Montague’s Message for Sunday, 4th September 2011

Montague’s Message for Sunday, 4th September 2011


There is so much happening on Planet Earth at this time that is being deliberately kept from you. Everything is going according to plan, even though so many obstacles are placed in our way. They just serve to delay us rather than obstruct us. Nothing on Earth can stop this Transition. The time has come for the Dark Cabal to face the consequences of its actions. Their "safe hideaways" are being demolished; they have nowhere to hide. They will be forced to ask for the forgiveness of those they have cruelly deceived with false histories, false religions, corrupt monetary systems and their endless wars. The sins they have committed against humanity must be taken into account. Every action you take, whether against another human being, country, or religion, must be dealt with. Forgiveness must be sought. That is the Law of Nature. It must be adhered to.

They made hostages of the human race. They set up their rules, pretending they were The Word of God, and then proceeded to live off those whom they had forced to accept those laws. Check it out for yourselves. It was those same people who controlled everything in your world. They almost achieved a complete take over. They were almost there. It was foolish of them to believe that the Creator would not step in and say, enough is enough! They were given every opportunity to stop their actions but they failed to do so. Their sheer arrogance drove them on, believing in their supremacy, their Divine Right to control all. They entrapped politicians to ensure that they followed their plans; thus, they became part of the conspiracy. So they cannot be trusted. They became mere puppets, obeying their masters.

One politician, Mr E Kenny, stepped forward and faced up to his responsibilities to defend his people, to protect the children and all vulnerable people whose lives have been destroyed by abuse and wickedness by a control system so dark and so evil. Mind Control was used — it instilled fear from birth to death. This must cease forthwith.

Mr Kenny is a man of honour. Truth is important to him. He spoke on behalf of every human being ever created who has been abused and terrorised by the Roman Catholic Church. We in Spirit are very aware of the great pressure being brought to bear on Mr Kenny to withdraw his remarks and demands, even by his own people, as well as the Vatican. The power of thought is great. Please send your support to Mr Kenny from every country which wishes to live in peace and love, free from war. Email Mr Kenny's office at:

It is a lonely path for those who stand up for truth and justice. It is a brave man who stands by his convictions. For this corruption to end, he must stand his ground and all honest people must support him. This is the first step in the Transition. By not taking action you become complicit in the destruction of the human race. The timing of Mr Kenny's speech was perfect. It was totally unexpected by those who rule. Up to then, Kenny had been seen as a quiet man who never ruffled any feathers. I ask you to listen to the sincerity in his voice as he made this speech. It touched the very souls of all honest people. At last, someone in power cared enough to speak out. That is indeed the mark of a great man.

Our plans to dismantle the banking system, as you know it today, are well under way. Progress is being made. These plans were prepared by those best able to set up such projects. We are now ready to take over at a moment's notice. We have left no stone unturned. No human being will be homeless or hungry, ever again. This is as it should always have been, and indeed was, before your controllers arrived on Earth. They fight hard and they fight dirty. Their money will not protect them from their fate. It will not buy them anything in the new banking system. It is time for them to know, firsthand, the fear they inflicted on others. All that they have will be worthless. There will never again be what is referred to as Third World Countries. There will be plenty for all to enjoy in peace.

All the man-made illness will cease to exist. No more pollution of your food, water and air. Please bear with us, as we put everything in place for the final phase to take its course. You have all done a great job in bringing this about. You are almost there. We play our part too — during the Three Days of Darkness we will remove the undesirables. Prepare your minds to accept this as a normal part of this Transition. Trust your intuition. Allow no room for fear to slip in. You are living through one of the most important and dramatic times in the history of your planet. You are fighting for freedom from slavery and corruption. Fill your lives with love, beautiful music, meditation, and people who share your hopes and dreams. Always welcome those who wish to learn. It is never too late.

Look at the children. Know that your efforts will establish a much better life for them. They will know the peace, love and freedom that was denied to you. The corrupt institutions are crumbling. It is time for them to go. They produced the rules by which they controlled others. Remember that the God of Love had no hand in it. The real truth will be yours soon. No longer will you have to accept the words of others for what they say is true. You will make your own decisions and see the truth for yourselves.

Your friends on other planets are excited about being able to introduce themselves without hindrance, and helping you to enjoy the freedom that they accept as normal. Life will be so much easier. Stress will be a thing of the past. You were forced to live in fear. Stress was an integral part of the control mechanism.

Be there for each other at all times. Assist, whenever possible. Let love be your guiding light. May the love in your hearts act as a beacon to all who seek truth and light.

Your adoring, Monty



Here is that Speech by Enda Kenny for those interested in seeing it.  Do please email Enda Kenny with your support for him standing up for those who were abused by the Catholic Church.  Thank you.


Taoiseach Enda Kenny: Cloyne Report

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  • Thank you Rune, Kingjeff, and Marianinia!  I am always happy to share positive information with everyone that I can.  Marianinia, it is even far worse than most would ever expect.  Underneath the Vatican, many terrible things go on that would horrify all people!  This comes directly from ex-illuminati members that were invited to the Vatican as children.  So, the sooner it is all exposed, the better! 

    Kingjeff, I do not know much of these alternative tv networks, do you mean  channel 200 on sky? Edge Media?  Can you send on any details?


    Love and Light to All!



  •  Thanks Charles for sharing this it needs the greatest press

     possible and should be played on all the alternative TV Networks. ASAP.

     This is the start of the collapse of Catholicism when it starts to

     crumble in Ireland it shall quickly spread.

    Blessings Light Love Peace and Harmony Kingjeff

  • Thank you for sharing this Charles Magus...
  • Thank you for taking the time to read it Luisa!   I am always happy to share good information. :-)


    Many Blessing Friend!




  • Dear Charles,

    Thank you so much for your excellent post.


    In Love and Light


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