This is the spirit gate on Sandy Hook Beach-NJ. It's usually much bigger.
12/26/24-I filmed this on an NJ beach-watch how it morphs, I think it morhed into a drone at the end but it got too dark-the orbs and drones are all over the ocean.
First vid is very stupid-lol-NJ residents start task force to study probes and unlock the secrets of the universe!
2nd vid is the the one I took over the ocean-there is a spirit sea world out there, under the waves. 'Nefarious personages' set up gates, made from driftwood along the beaches epecially on the Sandy Hook National Park beach. I've found these make shift 'gates' on resevoir property, etc. I have seen, in dream visions, people/spirits walking out of the ocean and up the beach. Life is crazy.
A hurdle to overcome, is the popular notion that so many Earth people still possess, that all UAPs/UFOs are controlled by "grey aliens"...Like the small Zetas, with the large wrap-around eyes..
This programming has been encouraged by the deep state, who much prefer such misinfo...Many might be surprised that Tau Cetians are sentient bear-like creatures and totally peaceful.....A bit canine in appearance, but actually a bear...
A point to make is that this galaxy has such diversity of sentient beings, many being human and even more being groups, that look like just about every animal on Earth....There have been numerous UFO reports of people meeting fur-covered ETs....It's true...
This drawing of the smaller types is somewhat cartoonish, but a photo would not be permitted, as yet...only face screen projections, as you saw...
Am I crazy or does it look like a video of a puppy/pooch inside the orb?
If they faked aliens raping people, and Biden stated that he would hunt down the baddies and punish them, most of us would laugh at the old fool....The public are not trusting of big gov, so Bluebeam would not work on them...The deep state waited too long on that project...Human awakening has overtaken it...
Bluebeam will not be allowed by the GFL, at this stage, anyway....What is happening is positive.....Raising interest in offworld ET reality and also, attempts to prevent WW3, that the dark seek to ignite, prior to Trump getting into office...
And, I have seen, near the moon in my telescope, darker round patches that seem like you could pop them out and place a stationery orb in them.
The guy who posted the vid is obviously from a religious background and suggests the following:
"Aliens and UFO appearance has increased over the last week all over the United States and United Kingdom and through out the world as the latest UAP appearance and sighting footage revealed some shocking orbs appearing in sky which upon close inspection seems to be looking like something out of the Bible known as the Angelic beings which will return before the second coming of christ as predicted in the prophecies. United Stated Government has confirmed that Alien Presence has been part of our world for a while which was kept confidential secret from the world but they have lots of evidence that are very clear proof of these UFO's and Alien techs. Project Bluebeam might be in works already as we speak and it seems like the higher one world order society is making big moves. Today we take a good look at the latest new drones in sky situation which turns out to be clearly something that is not of this world "