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1:  an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs
2:  an extremely outstanding or unusual event, thing, or accomplishment
Christian Science :  a divinely natural phenomenon experienced humanly as the fulfillment of spiritual law
I'm sure by a certain age most people believe in miracles. However, I know of others who flatly refuse to believe in miracles because to them it goes against the laws of nature.
Those of us who believe in them have asked for a miracle at one time or another but then sometimes they happen to us without us having to ask...they seem to just spontaneously happen. This has happened to me several times but the one that really impressed me happened about a year ago.
I decided to go to a small town 30 miles away to buy some groceries because my son said I could borrow his old 4 cylinder car which was really only running on 3 but had faith I could make it. It was a beautiful day and as I drove I was praying about all I was grateful for in this life. I got to town and bought my groceries and came to a highway that I needed to cross...I looked both ways and did not see anything coming so proceeded out into the road...just as I started out into the highway I glanced to my left and noticed two eighteen wheelers driving about 80 miles an hour...one behind the other. I was already headed into the road so all I could do was punch the gas pedal and hope for the best. As I drove in front of them I had an other worldly feeling like being in the twilight zone or going into another dimension. I could hear the trucks slamming on their brakes and could smell their tires burning. The next thing I knew I was on the other side of the highway without a scratch. The eighteen wheelers pulled to the side of the road and the drivers were just staring at me like I was a ghost. We knew by all rights I should have been dead. Needless to say I prayed all the way home, giving thanks for being alive. I realized I still have things to do in this life and is why I was protected.
I wish all of you would share your miracles with us....we'd love to hear about them.
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  • I guess you have seen this vid....your story reminded me of it..

  • Fourier has a good point there.  Seeing the world and others as ´´ordinary´´ is considered by the Buddhists to be one of the biggest veils that distorts perception...

    I´ve had some traffic miracles as well.    One night  I had a dog appear from nowhere and block my path so I would not fall in a deep hole...it was dark and I could not see the hole...I was miles away from people out in the woods.  Never saw that dog again.

  • I friend of mine was on vacations with his girlfriend's family

    He was swimming on a deep river, when it was swallowed up by a whirlwind into the depths. People couldn't do anything to take him out of the water. He was dragged into the shore, but something like 15 minutes later. Time kept going on, but nobody knew how to apply first aids.

    Pretty far away from any city, on quite an isolated location. From out nowhere a person came out, it wasn't originally in the little group. A young man, with a distinctive white, long sleeved t-shirt. Skinny, pale complexion, tall, long dark hair. It looked like an elf, from their descriptions.

    This mysterious person,  made his way away through them without a single word. Got closer to my friend, touching in a gentle manner into his chest, he put his other hand over my friend's heart. Instantly he came back to life, throwing up water. Very sick, with barely any consciousness. Everyone got closer, as his girlfriend was crying like crazy, the unknown man took a step aside, when the whole family turned around, he wasn't there anymore.

    Later that afternoon, after searching on the hotel registry, they found out there was no one that matched said descriptions. No any new guests either.

    That night on the hospital, they were sharing photos, because why not, even though that very afternoon the whole family was against my dear friend, which let me tell you. it's probably the most angelic human being I've ever known here on earth. But you sure know some human beings by know. Primitive nature at best. Sourceless beings.

    I was told this by himself in person. Knowing nothing about all this until a few months later, since our relationship is kind of chaotic, because of me. As the story goes, that night his girlfriend showed up a picture to the family, who were able to see the mysterious person. The picture it was me and him.

    Her family started to freak out like crazy, because the misterious guy looked exacly like me. Dressed in the same way.

    When he told me about what happened, particularly the day this all took place in. I was able catch up on what happened that day, from my side of view. I just knew it was time for me to take some rest, even though it was close to afternoon, and I barely sleep in comparison with most people. I just did it. Once I woke up, I knew I did something of great value, but I didn't know what exactly. I assumed it was an astral journey which for some reason I wasn't able to remember. Which never happens. I spent most of the time, which you call "sleeping" on the astral. Inside other creations, realms and worlds.

    But back on track, my guide was giving me away some hints too, about my doing, a great deed. But my oracle sort of likes riddles. So she won't give away an answer that easily. As she often says to me, each time I'm looking for a direct answer "The knowledgeable man greatly differs from the wise man. The first one is a man who was given the keys to unlock a limited number of doors, on the other hands, the wise man has the capability to unlock any door, by himself"

    I guess I can't quite have the whole answer about what happened, but my friend started to look at me on a different way, from that very day. He keeps on telling me, from that day, he literally feels like I'm inside of him now. Something happened he can't quite explain, he was unconscious, without knowing the one who saved his life.

    I probably shared my Source signature wtih him, since he lost his portion, back into his higher being, known as Uriel. He shared Uriel's Soul signature, combative, fiery personality, really kind hearted. Now there is a little bit of IIL inside of him too. I kind of know what he's thinking and experiencing right now.

    On the other hand, I share Lucifer's signature, sensitive, fragile, wild and chaotic. Inside our little avatars' group, there's a good friend who share's M'ka's signature. Carefree, really bright personality, incredibly strong, unstoppable will.

    Even our roots end up finding each other, here on earth.

  • In my travels I came so close to being hurt or killed many times in Alaska that I think that there was a power keeping me alive for some reason.

    While riding a motorcycle up the Alcan highway one evening just after sundown, a bear ran across the little two-lane highway right in front of me while i was going about 60 mph. I missed him by inches. Would have been killed one way or another. The road was deserted except for me and even if I had lived the crash, there would have been no help around. Hitting that bear would have been like hitting a tree only trees don't fight back.

    While fishing on a 108 foot boat in the Bering sea, a storm blew up a day ahead of the forcast and caught us out in it. We rode the waves that were 40 to 60 feet for three days. It was like that movie: "The perfect Storm". Even the experienced skipper was thinking we should have gone down.

    One time, I was hoping to get a job on a crabber out of Dutch Harbor. There was a boat looking for crew that was going to be fishing for king crab. This was a job that had the potential for a deckhand to make 30 to 50 $K and was real tempting. I talked with the skipper, looked the boat over and it just didn't look or "feel" right. I passed on it, listening to my intuition. I didn't stay at Dutch Harbor for long, but flew back to the mainland, went to Homer, and took a ferry out to Kodiak. On the ferry run, the marine radio station reported that the same boat that I had passed on back at Dutch had gone down. They got out one "mayday" and then gone with no survivors, no recovered bodies and on calm seas. The sea takes what it will. The crew didn't even have the few minutes it would have taken to put on their survival suits.

    Driving my little honda car coming into Anchorage in the dark once, I whizzed by a moose, missing it by inches going about 55. Big as a horse.

    The most miraculous thing was when I broke my own rule about going to sea. I had been working on a small dungeness crabber and we also did the halibut openers. This was the last chance in the season for a good payday from the last halibut opener in the early fall. By then me and the other deckhand had learned that our skipper was cheating us and cutting corners in an unsafe way. he didn't even keep essential spare parts on board---real dumb. We had taken to calling him the "cheap dude", but this was the last chance to get paid of the year, so I broke my own rule and went out with a skipper that I didn't trust. Well, we were 'on the fish', and had a good set and it looked like we would be bringing in 20 to 30 thousand lbs.--which would be a nice little bit of bank for us. But nooo. The cheap dude had found a ground line in a dumpster that was half rotten and even though I tried to tell him that it was going to break, he refused to buy a new one for a measly $800. By the time we started to pick our set, 25 ft waves had blown up and even though there was fish on the first hook, we only got about a dozen on deck before it broke. We ran to the other end and picked it up and same thing, a big halibut on the first hook, then after about a dozen were on deck, it broke again. Two weeks of work baiting 10,000 hooks for zip because the cheap dude wouldn't buy a ground line. He lost 20k and us deckhands lost about 3k which would of been really handy at the time. One the same day, two other boats sank, but fortunately, the coast guard managed to rescue all the crews and we were very lucky to get back. I should have kept my own counsel and stayed off the boat of a skipper I didn't trust and I believe it was a miracle that I took that chance for a little money and didn't lose my life. I guess the worst thing is that there were about 10,000 hooks it the water and all the fish on them died and it was a total waste...Nobody got fed.

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