From  Wednesday, March 12, 2014 ChannelPanel blogtalk radio show, channeling with Ashtar and Saint Germain: through Dr. K. E. May, and Father-God through Col. B. Woodard (Zaraya).


Before Ashtar speaks:

Kathryn: (Referring to Ashtar’s earlier letter BREAKING NEWS!  SIRIUS "UFO" BRINGS WORLD PEACE!).  The message is posted on  Someone got hold of the actual radar pictures and you see flight 370 flying north across Malaysia.  You see the airliner waver to one side and the other and back again - and meanwhile there are two shapes of “planes” on the radar, they come across the screen.  One suddenly speeds up four or five times the speed of any other airplane and then suddenly stops.  Of course it’s not an airplane - no one talks about this in the media.  The “plane” vanishes off the radar then the airliner vanishes seconds later. We posted that on the Facebook page, Healing for Ascension Tour.

Kathryn takes a moment to bring Ashtar...  ‘Let’s let him have his say… he ‘s eager to come through’…

Anne DeHart ( introduces him:

Ashtar is the Supreme Commander of the Galactic Federation of Light.  The fleet of ships number in the millions.  They are above us, helping to protect our planet and to aid in bringing world peace.  Greetings, Ashtar.

Ashtar: Greetings ... This was quite a coup we managed, and first I want to let everyone know that the passengers on Flight 370 are absolutely delighted and happy, spending time - yes I’m going to tell you where they are. I bet some of you have guessed. They are indeed in Hollow Earth.

And when they come back they will have quite a story to tell - they will be interviewed by TV interviewers, and stations all over the world are going to want to find out where they were, how it happened. In case the cigar-shaped ‘ufo’ which is now assigned to hovering over every conflict on the planet has not been enough, it will all come out when the people come back from Hollow Earth. They know all about our galactic plan, and they were most ecstatic - have asked us to please use them as so-called hostages to create leverage to insist that all government bring peace on Earth, to insist the governments must turn over all weapons and agree to enacting NESARA laws around the world, in every country. This may take negotiations, and of course we have to wait for a few days while the thousands of people, airplanes, ships, helicopters, from 12 or 14 different countries are scouring the oceans searching to find some evidence, some trace of the crash, but of course they are not going to find anything. There is no evidence because there was no plane crash.

There was no plane crash. We scooped up the airplane as we have done before, took it to Hollow Earth and all are safe and sound.  Now, it is a shame that the families are suffering and we wish we could put an end to  that very quickly.  If any of you who know anyone in Asia or China.. any of the families - there were a large number of Chinese passengers - please get the information to them. 

The passengers are safe and sound in the loving hands of the Galactic Federation of light.  They are being wined and dined.  Of course we don’t drink wine, but we have a better replacement.  They are being well cared for and are having the time of their life. There is more than enough excitement, and I will give you another bit of information. 

Many of them had their cell phones with them.  We are able to tap into the networks, so that eventually they will be able to send messages to their loved ones. First we have to wait until these crews of people who are sure they are going to find some evidence finish scouring the entire Asian continent.  There are stories ‘maybe the airplane turned around and went back.’  Of course it didn’t.

Our ships were just off the coast anticipating. We have millions of ships in the skies, you know.  We saw that the plane was in trouble - serious hydraulic failure which would have led to a catastrophic crash - and when we did what you might call ‘capture the airliner,’ we were very careful.  There was no harm either to the airplane or any one of the passengers or crew - they hardly felt a bump because we can catch and carry a large airliner with no problem at all; our ships are enormous. 

We were disguised on the radar as airplane-shaped in order to fly across Malaysia and to position ourselves so that we were close enough to catch the plane and of course it vanishes from the radar suddenly. You can all see this. They have seen it – those radar pictures have been suppressed but thanks to the internet you all have it now. Kathryn has posted it, many others have posted it. So many have it - there is no way they are going to suppress it. And there, right before your eyes is the proof.  And yes we do need another name for our ships beside ‘ufos’, we are not unidentified, we absolutely are not, but we are flying objects, I suppose you could say, but we do need another term. How about Federation ship?  We are no longer from outer space, we are right here in your atmosphere. Of course we originated from places all over the Universe.

We are going to …well, let me tell you our plan. We are going to use the cigar-shaped ships - of course there’s more than one. The one that was over the Ukraine that was filmed, now that film has been posted everywhere too. There will be better films to come, but unfortunately many of the trouble spots in the world are not easy to reach for Lightworkers on the ground or for those people who might be filming, for instance in Syria, in Somalia… there are no more American reporters in places like Somalia, but you will notice that whenever a conflict kicks up anywhere on the planet you will be seeing this ship and it won’t be long before people will start to associate any kind of warmongering with the appearance of our ship.

We will be having several opportunities in the coming week to show ourselves and very soon people will start associating any conflict and any withdrawal of troop with our ship… you know, already Putin has responded by taking his troops back to the barracks –that was a very wise decision on his part. Now, if necessary we will begin lasering a few tanks or weaponry, never when there’s anyone around, of course.. but there are many places where many of them are out in the open. 

We can just melt a few tanks and see if that hits the news. As some of you know (there were a few pictures on the internet), we have already destroyed underground storage facilities, the ones that were holding weapons of the sort that you may not even be aware of.  We have destroyed a number of those facilities; they are completely defunct now. You don’t see that on the News do you? Isn’t it interesting how they have been able to suppress this?

You would think it would be big news, if an enormous six hundred thousand square foot storage place holding all kind of missiles and weaponry has been eliminated - several of them – you would think this would be something that would get the attention of local news, wouldn’t you? It did create quite a flash! Well, they have managed to suppress that too. It does tell you a lot about who’s editing the things that appear on the media, well we intend to put a stop to that. Of course we had to work around it for now, didn’t we?

You liked our clever use of the Turner Radio Network.  We were aware of this old name that was defunct, and it seemed a very nice way to begin, and of course, in my message the other night, well, it was sort of an elbow in the ribs, hoping he (Ted) would sign up with us, help us to get the word out. We haven’t heard anything from him, but you can bet there is information on his desk about all this (from the desks of the people doing the work on the ground).

I’m trying to fill you in a bit as we go…

There is of course a large connection between the cigar-shaped ship and flight 370, and the introduction of the NESARA Law, which will shift the entire planet – the entire planet - to a new way of governance. We are so excited. We are just beside ourselves at this opportunity! Now we did have to take it into our own hands because of the complete lack out of any ability to get any news across. .. and we aren’t yet ready to take over all the stations for announcements as we have promised. That is coming though!

We wanted to do this a little bit more gradually. And this was the reason for the capture of the flight and the announcement about the famous cigar-shaped UFO and its capabilities. (See,  Ashtar’s message, “Sirius UFO Brings World Peace”)  Now, you know that this story has been handed up the line and there are any number of military leaders having what you might call an apoplectic attack, thinking about how they have just been boxed into a corner - what can they do now, do they dare ignore it?  Well, they will try to do that for a little while. Do they also dare ignore an airliner that has just disappeared?

And these events happening so close together? Is there a connection they are asking?  Well, of course there is!  Now some of them are getting the infamous description from the Turner Radio Network of the ‘totally awesomely awesome’ (as Kathryn called it), weaponry available on this ship.   Of course, we will never and have never used weaponry to wipe out countries and repopulate! Nonsense, we would not do that, but it sounds frightening, doesn’t it?  Especially to the cabal, as it is exactly what they would like to do.  They appreciate the power and the absolute control that is possible when you have such technology – that is the way their minds work…paranoia...and  constant thinking about control, and who is going to control what, what they are going to do with their control.  Well, we do not wish to control anyone.

We offer our strength, we offer the technology that we have developed over millions of years.  We offer it for your protection and your wellbeing, for the good of all, we offer it to help you gain your freedom, and we are delighted to do this finally for the inhabitants of Planet Earth, and we are able to do it by agreement with Prime Creator and the Galactic Councils that have consulted about these things for centuries.

It has finally come to the point where we were given the green light to help out. Now as you can tell, we have used restraint. Our help up until now has been subtle, suggestive, but not in anyone’s face very much. Well it is time to make it more obvious and I can tell you we did have a very good time writing that piece, creating it to show the world what an awesome ship we have, what it’s capable of, and how they’d better listen up because now all those weapons that even the secret government of the US and other places, the European families and so on, are puny by comparison. 

The secret governments have had a stranglehold on the planet for centuries, and you can bet they were feeling shocked and awed, because nothing they have ever produced even comes close to what we take for granted everyday because we have been improving this technology for eons - long enough to know that you cannot keep peace by making war.  We had no intention of ever intervening in a war.  We have never done that - it would be contrary to our galactic mission. On Planet Earth we do not intervene in your wars, we do not bless one side or the other.  W e do show ourselves to remind people that what they are doing is dangerous and unacceptable. And as I began to tell you, we have decided that every time there is any kind of dust-up on the planet people are going to see a cigar-shaped ‘UFO,’ and they will be getting the information out to the world, and eventually everyone will know about it.

Now the next phase: we are looking to contact all the leaders of all the countries on the planet and let them know - there are many nationalities represented on the plane – that we are open to negotiating with them and that the passengers will be freed when they have signed the NESARA LAW into effect in their country. Now, as soon as this gets out to the world – of course that’s going to be the next challenge - as soon as the world understands that the so-called hostages will not be returned until the law has been signed into effect, people are going to begin to hustle, they are going to fall all over themselves to try find ways to negotiate, or to try to torpedo our plan, or to agree but not actually sign it.  We know all their tricks.  And so we will be putting the pressure on.  We need your help with that, to alert all your local and national news outlets with this story.

Of course we are not holding the passengers against their will. We would never do that, and if they should want to go back home we will make the arrangements for that to happen, but there are many who have said they are going to stick it out until all the last papers are signed because they are delighted to be the ones who are bringing about world peace. They are now the diplomats, the representatives of their countries.  If we don’t get some action, you will be hearing from some of them. They are well-spoken, dedicated and they really understand the importance of this project. It is an exciting time. It is a very exciting time! As you can see there are many levers to be pushed... there are negotiations to be arranged…there are delicate ways of approaching this so we don’t expect any of you to go off,  well, and start talking about this in hysterical terms.  We are proceeding carefully with respect to all concerned. There will be no real threats, but as you can tell, the letter we wrote carries with it an implied threat – what we are telling the world is we will no longer permit the kind of destructiveness and bad behavior that has been the norm on planet Earth.

And so…that’s my update for all of you. I hope you understand…

I will repeat this as many times as necessary. We do this for the good of all, we do this for the entire planet, and we do this with love in our hearts….because we are your brothers and sisters….we hold you precious in our hearts.  We know how you have suffered and we wish to help you by putting an end to it. Do not think from reading all of this or hearing my words, that we are going to take over. We are not going to take over anything or anyone; we have offered our help and if at any time the passengers should not want to take part in this they will be taken right back home.

The world doesn’t understand the way we operate. Many of you may not understand that in our negotiations is the depth of love and concern for all involved.  We do not make war, we do not create division; this is why we have taken part in this kind of diplomatic action.  We do not take side, we simply try to help to arrange things so no one is hurt.  Now even the dark ones who have created the problems, even they will be given a chance to change their ways, and we will gladly give it.  We have no intention of creating dissension. 

If you think deeply about the things we have told you,  you will see how carefully thought out this is, how we have presented an opportunity. At each turn we create opportunities for people to come forward, to be courageous, to carry the light, to join with us.  Always we offer our help with an invitation to join us, and of course joining us means the ultimate invitation to all the people on the surface of Planet Earth to join the Galactic Federation of Light. You have not been members up until now - it would have been impossible - Planet Earth was under the control of the cabal.  We do not permit cabal controlled-planets in the Federation, but now blessed Mother Earth will be given the opportunity to join with us at last.

Of course those of Inner Earth and Hollow Earth are already members but the people on the surface will finally be able to join with us, so try to look into your heart, whenever you hear me speak, try and understand what it is we are doing, do not assume ‘this is a lie we are tricking you.’ You have seen a bit of strategy on our part, that’s all. Our intentions are to bring peace and love and brotherhood, the kind we experience in the higher dimensions. We wish you love, we wish you well, we stand by your side to bring you the paradise that has been promised in your ancient writings.

Do not find yourself spreading across the internet ‘oh this is a just another lie.’  Just because you have not seen such dramatic action before doesn’t mean it isn’t real.  Here on the Earth, you are building momentum.  You have crossed the line, there will be no more destruction, no more need to rescue you from nuclear holocaust.  That is not going to happen.  The cosmic plan has changed, beloved ones.

We will not permit nuclear war. You are working with us. Together we are creating this. Watch, listen, be aware and put your shoulder to the wheel. Be part of the solution, as you have been told; be part of the hope.  Let yourself be uplifted, it is all happening now. Unfortunately you don’t have a media that will tell you anything about the news. There are some sources on the internet, there are channelings. This is all about Ascension, dear ones, it is all about raising your vibrations, and if you are trying to tear down someone you are not raising your vibrations. 

Look into your heart and question ‘am I just being negative because I have experienced so much disappointment before?’  I assure you, beloved ones, we are working hard in your behalf, and our beloved Saint Germain is working day and night to help.

We had to have pretty fast foot work to keep ahead of the cabal.  We have been gaining momentum every since December 2012. I hope I have encouraged you.  All is well, progress is being made, surprise is around the corner. You are going to be delighted with the things we have in store… be ready to dance in the streets, open your heart, your minds.  Don’t try figure it out; it will all unfold in the most delightful ways. It’s going to be far more complex than anything you can imagine. I’m going to turn this back to Anne and let Saint Germain speak with you, and Father God, and so,

Salut everyone, it is I, Ashtar.

(The interview continued with information from other Ascended Masters.  Go to for this and other interviews concerning important recent developments.)


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  • This channel does not ring true to me as being in contact with Ashtar. Please feel from your heart centre into the energy behind the words. To me, it has the vibration of lower astral 4D all over it. The channel is being played, or else is deliberate disinfo.


  • tumblr_mpxydcNdgL1r1mr1po1_500.gif

  • You liar AO

    It is I Ashtar...welcome dear ones!

    ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaa

  • "Salut everyone, it is I, Ashtar."

    Show me your ID or GTFO.

This reply was deleted.

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