Dr. Angela Barnett
There is a step in the process of healing and manifestation that many of you are leaving out. If your manifestations are not taking place or if you are not healing your body, it is because you are leaving out a step in the process.
I have created the music that saturates your body and consciousness in the Highest Frequencies. This is always the first step. Manifestation and Healing can not take place unless your Consciousness is in the Highest Frequency.
Eventhough you hold your Consciousness within these Frequencies, you are also holding a lot of LOW FREQUENCIES in your Cellular Memory and in your Thinking Brain. Those Low Frequencies are your Old Beliefs that you are still THINKING.
 The reason that you focus your consciousness into the light of the candle is to make your THINKING BRAIN turn off and allow you to move into your Frequency Brain. When your consciousness moves you will see the blue sphere.

HOWEVER- the step that you must include is this==
When you CLEAR YOUR THINKING BRAIN that means you can no longer have any IMAGES or MEMORIES of a disease in your body.
If you maintain those old memories or images in your THINKING BRAIN, those images will continue to LEAK into the BLUE BRAIN- The Frequency Brain area.

If your FOCUS is on the DISEASE and not the removal of it, the old image will just keep appearing. The healing can not be accomplished until you REALIZE that you can SHIFT out of the body that contains that disease into a BRAND NEW BODY.

However, you can not SHIFT out of the old IMAGE until you no longer hold that image in your Brain.

The Brain is a Movie Projector. What ever you place on the Screen is what it will project. If you place an image of a Perfect Body that Body will project.

HOWEVER- if you place an image of a Perfect Body on the Screen with a lot of old memories about a disease in the Thinking Brain- those old images will continue to blend into the NEW PICTURE. This will create a Body with Some Perfection in it, but it will still contain a lot of the Old Picture on the Screen.
This exact same formula is true in the manifestation of anything. If you plant an image of being wealthy in your Mid Brain while your Thinking Brain is still sending out waves of belief such as worrying about paying bills, what the future stock market will look like, or wondering how this could possibly be true- all of those images will continue to project on top of the image of being wealthy. The image of being wealthy will manifest in your life in some form, but the form will contain the other images woven into the new one. So, things might get a little better, or things might get even worse because you are still allowing more of the old beliefs of poverty intercept the vision of wealth.

This is why the clearing takes some work and time. The work is TURNING OFF the old Beliefs about the condition of the Body.

I recommend that you start using the Sun instead of the Candle. Look at the Sun through some leaves on a tree. This helps to create the photosynthesis process that allows you to move into the Plasma Energy of the Sun-- and it protects the EYES.
Do not look directly at the Sun. Look at the Sun through small areas  between leaves on a tree. Practice this until you see a Blue Sun.

Now, notice how that feels. Seeing the Sun turn Blue is caused by a process taking place in the brain. It is caused by moving into the Frequency specific brain and out of the Thinking Brain. When you see the Blue Sun, that is when you place your Image of your Perfect Body in the Blue Sphere. When you see the Blue Sun and close your eyes, you should continue to see a blue sphere inside of your head. You are seeing the Mid Brain in the Blue Sphere. This is the place where you create the image of the Perfect Body.
I have given you some background knowledge of why the THINKING BRAIN- the Upper Cerebellum- the Neo Cortex and the Hypothalomus does not function as a part of the Original Template of God's Manifestation.
We can not use that part of the brain if we want to manifest the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. We must stay out of that part of the brain, if we want to manifest a new reality, if we want to manifest our true DESIRES.
Now we are learning to move into the Mid Brain- the Frequency Brain in the Six Chakra and in the Pineal Gland. This area of the Brain works on the Principle of Patience. This means there is no time or space here. This means there is no judgement or expectation here. If we bring any of the thoughts, beliefs, judgements or expectations from the Neo Cortex into the Mid Brain, it can not function on the Principle of Patience. And that is why your manifestations can't be created for you.
If you use the new album RE-BIRTH to feel the clearings in your 4,5,6 chakra area and especially in the Pineal Gland, you will have the first experience of the Patience that keeps you Focused within the Mid Brain..
Go to that Feeling or that Frequency within your Mid Brain. Go there without your beliefs and judgments. Go there with your frequencies already melted into the Mind of God. These are the frequencies on the album.
Go into the Mid Brain with your Desire. All you need is to be there with no thoughts from the Thinking Brain and One Desire--Just One.
You give the Desire to the Mid Brain in the Form of Knowing and Gratitude. This means that you say I am Fabulously Wealthy. I have always been fabulously wealthy. I will always be fabulously wealthy. Thank you for my Infinite Supply.
That is the Experience. That is Experience of Knowing that your Desire is Known to your Higher Self and your Higher Self Manifests all of your Desires.

The only ones that are not manifest are the ones that you interupt with your Thinking Brain.
1. Ear Path
2. Neuro Path
3. Seed Atom
4. Hook up point
5. tele path
6. clear flow
7. fifth and sixth chakra connect
8. 4-7 chakras hook up
9. Sixth--Connect to Higher Self Consciousness
10. Blue Brain- Frequency Specific Mid Brain
11. De-polarization
12. Fourth and Fifth Chakra
13. Brain Clear
14. Open Heart
15. Mid Brain Activated


Dr. Angela Barnett
In order to open up to the Mind of God into the neuronets governing the molecular structure of the body begins with realigning the 4th Chakra- the Heart's Magnetic Field into the Golden Spiral of 14th Dimensional Frequencies running through the 5th Chakra in the Throat and connecting the Frequency Specific Mid Brain- Pineal and Pituitary Third Eye- 6th Chakra into the Fifth and Fourth Chakras in order to open up this flow of Consciousness that has been cut off from the 5th Dimensional Frequency in the Throat.
The thymus gland in the throat area connects to the Seed Atom  which connects to the back of the neck into the Medulla Oblangata. That is where the flow of Consciousness connects directly into the Mind of God in the Violet Pink White Light 15th dimensional Cosmic Consciousness.
So, when you listen to these songs, please focus on feeling the frequencies running through these areas in you heart, throat, mid brain, between the ears and out the back of the neck area.
This is clearing the flow into the Mind of God and removing the stream of Consciousness from the Thinking Brain in the Upper Cerebellum that only holds the old Karma- the old Emotions of the Old Life History.
Now we are moving into the New energy of the Light Body within the Physical Body.
The Frequencies of the 15th dimension flowing through the Seed Atom and the Medulla Oblangata connecting directly to the Mind of God is the pathway to becoming Christ Consciousness walking on Earth with complete Sovereignty of Reality.
Listening to this Album will result in  a complete clearing of the Heart Chakra to remove the old Mortality Loop that did not connect to the throat and pineal gland correctly.
The Frequencies come from the Akashic Tear Drops containing the Spiritual Liquid Light of Transformation which contain the Divine Template code within them which restore the codes of the original Angelic Human.
All of these clearings allows  the Crown Chakra to open and connect with the 12 dimensional frequencies of Christ Consciousness. This is the first step in preparation to become Christs walking on Earth.
The diagrams on this page are to help guide you to where the work is being done in the flow of energy between the 4-7 chakras.
The diagram shows the part of the brain that contains each of  the blue energy, pink white light and golden frequencies.
Blue or ultra violet blue energy is the energy of transformation.
This is gained by moving Consciousness completely into and beyond the Gamma Waves of the Sun. Once the Consciousness moves through the gamma into the pre light and sound the eyes see a Blue Sphere connecting into the sixth chakra area- the mid brain.
This transforms the flow of information to begin from the Mid Brain instead of from the Thinking Brain in the upper cerebellum.
This turns off the thinking brain.

After the thinking brain is turned off, a new path needs to be created from the Mid Brain down the Golden spiral into the throat and into the Heart.

After this pathway is cleared, a new pathway into the neuronets is created to stream consciousness from the pink silver white (violet area). This is the Medulla Oblangata connecting to the Seed Atom within the Thymus.

The new information needs to begin to flow into the seed atom and transform the old information into the new Eternal Life Programming.
Each song in this album turns on one of the functions of the new transmissional system.
The information system that used to come from the thinking brain in the upper cerebellum is being turned off and the new frequency specific mid brain is being turned on.
1. Ear Path
2. Neuro Path
3. Seed Atom
4. Hook up point
5. tele path
6. clear flow
7. fifth and sixth chakra connect
8. 4-7 chakras hook up
9. Sixth--Connect to Higher Self Consciousness
10. Blue Brain- Frequency Specific Mid Brain
11. De-polarization
12. Fourth and Fifth Chakra
13. Brain Clear
14. Open Heart
15. Mid Brain Activated

Dr. Angela Barnett
Re-Birth into our New Eternal Life Body requires Re-Cognizing, Re-Aligning, and Remembering the Original Divine Blue Print within our Cells, within our Seed Atom, within our Neuronets.It is now time to unplug the old system that contains a system that wears out and plug into the Mind of God, the Higher Self of the Sixth Dimension. This is an Eternal Life Program that creates Youthing. This means you can stop your aging process and begin to choose the age that you wish to return to.This new structure allows you to TUNE IN to your molecular structure and direct the Akashic Tear Drops of Liquid Light Energy to fill the cells with the Divine Template of the Original Man made in the Image and Likeness of God.

As you listen to each of the songs, you will clearly FEEL the activation taking place within each indicated chakra area. These activations are a process of returning the Divine Codes that were removed from each of chakra areas.

SONG 1--The first step of the process requires the opening of the Path between the left and right ears through the mid brain. Symptoms of not having this pathway cleared will be ringing and buzzing in the ears and painful headaches resulting from surgery in the mid brain performed by your multi dimensional gelaisic selves. If you have already had these symptoms, the pathway between the ears can now be tuned up to connect your hearing into your Frequency Specific Mid Brain.SONG 2- a. Opens the Neuronets into the Consciousness within the  Sixth Chakra. b. Reconnects the flow from the Mid Brain- Sixth Chakra into the Neuronets through the Seed Atom within the Thymus of the Fifth Chakra and then into the Crystal Heart in the Fourth Chakra.c. This pathway opens up the Seventh Seal into the Cognition of the Multi Dimensional Self of all knowing.SONG 3- Activates the Seed Atom within the Thymus in the Fourth Chakra to remember the original Divine Blue Print. These activations take place as the Breaths of the Pre Plasma Light and Sound are being moved through Consciousness to activate this area.SONG 4- After the path is paved within, the Seed Atom connects into the multi dimensional self through the HOOK UP POINT - the Medulla Oblangata at the base of the SKull contains the Frequencies of the 7th Violet and 15th dimensional pink silver violet frequencies of Consciousness flowing through the Seed Atom and the Medulla Oblangata connecting directly to the Mind of God in the 15 dimension.
 These activations take place as the Breaths of the Pre Plasma Light and Sound are being moved through Consciousness to activate this area.SONG 5- Opens telepathic communication with the Higher Self.SONG 6-- Allows a clear flow of frequencies through all of the neuronet passagesSONG 7-- Creates a Strong connection with the Fifth Sixth Chakras to connect the Frequencies of Consciousness of Sixth Dimensional Higher Self into the Golden Consciousness in the Throat which opens the pathway into the Seed Atom and out into the Violet Silver Pink 15th dimensional Transformational Consciousness of the Mind of God.SONG 8- Clears the pathway of the Heart through the Seventh Chakra at the top of the head to clear the path into the 10-12 dimensional consciousness.SONG 9- Focus on the Sixth Chakra and look into the Eyes of your Higher Self through the Blue Sphere. Look out from within your Mid Brain out your Third eye and see the Ultra Violet Blue Sphere of Transformation. This is you -your higher self you.SONG 10-- Continue to focus on the Blue Brain and realize this is the Sixth Dimensional Higher Self Consciousness connecting you through the Veil into your Transformation.SONG 11- De Polarization. This brings in the complete alignment of the Spiritual Divine Blue Print into the Neuronet.SONG 12- Fourth and Fifth Chakra. Connecting to the Magnetic Flow of the Crystal Heart of Divine Love to bring Eternal Energy through the Golden throat out into the Violet Pink White Light of the Cosmic Light.SONG 13- A complete clearing of the Old Brain Reality.SONG 14- Opening the Heart into the Divine Love of Infinite Compassion. Feel the Magnetics in the Heart creating a sweet flow into the Neuronets.SONG 15- Complete Tune in to the Mid Brain to activate communication with the Sixth Dimensional Higher Self.
MAGICAL RE-BIRTH into Mind of God
In order to open up to the Mind of God into the neuronets governing the molecular structure of the body begins with realigning the 4th Chakra- the Heart's Magnetic Field into the Golden Spiral of 14th Dimensional Frequencies running through the 5th Chakra in the Throat and connecting the Frequency Specific Mid Brain- Pineal and Pituitary Third Eye- 6th Chakra into the Fifth and Fourth Chakras in order to open up this flow of Consciousness that has been cut off from the 5th Dimensional Frequency in the Throat.
The thymus gland in the throat area connects to the Seed Atom  which connects to the back of the neck into the Medulla Oblangata. That is where the flow of Consciousness connects directly into the Mind of God in the Violet Pink White Light 15th dimensional Cosmic Consciousness.
So, when you listen to these songs, please focus on feeling the frequencies running through these areas in you heart, throat, mid brain, between the ears and out the back of the neck area.
This is clearing the flow into the Mind of God and removing the stream of Consciousness from the Thinking Brain in the Upper Cerebellum that only holds the old Karma- the old Emotions of the Old Life History.
Now we are moving into the New energy of the Light Body within the Physical Body.
The Frequencies of the 15th dimension flowing through the Seed Atom and the Medulla Oblangata connecting directly to the Mind of God is the pathway to becoming Christ Consciousness walking on Earth with complete Sovereignty of Reality.
Listening to this Album will result in  a complete clearing of the Heart Chakra to remove the old Mortality Loop that did not connect to the throat and pineal gland correctly.
The Frequencies come from the Akashic Tear Drops containing the Spiritual Liquid Light of Transformation which contain the Divine Template code within them which restore the codes of the original Angelic Human.
All of these clearings allows  the Crown Chakra to open and connect with the 12 dimensional frequencies of Christ Consciousness. This is the first step in preparation to become Christs walking on Earth.
The diagrams on this page are to help guide you to where the work is being done in the flow of energy between the 4-7 chakras.
The diagram shows the part of the brain that contains each of  the blue energy, pink white light and golden frequencies.
Blue or ultra violet blue energy is the energy of transformation.
This is gained by moving Consciousness completely into and beyond the Gamma Waves of the Sun. Once the Consciousness moves through the gamma into the pre light and sound the eyes see a Blue Sphere connecting into the sixth chakra area- the mid brain.
This transforms the flow of information to begin from the Mid Brain instead of from the Thinking Brain in the upper cerebellum.
This turns off the thinking brain.

After the thinking brain is turned off, a new path needs to be created from the Mid Brain down the Golden spiral into the throat and into the Heart.

After this pathway is cleared, a new pathway into the neuronets is created to stream consciousness from the pink silver white (violet area). This is the Medulla Oblangata connecting to the Seed Atom within the Thymus.

The new information needs to begin to flow into the seed atom and transform the old information into the new Eternal Life Programming.
Each song in this album turns on one of the functions of the new transmissional system.
The information system that used to come from the thinking brain in the upper cerebellum is being turned off and the new frequency specific mid brain is being turned on.
1. Ear Path
2. Neuro Path
3. Seed Atom
4. Hook up point
5. tele path
6. clear flow
7. fifth and sixth chakra connect
8. 4-7 chakras hook up
9. Sixth--Connect to Higher Self Consciousness
10. Blue Brain- Frequency Specific Mid Brain
11. De-polarization
12. Fourth and Fifth Chakra
13. Brain Clear
14. Open Heart
15. Mid Brain Activated
Re-Birth into our New Eternal Life Body

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