This post is about concers, comments and questions about the brow chakra. Most people know what is the function of this energy center withing the body and some don't. To catch those who are unaware up to speed I will make a brief analysis of this chakra and it's relationships and influences.


Each human has a "body within the body". This can be related to your nervous system that is locaed within your body. The body that I am referring to is made up of seven energy centers, or 'nodes' if you will, that receive and transmit various frequencies of energy. Each of the seven energy centers function (recieve/transmit) a different frequency of energy than the next. Each energy center is also associated with a color. Imagine a rainbow (starting with red at the base of the body, and working up: orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet the latter rests at the crown) that would almost bleed through the physical body with its various colors of light. This is the chakra system.


The topic of this post is centred on the awakening/activating/utilizing/developing of the brow chakra or the third eye. I have for quite some time now become very interested in the function of this particular chakra. the frequency that this chakra works with is one of a more mental nature. It is the "seat of the soul" or the connection to spirit. The brow chakra's potential includes the ability to experience different diamensions, contact spirit guides/ancestors/angels/ghosts/demons/aliens/ascended masters/past life experiences and access to natural wisdom that is unfortunately hidden from most people on a regular basis. I am convinced that activating this chakra for all is a priceless experience for all as we begin to experience ascension on this planet. With the opening of the brow chakra there comes a knowing, there comes a peacefulness about one's own self through knowlege of the illusion that we are collectively a part of.


I would be very interested to read posts from those who have clutivated this energy center of their being and are able to experience life with it and to willfully and consciously manifest realities and to sense the realities around them through this chakra. It has been a prominent desire of mine to activate and exist with this center of energy healthful and vibrant. Lately I have yet to have success in awakening to this portion of my being. I have studied different methods of coming to realization of my third eye. I would like this post to open a positive dicussion for others to do the same. i would like to understand more and more of this art. I have yet to be taught personally.


I have come to understand that there are many factors (physical, and non-physical) that can be a blocking influence to open this chakra. It seems to me though, the many guides that we have around us working with us to assist us in this life would be able to clear these blockages. I would not know for certain though because of the fact that this chakra is closed in my body. I have such a yearning for this particular energy center for whatever reason. In my lifetime so far, which, by this diamensions relativity is not very long, I have had many physical injuries to the head. One of which actually devastated my forehead (I have a large scar covering my third eye). All of these injuries, I think, make it more difficult than usual to relax my psyche and then my body to attune to these psychic frequencuies. I know that my brain has been damamaged but I believe strongly in healing. Especially if this healing is coming from higher realms, and more ascended beings than I. I desire advice concerning my situation and for others who are in a similar part of their experience. How can we work through this better? How can we become awakened as well?


I have faith. I know that all is possible. I have also been told to be  patient. This is one of my most intense desires of my consciousness. I wish for this more than most physical things (money, homes, blah blah blah you all get the idea). I am curious if anyone who reads this is able to give me a piece of advice or inspiration that may help me to realize a better way to work at opening this chakra. I am willing to move, but I have trouble seeing the door. I know that there are others like me, and I know that this can be done against all odds, I am just tired of experiencing failure in this aspect, and am ready to have a successful experience of life with a strong radiant thrid eye.


I am truly grateful for your reading this and listening to me. I hope that this may provide aid for some as well. Thank you all for being with me in this moment.


be with peace.




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