My dearest Veronica, your understanding of just how dire the situation in your World is, is being revealed to you, the information is there for allwho seek it, they are so confident that they do not bother to hide their plans.Sadly from this side of life it looks as if people have been hypnotisedinto submission. We ask, what must the Dark Side do just to wake up thosewhose selfishness and misplaced "Self Preservation Illusion"realise that they have been conned, their reluctance to act is contributing tothe destruction of the Human Race as well as Planet Earth. Evil rules,they kill with impunity knowing that no one will question what they do. Itoo was blinded by these people when I walked the Earth, I even saw them aspeople of honour, how wrong I was, my problem being that I was too engrossed inmy research that I failed to see what was happening right under my nose,I stand guilty also of being "taken in" by such people, they talk thegood talk, they smile a lot as they plan your destruction . The moment I passedto Spirit, I saw the reality of the situation I was deeply distressed, theshock of seeing those I once trusted in their true colours was a realawakening. We in the Network promise you that the Dark Side will notsucceed. Each week more people "Wake up" to the reality of thesituation and that what they are being sold is JUST AN ILLUSION to conthem into submission. Remember my dear how many times I repeated that"Nothing is as it seems", once you understand this then everythingbecomes clear.
Wake up to the fact that you are Consciousness, having an experience in a body on Planet Earth, you are all part of the whole, together you are powerful,part of all that is. Step back from the hustle and bustle of life, turn off theTV, be still and in the stillness connect and find yourself. Observe the wonderof the World, the Sky, the stars, the Sea, the continuity of it all, look atthe beauty of the flowers, the trees, who created all this, it did not just happen.The wonder of Gravity, how could all that have come about, you are part of thatCreation. Do not sit back and see it all destroyed by those with evilintent.
When you meet people whose lives are governed by love observe the beautiful Energy that surrounds them, you just want to bask in it. You become aware ofthe Light that surrounds them just as I saw the Light in you and you sawthe Light in me when we first met, we recognised the connection from bygonedays. You found that with David Icke his Energy is so powerful, his sincerityso real, his desire to bring Love and Peace to your troubled World so touching,you now understand why he has so many followers and so he should, he is unique.
You know what you must do my dear, it was planned long before you returned to Earth, as David told you it is set in stone, the outcome cannot bealtered, he had to take the path he did, he never faltered irrespective of thecost and the pain, he knew he was right. How many would have had the courage todo as he did.? It takes guts to go against the norm.!
Look at all those who set out to destroy you my dear, the dishonesty, the slander you were subjected to by those I had trusted. there are very fewhonest people in the field of Psychical Research, not one of them prepared torock the boat, all toe the line, preserving their jobs and status at all costs,it saddens me to see this. They are all locked into the illusion that they willhave a comfortable life if they obey the rules as laid down by the Dark Side. Lifeon Earth is but a moment of your existence, live it honestly and with Love. Itwas not until I met you my dear and your family, my Soul group, that I learnedwhat love was, the fact that I was capable of such great Love, it changed mylife completely. Up to then I just did not fit in, my Light was not understoodor welcomed in my environment, it was a difficult time. Love is the mostprecious gift of all, value it, share it, as you give out so you will receive ,it comes back tenfold. You are living in difficult times when the Peace of yourWorld is threatened by the Dark Side, remember never show fear, its what theywant, only show love and concern for those who are being unjustly attacked.Always seek the truth, do not just accept the propaganda put forward bythose whose greed is insatiable.
You know that all will be revealed when the timing is right, when it will have the greatest impact. Truth and truth alone will triumph. The bullet andthe bomb will not succeed. Do not give in to the FEAR generated by those whowish to make you compliant. Know who you are, this can never be taken from you.
Another interesting week awaits you my dear, we enjoy the discussions too. All come together in Love and Light as you move forward to theHigher Energy Level where Peace and Harmony await you.
I am forever at your side surrounding you with my love, your adoring Husband, Monty.
Original and translations of the Galactic Messages available on