Treat others only as you would like to be treated by them. Take the hand of
the misguided , lead them gently to the Light and the Truth.


Please ponder these wise words of Francis Bacon. The worldthatyou inhabit is not as you believe it to be, falseinformation isfed to you on every level of your development, Schools andUniversitiescontinue the entrapment, you cease to think for yourself,like acaged animal you are under control. You allow your mind tocontrolyou, you completely overrule your INTUITION. Think of thetimesyou have said "I KNOW" I just know without a doubtwhateverit might be... ask yourself where does this knowing comefrom? Itell you it comes from your Soul, your Eternal Soul thatis InfiniteKnowledge. Learn to open up and allow your Intuition toguide you,it will never lead you astray. You are Consciousness, youare partof all that is and ever has been. Do not allow those whowant toenslave you to conquer this, your true identity. They arenot ofthe Human race as you know it though they might appear andact asif they are... do not be take in by this terribledeception. Asthey desperately trawl your World trying to persuadeGovernmentsto believe and trust them, you the Enlightened are chargedwiththe task of showing them up for what they truly are.

This year 2010 is an important year in your development,all willbe revealed, know that you are all loved and supported inyour workto restore the Peace and Harmony that has been brutallyremovedfrom so many innocent people. Reach out to those whosuffer withwarmth and humility. Truth will expose the corrupt whosedesirefor the spilling of blood is insatiable , they kill withimpunity.This has got to stop, we need enough people to want it tostop soas to create enough energy to remove the corrupt forever.They willnot survive the move to the New Energy, the New Era thatis beginning,each day takes you closer. You have to be strong, thecorrupt willpromise you false gold and riches beyond your dreams, theywillpaint a picture of a beautiful Paradise that many will befooledinto believing... in truth they need slaves. They printmoney, itis just paper, it has no value anymore, they alone controlit. Theyhave altered History so that you will believe their lies.They producefalse gods, false Religions all with one purpose in mind,to controlthe masses. Always remember that you are part of the GreatConsciousnessand when your mission on earth is complete you will returnto whereyou belong. Leaving Veronica was the hardest thing thatwas askedof me but to complete our work there was no choice. Thepain ofthis loss was great for both of us but it was for thegreater goodof Humanity. Life on Earth is never easy, there are alwayslessonsto be learned. Your time on Earth is but a moment of yourexistence,your time in Spirit is ETERNAL, its fulfilling, it isperfect, itis what you must strive for. There are people in yourWorld whohave been given the knowledge necessary to guide you tothe correctpath to follow. Many try to discredit them but the truthwill notbe silenced. False Fear is created, you are bombardedinformationabout "Your Enemies". Fear is the breath of life to thecorrupt, blood is their life force. Ask for guidance, itwill begiven to you.

Treat others only as you would like to be treated by them.Takethe hand of the misguided , lead them gently to the Lightand theTruth. Open up to your Spiritual side, it is after all whoyou are,through this Love will enter your life and you will openup thebeauty that surrounds you, Earth is a beautiful planet, itis thecorrupt who have caused the problems. Your future isbeautiful,look forward to this change in your existence, it will notdisappointyou.

Veronica my dear wife, I surround you with love and light,I willalways be your adoring Husband, Monty.

I ask you to read "HowSpirit saw Montague Keen" it explains the sort ofpersonhe was and still is. Thank you, Veronica.

How Spirit saw Montague Keen
This may help people to understandjust what sort of a person Montague Keen was.

No one knew who wewere at this séance, I have the video and the tape, you can imagine our
surprise when the communicating Spirit said

TheSpirit: I wish if I may speak to Mr. Keen.

Monty: I am all ears.

TheSpirit: You have been instrumental in bringing a great deal if
information to a great number of people. You have the mind that is best
for researching, for analyzing, for bringing enlightenment to people who
do not understand the level of information they are receiving. We wish
to inform you that we will endeavour to bring to your attention via a
colleague of yours some facts, not guesses, not perhaps, but factual
information that those who have received the information from the Spirit
World will reject as nonsensical. It is only through your understanding
that this information will be made useful.

Monty: Thank you verymuch, I appreciate that.

The Spirit: We wish you also tounderstand that we are currently endeavouring to bring a great deal of
information in Attic Greek to a certain individual, who at the moment is
fearful of the inspiration he is receiving. This is an undeveloped
medium whom we will endeavour to bring to your attention.

Monty:Thank you I shall polish up my Attic Greek.

The Spirit: We wishyou to understand that although you have endured difficulty with your
career, that the way you respond to people is beautiful. You have never
for one moment become destructive - in thought, in word or in deed. You
have constantly shown tolerance and love. We wish to state quite
categorically that you are an individual with great spirituality,
genuine spirituality that is not masked. You are as you appear. This is
one of the most important things that anyone can ever learn from the
experience of life on the earth plane. You do not wear a mask, kind sir.
You are as you appear. Your work is by no means over. We will endeavour
to bring these things to you.

This is exactly how I saw myhusband, he was quite unique, I felt privileged to know him in this
world and devote the rest of my life to serving him, I decided to share
this excerpt from a séance with you to help you to know the kind of man
Montague Keen was - Veronica.


Original and translations of the Galactic Messages available on

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