIA psyops for internet distribution, inthe vain hope they can cause fear and worry among starseeds and initiates...
Of course, it does not phase the TRULY connected and aligned....as once aligned to your original star family nation and White Lodge ashram, NOBODY can take over your life plan, unless given permission by your Soul, in contract...
The dark cabal would love to be able to completely control us, but in truth they cannot....Only the fear may control you, IF YOU LET IT....
Hellen, yep, thats when it started for me as well. When I started going up on the ships. But each time they zapped me, that is the good guys did so I would not remember anything, so when they, the men in black did capture me, there was no info for them to steal from my brain. There are 3 or 4. kinds of men in black, Humans and robots or AI's who work for different org.s such as the DC or the govt.They usually threaten you or your family. The other ones work for the military, they are the ones who got me and was in the back ground when they experimented on me. And then there's the ones who are in Black military uniforms and they use black military helicopters to follow people & events. Black is the color of intimidation, the are all evil, I think. Adonai
So Helen, we can't get rid of them till we get rid of the DC.So tell us what is your story with meeting the men black? I and others would like to hear it, maybe some one can learn something positive from it or learn some precaution from it.I know I sure did, some times life is a hard teacher but we can learn from others mistakes too. Adonai
Thanks Gailene, Those things that happened, took a great toll on me. But thanks to my relationship to JC and my father Christ Michael, I made it through and I am here today to be able to work and teach, these are the greatest friends one can have. I usually don't speak about this much as it brings back bad memories but if it will help, like the person above, Astra, who asked if others have had this experience then it is my duty to respond and your respond to us helps in the healing as well, many thanks.Adonai
Hi Astra,
Thanks for sharing this. It is important information.
Something did shift on 21/12/12 - we all felt it here. It was subtle but the next morning, a great deal of fear had left the planet. We all felt lighter and calmer, more positive, energetic, forgiving, creative, and optimistic. It has been mostly good ever since. We are all on a diet and fitness plan, for the first time in decades, and it's effortless. We have all lost weight and are enjoying life for the first time in ages. So they might have hijacked it, but they didn't completely stop it.
Trust in the power of God too... All Mighty.
Nothing happens without our permission. We have chosen to be challenged on all levels, and once we learn our lessons we are left alone. I know this because I have lived it.
Love Moanna xxx