Posted by amparo alvarez on February 25, 2019 at 12:00am
Message 4
Fluid Reality
Imagine your ego--like the man behind the screen in your film the "Wizard of Oz." Your ego is really just a program in the brain and this ego program thinks that it is the brain and thinks it is the self. It sends out worry and fear energy which affects the body-mindemotions and affects your creation of reality that you then interface with.
The key to remember in ego versus Self is awareness. It is this understanding that will free the SELF. Humans are trained from infancy to believe the ego is who they are. The ego program was important as a guidance system, it was like a cruise control you have on some automobiles. It was designed to assist and be responsible for some of the function of the interface with third dimensional reality.
Another example: The desk computer has a set of programs; these programs have been created which allows you to interface with the bigger programs in the internet reality. Yet it is you who sits before the monitor and you who direct the programs. We know that you are aware that at times the programs become locked or overloaded and all that can be done is to turn off the machine.
The ego is much like these programs in the computer. They will run on automatic - yet the Self who is aware of all this can begin to make conscious adjustment to the operating systems. When one understands this they can even reprogram the entire system. The Self can override the "worry center" or the "fear program" activated by ego.
You have the opportunity to observe how this ego program operates within your system. Notice what triggers a fear response - a worry thought. Be gentle with yourself - observe and then with great love and compassion begin to shift your energy - shift your thoughts - shift your focus. Use your "consciousness tools" and gently shift your negative non-supportive thinking. Be grateful, feel appreciation, laugh and bring joy into the moment. This is like a restart that will disengage the ego.
Share with me your experiences and insights of how these Morning Messages have served you, email me at: Thank you.
To make an appointment for your personal reading/transmission please phone my appointment line 831-335-3145 between 9:00-6:00 Pacific time. You can also e-mail your phone number and time zone to:
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Message 5
Loving Teams
We are suggesting that you stand in the hologame - in the comfortable and familiar physical reality--and allow your consciousness to expand and include the possibility that there is a doorway open to other realms, and you have a personal invitation to walk through... There are loving teams of beings ever ready to support and guide you and all others into this new adventure. The important key to remember is the willingness and the asking. State your intentions clearly and then surrender.
Daily practices that connect you with your most Divine aspect are important... You can give yourself this gift by sitting quietly - feeling the physical body, sensing the energy body, and, with your awareness in your heart, sending gratitude and appreciation on your breath to your Divine aspect. Allow and welcome the love and energy that flows back in return. This simple exercise will strengthen you on all levels of beingness.
Remember that energy follows thought. Watch your thoughts. Stay very vigilant with your thoughts, your emotions, and your words. Each one carries a vibration. It is your responsibility to recognize and shift the energy signature you are offering to the collective. This is far more important than you realize.
Share with me your experiences and insights of how these Morning Messages have served you, email me at: Thank you.
To make an appointment for your personal reading/transmission please phone my appointment line 831-335-3145 between 9:00-6:00 Pacific time. You can also e-mail your phone number and time zone to:
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