Hello my beloved hindus, friends and beloved indian people! I Annapurna, aka Parvati loves you all unconditionally much. But now my dear once it is about time to clear my husband Lord Shivas name with some pure true fact about him.

A close friend of mine, witch is a hindu and indian asked me if it was true that my precious husband Lord Shiva used canabis to connect with the source and to see visions. I was both chocked and very sad about this when I realized what thous evil once have brain washed you all with!

My husband Lord Shiva and I have been blessed with 3 powerful gifts by the source witch many of you call for GOD! Our powerful gifts we where blessed by god with, was a very advanced third eye, advanced  empathy and advanced telepathy. As you all know, my precious husband Lord Shiva is depicted with a third eye in both paintings and on his statues. That is because of his very advanced third eye that he always in all his reincarnations have had. Just Like Lord Shiva back then was a pleiadean, he is pleiadean in this reincarnation as well. But this time he is a 5D pleiadean and not a blue 8D pleiadean that he was back then. 

Ok, so now it is time to clear Lord Shiva´s name! Lord Shiva never ever used canabis to connect with source or see visions and never have, not even ME Annapurna. Me and my beloved husband do not NEED that crap to connect with source. We meditate daily to keep our spiritual energies of light on top. That is how we keep our third eyes open too, when we keep our spiritual energy of light on top with meditation and healthy living amongst other things. That will say clear off any bad negative dark energies with meditation, negative, dark energies that might have come during the day and we where born with this gifts since we are two very, very, very old souls...

It is the cabal, illuminati, elites, the evil once that has spread that idiotic humbug propaganda lies, that my precious Lord Shiva took canabis to bee able to see visions and contact source. This bullshit and propaganda the evil once spread so they could sell loads of drugs. Drugs that will destroy our senses, health and give brains damage so you can not think straight. A good way to make sure you would never ever connect with source or with your god self. This was the evil once way to make sure to keep their slaves under control, and so you would never ever bee able to connect with source or your higher self.

The visions you get with canabis and other type of drugs are manipulative fake visions witch is caused by the drugs that the evil once will brain wash you with. that you need to connect with source or see visions. DRUGS ARE EVIL AND DARK and destroys the spiritual light energies when the dark energies from the drugs dirties and darkens your spiritual light energies and you will start to see fake visions and connect without you even knowing it with evil spirits and evil cosmic species. When you take this drugs it is also easier for the evil once to control you and make you even do hideous acts. They can easily convince you to kill someone for them etc and when you take those drugs it is way easier to control you and make you do what ever they tell you to, even if it would bee to kill another soul. So I say again Lord Shiva never ever used canabis or any drug drinks that the cabals, illuminati, elites, the evil once have brain washed you with. Lord Shiva´s favorite drink was wine, witch he enjoyed to drink with food and on celebrations and parties. Wine has always been his all time favorite drink. Wine back then was very expensive and only the wealthy people could afford wine drink.


One more thing i want you all to know is that Lord Shesha was NOT Lord Shiva´s pet snake! Shiva disliked snakes and kept his distance from them. Shiva like spiders million times better than reptiles. Lord Shesha was Lord Shiva´s identical twin brother and they where extremely close. You know, that very special bond that only identical twins has. But Sadly the dark once such as, the cabal, illuminati, elites started to depict Lord Shesha as Lord Shiva´s pet snake to fool you with their bizarre propaganda!

I will also point out that to depict ancient gods with reptilian animals as snakes etc is a way for the evil once to fool you that the ancient gods are the evil once or that the ancient gods where under their control witch they never where. They where beings of unconditional love and light. So when the evil once had depicted the reptilian animals such as the snake, to depict the ancient gods as evil, it was very easy for them to put a snake in the garden of Edin. There where no snake in garden of Edin...there where only a lesson needed to bee learned after a mistake...but no snakes...

So my beloved indian people STOP that canabis nonses and drug nonsense at ONCE! Lord Shiva and I Annapurna is not happy to see our beloved people been fooled by the dark once like this, when canabis, drugs and drug drinks are concerned. Cause we love you all unconditionally and do not want you to get lost or destroy your spiritual divine light with this dark evil nonsense to drugs and drug drinks..


You have Lord Shivas and Annapurna, aka Parvatis blessings and unconditional love and light...






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  • Thanks! and nice to hear this:

    The recorded history and scriptures do not show any negative remarks on both of them. But I am wondering why this is changed. 

    I will elaborate little what is in Ramayana.

    Sugreva & Vaali are twin brothers of ape / monkey shaped princes. Sugreva with his Minister Hanuman  helps Rama to retreive the abducted Sita from Ravana. Sugreva is regarded high for devotion to Lord Ram. He ruled south central peninsular India (Kishkinda) presently Karnataka state in south.

    About Karthikeya, Shiva begot this son from Parvati to slain a demon king called 'Tarakasur'. he was then sent down to south. He is worshiped by great Siddhar sages, saints as he was instrumental in giving the classical language Tamil still spoken by many in India, Srilanka, Malaysia, singapore etc.  He is well described in "Skanda Puran". He married to the daughter of INDRA and VALLI from lower caste to bridge the gap of differences. He used the bird Peacock as his carrier.


  • Guru: Karthikeya is the monkey god, Sugreva is the son of Shiva, the first born of the twins...Do you see what the evil once have don here?! They changed the names so they could spit and throw shit on Lord Shiva´s family for eons to come,without no one even notice it...Just like with Ganesha, when they started to depict my precious sweet son to an elephant looking freak...Like dirting Lord Shesha, Lord Shiva´s identical twin brother and depict him as Lord Shiva´s pet snake was not enough by this evil once. Naturally they had to dirty Lord Shiva´s family also with throwing shit on his sons too, by absurd propaganda lies.

  • Great messages & Truths that will unfold itself as you are speaking now. You may further elaborate about another son of Lord Shiva named Karthikeya or Skanda or Subramania.

    How Goddess Lakshmi married to Vishnu, Krishna or Rama in different incarnations.


  • Oh forgot to mention. Lord Shiva did not HAVE a cobra snake named Shesha as  a pet. The evil once has depicted his beloved identical twin brother Lord Shesha as a snake..Poor guy...they have got lot of dirth throwing on their faces by the evil and dark once for eons...

    Other evil beings that they unfortunately still today worship is NAGA!  Believe me when I say that NAGA IS ONE UGGLY PIECE OF GIANT SNAKE! I had to deal with Naga 2 months back. I was actually trowing light bolts of pure inconditional love. Did he like it! HECK NO! He was screaming out of horendous pain. You see the dark and evil once can not stand the light and unconditional love bolts that I threw at Naga. As much as they can stand the swords holy flame! The scream Naga shouted out was deafening...He fled afterwards...

  • Plowinf fields and not blowing...hahaha...some type errors might bee found...sorry about that...lol

  • Oops it is supose to bee 2 where I accidently typed 3...sorry

  • Firstly let me remind you all that the mahabaratha is rewritten by the cabal illuminati elites just as thei rewrote the other holy books. There are about 65% falshood in the mahabaratha witch are stuffed with cabal, illuminati, elite propaganda and lies. Most of this lies are about the lords, such as Lord Shiva, Krishna etc..That is why I Annapurna is here, to correct this errors and propaganda.

    Shiva and his identical twin brother including their 3 years old older brother was born in Kajer in Maya, pleiades. Kajer is a 8D planet. Shiva,his identical twin brother Shesha and their 2 year older brother arrived here with their parents together with Krishna, so did my Parents. But I was born only a year after they arrived here and they named me Parvati. I was their only child! I had just engaged Lord Shiva when my parents where both killed in cold blood by some followers to one of Indias worst tyrants back then.

    I will point out here that it was Krishnas father that was named Vesudeva. It was Krishna that was the oldest child of 8, Not Lord Shiva.

    Lord Shivas father was Lord Savatri, his older brother was named Rayan. But, he died at age of 4 the very same day as their mom dies. They where bitten by a cobra. You see the favorite way for the evil tyrant to kill someone he wanted to get rid of was with just that...with a cobra...no one would ever suspect something unless they found the bite marks and it was a silent killer. Even I was killed by a cobra. The cobra was meant to bite Lord Shiva but bit me instead...

    When Lord Shiva was 14 he took off with Shesha to Vietnam to visit some munks and to learn Martial Arts. 3 years later they got the message that their father had died and they head back. It was after Lord Shivas return from the munks we got engaged I was only 15 year old back then. I used to admire him already as a little girl and he did have hi eye on me secretly. So when he came back from the munks he had greown up to a fine young man and it was love at first site. I was only 16 years old when I got married to Shiva witch was 18 years old at that point. But our happiness was short cause only half year later when I was six months pregnant i was bit by that bloody cobra witch was meant to Bite Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva got totally devistated and spended 19 year out in the jungle away from civilization and people.

    A Year after i got bitten I was reincarnated back and became Lord Krishnas beloved daughter and they named me Annapurna. 18 years after I was born when Lord Shiva was 37 Shiva decided to go visit his pal Lord Krushna. Even though Lord Krishna was way more older than Lord Shiva, they where close as flesh and blood brothers. They have always been that close in all reincarnations they have met each other. Lord Shiva had hi palace in Bangladesh... So the way to Lord Krishna who lived in the area witch is called for Mumbay today, but witch is now under water. But when he arrived after the long journey to visit my father Lord Krishna, we saw each other and it was love at first site, we could just could not stop look at each other and I still can remember how handsome he was! He asked for my hand shortly after and my father gladly gave my hand to him. You see not only was Lord Shiva one of his best buddies, my dad KNEW we where twin flames. So we married shortly after that. We bought a mansion with lots of land where we loved. Lord Shiva bough an white bull witch became his pet as well as the horses he had as well. Shiva had a couple of black and darkbay horses. He had eight 8 horses. 5 where black and 3 where dark bay. My father Krishna had also horses but they where gray, pretty much all of them.

    Now you might ask...why did the cow and bulls become holy and why is the white cows and bulls specially holdy for hindus. I will tell you why but will keep it short..

    If there was something that I and Lord Shiva disliked to see it was the lower cast have to starve and go hungry.

    Shiva bought that Ox for one reason and that was to plow to make vegetable and a LOTS of it. So there was enough food for both USS and people in need. The lower cast knew me from before, the word spread pretty quick and they knew we had lots of land and that Lord Shiva had a white ox that he used to plow with so we could plant loads of vegetables of all kinds. You see the farmers from the lowest cast could not afford an Ox or even horses. Some of them had not even seen a cow or Oxe´s. Oxes and cows where only something that the higher casts had not the lowest casts. You see some of the lowest casts where our friend and we even invited them in to our mansion from time to time! Lord Shiva did the plowing himself, in fact he liked it..then he could bee together with his pet ox, doing stuff together when he was plowing the fields.

    But NATURALLY this fact that Lord Shiva was blowing fields was unacxeptable by the elite lords back then. A LORD should not do the work that the slaves was supose to do. NOT A LORD! That was absolutely unacceptable by them. So what the cabal´, illuminati elites did was to erase his horses and then depict Lord Shiva ride his bull instead of his horses! So NO ONE would ever know the truth, that Lord Shiva actually plowed his fields himself instead of the slaves the so called lower casts.

    The Bulls and cows got holy for the lower cast simply because of that Shiva plowed his own fields and they knew that there would bee enough vegetables for bad times for the lowest cast so they did not need to get hungry...You see NO ONE where eating meat back then...Meat eating came later when the evil once introduced it and brain washed people that animals are not equal to humans and is only food source.

    Lord Shiva and I got 5 children, 3 boys and two girls. The oldest one was of cause Ganesha. He was consieved by Lord Shiva´s archangelic self...So he was not conceived the physical way and there for you could call Ganesha for a christ child. The story that Shiva created Ganesha from Ashes are absurd, ridiculous and pure propaganda. My sweet Ganesha was a BEATIFUL boy and not an elephant looking freak that the dark once depicts him to bee. He looked much like his father, like a Mini Shiva. :)

    We also had twins boys witch we named Sugreva and Sumera. And naturally the evil once where depicting one of our twin boys to a monkey looking freak..

    We also had two daughters witch we named Ambrosia and Anurahda. The cabals changed Ambrosia to Ambika later on. Do not ask me why, but most likely to spit and puke on us even more..

    And when it comes to Kali, well...She was NOT our daughter, she never was and she will NEVER bee. Kali was a Orion Vampire and was one of the dark once! She had Hots on Shiva and she she was also very power hungry. She decided to get rid of me and she knocked me unconscious in the street. BAD MISTAKE! Lord Shiva snapped and was on his dance of death as the indians calls it. The dance of destruction. He was going to KILL her at all cost. It simply got to much for Lord Shiva, he had once lost me and the thought that he had lost me once again made him snap. But my father lord Krishna managed to calm  his son in law down and took him with to the room where I was lying unconscious and I even died. But my father Lord Shiva brought me back from the dead. I was named to Sati after that, so no one would expect anything, not the evil tyrant or any other evil bastards or dark once. Lord Shiva was greatful and over joyed to have me back, healthy and well.

    Well there you have some more info about Lord Shiva and me including his family and our children...

  • Thanks for your reply and it is interesting to know the events. 

    You mean to say Lord Shiva was born on Earth to Pleadiean parents whereas Lord Krishna reached earth in physical body.

    Earth teachings are such Lord Krishna  was born to Mother Devaki and Father Vasudeva as eighth child. Lord Shiva's birth is unknown and HE is an endless entity mostly a meditating in cremation grounds.


    I am totally non -judge mental and take the truth as it is. May I post more questions on the same subject?

  • Guru, I will now answer your question as good and simple I can..

    1. Lord Krishna and Lord Shiva´s father came here with flying saucers of different models. The 5D spaceship can reach earth in five days. But 8D tech is a bit more advanced than the 5D tech..So Krishna and Lord Shiva´s dad and his family could reach earth in 3 days from Maya in the pleiades. This was long, long time ago! This happened 200.000 years ago my dear friend. Being Lord Shiva, a blue 8D pleiadean was the first reincarnation that my beloved twin flame had when we first came here little over 200.000 years ago, when we started reincarnate to guide and help people ascend.

    2.Well back in those days the people could not really understand that a divined being of the light could bee in two places at once. But a true divine being of the light can. So because the people did not understand that, that he could bee at two places at the same time, the priests made statues of him that they could worship as long as he was "AWAY"! But he never where away, Lord Shiva was with them even if he happened to bee some where else at that time being.

    3. The Sumerian Gods has been corrupted by The Annunaki King ENKI! He was desperatily wanted to become a so called god, that he corrupted the true Sumerian gods with his Lies, With it he spread that the rest of the Sumerian gods where Annunaki´s, witch they where not and never was. Enlil was never ever an annunaki and never ever will bee. Same with me, I am no annunaki and never ever will, bee in my true form I am a star elven NOT and annunaki! For the question if Annunakis was here in the time of Lord Shiva, my answer is YES they where. They came first time here around 201.500 BC. They took their opportunity when we had to bee in nearby galaxies fighting this evil once off there. The Annunaki are nothing more than tricksters and experts in manipulations and brain washing and we have, just as the draconians, Archons, Orion and Zetha grays faighting this evil once for eons. Now we have got tired sick of this dark once and hunting them down...They have coused damage to the human and mamaloid race enough, including the poor animals. 

    So Yes, The Annunaki king Enki and some of his family and peasants where here during the Time of Shiva. Oh and by the way Lord Krishna was called by the Sumerian´s to Enlil. Like I said my dear friend the Annunaki King Enki corrupted the truth about the Sumerian gods in a try to brain wash people that This gods belonged to the Annunaki and he was their King! What a BLOODY FOOL, I´d say! Oh well, The Annunaki King Enki is gone for good now, so no point in bringing that evil fool, up anymore..

  • Thank you very much for more information on Lord Shiva.
    Please clarify more on:
    1. When and how Lord Shiva reached Gaia, in earth's time line?
    2. LOrd is not worshiped in HIS own form but worshiped as Linga. What is the real significance in this.
    3. During Shiva's time line did Anunnaki's such as Enki and Enlil were present here?
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