Channeled by Valerie Donner
March 30, 2012
Greetings, I am Mira.
I am still from the Pleiadian High Council. However due to the urgency of the times on Earth I am now fully focused with you. I have an alternate who will fill my position until it is time for me to return to the Pleiadian High Council.
This change is not about fear. It is about the needs of your planet and life on the Earth. As I have previously shared with you, we are experts in the ascension process. It is what we do. We go to various planets and assist them with this process.
The Earth is well on her way to higher consciousness. We are not the only other planetary system that is a part of the Earth Council. We join with others to bring forth a new way of living; a dimensional jump.
As progress continues there will not be a need for many of the current third dimensional ways of living on the Earth. Scarcity will become passé. Greed, deceit, hatred, fear, competition, service to self, war, control, and many other negative ways of being will shift. This will allow the energies of love, service to others, co-operation, unity, abundance, peace and great blessings to prevail in your lives.
To some of you the fifth dimensional ways of being might sound like your fairy tales. I assure you this is not the case. However, when a planet moves from the lower third dimensional frequencies there are some, especially those who have been in control, who go to extraordinary means to maintain control. This is what is happening now.
These beings thrive on your fear. It becomes their ultimate goal to have a [stranglehold] on you. They do not want to see the Earth or you ascend.
It is because of these schemes that I am fully attentive to the process at hand on Earth. We have experts of all kinds to assist you in rising above the current challenges. We understand that these dark strategies can seem overwhelming but we want to assure you that this is not the case.
We are here to provide love and support. We will help usher you and the Earth into the higher energies. This is a flowing and complicated process that is fully in place.
We are also monitoring the Earth’s progress. She is doing well yet she still has a lot of purging and cleansing to do. Imagine how the ruthless lack of reverence for the Earth has created imbalances. She deserves all of the love and attention that we can give her.
I am also here due to potential emergent as well as non-emergent situations. These potentials require quick action at times. As part of the ground crew, you may be required to step into action. Most of humanity is still distracted and asleep. Our fleets surround you. Our Creator has accounted for all possibilities. You will know what to do when the time arrives.
Towards this end many events will occur for the rest of the year 2012 and for several years after this year. You will be busy. This can be a time of sorrow and loss because many are choosing to make their ascension on this side. Some simply do no have healthy bodies, are in fear of the higher energies, or feel complete in other ways, so they will be transitioning.
Whatever choices are made we assure you that you will be seeing your loved ones again. They will be with you. They will be well cared for and loved whether they are in physical form or not.
Our Creator is a loving and compassionate being. Although a lot will be asked of you, even more will be given. There are many great beings with you and the Earth right now. We are simply a breath away. Watch what happens in the sky. Pay attention to the needs of others. Focus on love not fear. Know that I am here to serve you and the Earth in love and peace.
Hi Valarie / Mira
Can you please let us know what is going to happen to the people that will be caught out because they couldn't believe at the start, but finally come around at the last minute ?
My wife for argument sake does not believe me at all that this ascension will be taking place toward the end of this year, she can't grasp the anormaty of it all, it's just too big for her and a lot of other innocent people as well to grasp at the moment.
Havanah Brown We run the Night la de da aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Thank you for a lovely comforting message. Much love to you.
I have been trying to convince people that what is about to take place is actually going to happen as we get closer to the end of the year - But it is so hard to talk to the closed minds of the 3D world, it is not there fault with all the rubbish happening to them from there governments they just wont believe anything without proof, I have shown people the videos of the GFOL ships seen so far, but it is such a massive step for these people without seeing proof of motherships and such like for themselves. I can only keep on going with what I am doing to awaken as many as I can. Keep up the great work your way and some day soon may we all meet - untill that time - Peace and Love
This is a lovely message!
Thank you KH :)
Very reassuring to us! Thanks for posting! With so much love! xoxox
Awesome message! Marianinia, good question! Most people are still sleeping, and to recieve higher energies one must be accepting of them, if we are stuck and afraid, we are going to hold on to what we have and not invite higher energies in.
We do not necessarily ascend becasue we leave this body, we continue on the cycle of rebirth, and wheel of karma, what we are trying to do now is ascend in the body, letting go of karma, releasing all of our fear, the fear of believing that any of this is real. As long as we believe that we are these bodies and not bright light Spirits, we can not ascend. Thats why it is so important for those growing and ascending to keep it up, there by changing the energy around them which will also change the energy of those around them, helping them to accept the new energies. We wonder at time why am I here, right here and not further along. My belief is that we chose to stay in certian places along our own ascention so that those around us we chose to help can come along it they so choose!! Love & Blessings!! Valerie
thank you so much for a great messages to us..
Thank you! love and light to all, you need to know that we are infinite and we will not fall on another religion control system, we don't need a savior, everybody going to remember everything...namaste