
November has been a time to dive more deeply into the goo that the October Eclipse Cycle and the powerful portal of 11:11 awakened us to. It’s all a part of our deep transformation. Many have been revisited by childhood memories, old relationships and old patterns that simply don’t serve them any longer.

We’re in different spaces and indeed, we’re different people. And as we’ve reviewed the past, we spontaneously set it free and focus more fervently on the New that we are all creating.

It is important to remind ourselves that we’re not alone. Many are experiencing similar things. There has been more letting go of those with whom we no longer resonate along with other guided choices we’ve made.

Especially surprising and powerful has been the dissolution of what some thought were “forever relationships,” like the Twin Flame union (as an example). Some question whether these relationships were really Twin Flames or not, since there has been so much attachment, projection and expectation surrounding the “idea” of Twin Flames.

Just remember that whatever has happened is for your highest evolution. The one true part of you, your Soul, is always with you, standing by and compassionately observing with Love as each makes the choice to be more or less than who they truly are.

You see, one old belief and illusion that has been important to release is the “happy ever after.” We have believed that once we have found our “Prince Charming,” it is to last forever and ever.

Many have discovered that this just isn’t so. People come into our lives to help us grow into the beautiful beings we truly are; no matter how long that happens to be. The truly courageous ones have been able to see and receive the gift and let go, if that is what was guided.

Remember, there are no “supposed-to’s” in the New. We have the opportunity to choose in every moment that which we resonate with within our Hearts.

We have come closer to Home. And “home is where the Heart is.” Home isn’t somewhere out there. It is coming home to the truth that you are a Divine Being of Love.

As we continue through the rest of this year (hasn’t 2014 been quick and yet powerful?), we each will deepen our experience of being Love, continue to evolve, release and rise in vibration and consciousness.

We rise in our Heart’s knowing as to what we choose to feel, for it is not the circumstance that is important, it is how we feel and how we respond (not react).

Yes, this year has been another powerful year of change. With outer chaos, the Wise Ones focus instead on the Truth within. Chaos brings change; it is the dissolution of the old ways of being.

Focusing within on Love and Truth, you empower the New. Getting frantic about the outer chaos, you actually empower it. What is your choice? In the coming month and up to and including January 11, we are anchoring a lot of high vibrational energy for ourselves and for Gaia.

It truly depends on where you put your focus as to how complete this anchoring can be. Please do not categorize this new energy as being 4th, 5th or even 6th Dimension, for that is then limiting ourselves, placing us in another box.

You see, many carry energies from very high dimensions, which they are bringing into their lives and onto Earth. We are multidimensional, so let us expand limitlessly. The higher the vibration that one carries, the more the lower energies rise, which can result in perceived chaos.

And at the core of chaos or challenge is an opportunity to rise higher in vibration, not attaching to the chaos or challenge, but knowing the Truth of all that you might label as “bad.”

This past New Moon brought forth another portal of higher vibrating energy for us and will be with us for a few days still. This energy helps us to balance with What Is.

Rather than denying or resisting What Is, what is it telling you; what is your message? As each of us accepts and intends to rise higher in vibration, it happens. After all, we are preparing for an even bigger year in a little over a month.

If you are still trying to hold on to what you know intellectually, or are fearful of loss or change, this energy makes it more difficult to do so. If, on the other hand, you are open and willing to let go of all you think you know, and commit fully to shifting into being more, then this energy helps you do just that.

Again, it is all up to you. Sometimes it may feel as if you don’t have a choice; that things are pushing you or happening to you. This is not true, for you have chosen; consciously or not; all that is occurring in your life…and it is all for you; not against you.

You are being shown gifts that you didn’t fully realize you had; you are being shown the way if you will stop, breathe and listen. It helps to be the Compassionate Observer; to be neutral as you witness all that is being presented.

The floodgates have opened and as a huge flow of Light rushes in, you will see that there is much being offered to you…new or expanded paths, new people, new ways of being, new ways to express your Creativity; more of everything.

Do you embrace it all or do you run the other way? It is your choice. You don’t have to do everything presented to you, for that might scatter and distract you. Observe all and see what resonates.

Take just one step toward something new…be it a thing, a person, a new perception or a letting go of something that holds you back. This isn’t a race and the Joy is in the journey, so take your time and see all with the eyes of a newborn…full of Wonder and Innocence.

Many are experiencing a lot of physical detoxing and upgrades. Observe what is occurring and flow with it, reminding yourself that all is occurring for your benefit. And do take care of yourself by getting enough rest and whatever else you’re guided to do or not do.

With the old cultural demands of the commercialized “holiday season,” are you caving into it all or are you asking yourself what resonates with who you are now? You don’t have to go along if your Heart isn’t into it.

You can choose something different that is more sacred to you. You don’t have to please anyone nor do you have to do what is expected of you. Choose how you want to experience life.

It is also an old concept that the harder you work and the more you do, the better you are. This is simply not true anymore. The New Life is more about Play, Ease and Flow.

There is nothing to prove and no-one to prove it to. So follow your own Guidance and your own energy. We are creating miracles by being authentically us. We needn’t do anything our Heart isn’t resonating joyfully with and in fact, if we do do something because it is a should or an obligation, we lower our own vibration and no-one benefits from that.

Let go of pushing and allow yourself to flow. All then aligns with your higher state of Grace.

In the New, we are learning to detach lovingly from expectations, end results and an attachment to how it is “supposed to be.” Detachment is being neutral. It is being the Compassionate Observer; with no expectations and simply observing with Love how things are.

Detaching is more loving since there is no judgment, no labels and nothing to put in a box of limitation. Detachment allows us and life to be more.

As we continue to be rewired and upgraded to our Authentic Selves, we must take care of ourselves.

This is self-love and as we build in self-Love, all around us are touched by the Beauty of us. When we give to ourselves first, we have more to share with others. After all, who we are is Love. Period.

Copyright: Feel free to share any portion of the Ascension Notes. I would appreciate being credited.http://www.soulsticerising.com

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"Thanks guys-"
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"Good footage as usual AE."