.Mother Mary through Daphne KarandanisQuestions by Wynn FreeJanuary 29 2007East Sandwich, Cape Cod,Massachusetts, USADaphne: We greet you from the Galactic Center of the Hunab Ku --this is the Council of A'an, -- we wish to introduce this reading with someinformation pertinent to your queries as we anticipate them, in thespot flows of consciousness, as they currently emanate, fromyourself and the channeling entity. You are currently experiencing arecalibration of deeper soul fragmentation, having occurred, previousto 40,000 years prior to the Maldekian explosion, resulting in what younow term your asteroid belt/band.This constitutes, a bridgeway, a pathway, of new and heightenedproportion in which to make vast celestial stairsteps into theconsciousness of those willing to climb the ladder out of the 3d veil,mastering the 4d veil, and into the 5d. This integration shallcontinue unto the month of June and July 2007. We ask that you keep inmind the coming 3 months are not without challenge and precariousness,take caution as you scale ever steeper cliffs, that the footholds arefirm and your climbing gear well inspected.It is such as this-- an ascent to the rarefied elements of the Himalayas, aclimbing expedition to Everest, where above the altitude of 14,000 ft.the oxygen diminishes by 30-40%, such is the rarefication of the realmto which you now extend your matrices, and support all those in yourSpiritual contact group, thus it is imperative, and we STRESS theworld IMPERATIVE [spelled out] that the work remain grounded.If the work becomes ungrounded, there is likelihood of mishap, and atthis altitude, at this stage of the game, would have serious, nay,dire consequences for many involved. You have as a responsibilitymany dependent upon your actions. And your state of impeccability. Wesay this not to overburden you, nor tax you beyond what it is you havekarmically and spiritually prepared for, but rather to reemphasize theimportance of vigilance, discernment, discretion, observation in allendeavors-- all.Now Mother Mary will come forwardThis is mother Mary, I greet you one and all of my children, it is atime of trial and challenge, to bring messages of hope - to bringmessages of clarity and upliftment, and indeed, joy. For though on onelevel, the mundane level, the future here looks quite bleak, it isonly so for those looking through the eyes of the worldly man orwoman.As your Einstein has said, your problems may not be solved atthe same level at which they came into being. Or created. One must goto a higher level of understanding, of consciousness, of perception,in order to solve a problem inherently unsolvable, within duality.Duality has inherent within its makeup conflict, strife, struggle forsurvival, competition, and the ultimate supremacy of the Ego. This isnot a bad thing anymore than it is bad that an alligator would eatwhatever happens to fall within its path. It is the nature of thisrealm. What my Son came to show, was that as Human souls, you are notdestined to stay within the confines of this substrate, but are tolift it up into a higher vibratory plane, thus moving the duality intothe Triune, the Trinitarian consciousness.The perfection of the Godhead [is to be] realized in the consciousnessof the perfection of the Human soul, while residing in a stillsomewhat, though rarefied-- human body, one that you would say is voidof imperfection, void of disease, void of pain. Heaven as it is spokenof in the Bible, in the Holy books of all of the great traditions, isnot a "place where nothing happens" to contradict your songwriter DavidByrne. Heaven is a place relative to this one, where suffering ceases, andcreativity becomes the baseline.The foundation of the 3d dimension is survival...the foundation of the 5thdimension is harmony, peace, beauty, creativity, joining of the minds ofmany to solve problems in a unified way rarely attained in the 3rd dimension,and certainly not within most purely secular sectors. Though there are somewithin yourreligious and spiritual communities esp. those mystical sects ofSufism, and Buddhism and the Indigenous cultures who know how totravel beyond the space/time linearity, and venture into the higherrealms to bring back the knowledge of the original starseeding of theOriginal Plan of the Creator mother/father God.It is for those who now ask, the moment of decision is upon us. Thereshall be a wave, 2009, in March, a gateway opening, for those approx.42,000 souls, who wish to Ascend from this dimension into the higheroctave. From this space it shall appear that the people have passedon, that they have left their bodies, that they have physically died.But this is not the case, for they have taken a higher vibrationalreplica of their body with them. The decision point in the Hearts ofthe souls preparing for the First Wave of this movement is NOW.Between now and March, the next 60 days.After that, the transport mechanism for the First Wave, will havecompleted their transmission from the Hunab Ku, and the "plane" shallbe full, so to speak, and the take off for the first flight shall befull. Of those leaving 18,000 shall decide to return, and assist ashelpers of the next Wave, which we anticipate at 420,000--we see this Waveprobability as Oct of 2010. By this time the Republic-for you live in aRepublic-not a demoncracy, fast becoming a totalitarian regime, willbe in precarious straits.Though this is not necessarily going to affect those who have anchoredtheir Light at a higher vibrational strata than the fear and chaos andstatic of the 4d Annunaki control mechanism-- the Net-- we speak not ofthe world wide web, but of an energetic net, enforced by Reptilianconsciousness to harness and harvest energetic fear to feed theReptilian service to self creatures who have a vested interest in thisplanet as well as other non-service to self sectors from theAndromedan, Sirian, and even Orion positively oriented, who areattempting to help, assist, and free the maximum numbers of souls forthe humans.There is a 70% likelihood, of a 3rd and even a 4th wave leaving theplanet at intervals of 2-3 years. We show an End Date of approximately2017--at which point Gaia, Earth, Terra, will have separated out as anemulsion-which separates as oil from water. We ask for cooperationin ascertaining which of the doors of the portals one shall alignoneself with, it is not more of an honor to go first or last. It is inessence a pre-life agreement as to where the soul could be mostefficaciously used for the greatest help to one's fellow person.The animals too, are going through an ascension process, as Gaia isitself. There are those who will find, the ones who do not returnto 3d, that they have entered an Earth which is vastly lesspopulated, which is pristine, non-polluted, abundant in flora andfauna, but with very few people. The method of communication shall bemuch more intuitive and telepathic than experienced in thepresent density, and the home much more organic--the structure andarchitecture resembling trees, mountains, rocks, and those shapeswhich are organic to the natural order found in nature, based on thesacred geometrical principles. In some ways, from your standpoint itshall look like a simpler life.In fact, though, it is a more highly evolved life--simpler in terms ofmaterial possessions, but with technology more advanced than what youhave right now, and actually partially biologically originated.We see in the distant future, relatively speaking, 2100 AD a completesevering off, a jettisoning off, of all 3rd dimensional Gaian relicsfrom the higher vibratory Gaian worlds. Some shall choose to remain andwork out additional 3d karmas, and one path is no Higher than another,it is what the soul has chosen to experience. And indeed some soulsare very highly evolved who have chosen a life of sacrifice, who havechosen to go into such dense realities, will reincarnate on a worldsimilar to this one, to go through a period of 70,000 or more years oftrying to get "the might is right" game straight.There are those who say that the Final Days are approaching, that weare coming to the Armageddon, to the closing of the Hopi prophecy, tothe turning of the Ages, the end of the Mayan Calendar, all of thesethings are correct, and yet not to be taken so literally, as this is atime of fragmentation of reality systems. And an opening of portals ofpossibilities, a myriad of which are now possible. Think of a filamentwhich carries light, a filament is composed of many very fine piecesof glass, your Fiber Optic cable, think of them as thousands of littletiny paths of light. All distinct, yet woven together, essentiallygoing into the same place, but each with a slightly different path.These are the doors of perceptual reality which are opening before us now.People are in the process of choosing through their very dreams,waking conscious actions and non-actions, decisions and non decisions,hurt and non hurt, love and non love, all is choice.Choice is paramount, and choice is all pervasive. It is all a matter offree choice now. A grace period of suspension of all karma, for karmais still a 3rd density phenomenon, the karmas are being sped up veryfast, to be burned off as dross and ultimately dispensed with, forthose whose wills are ready and willing may join the Field of Light,the Light Bearers - the Light Shield, which shall move Gaia from herold foundations, and old moorings, and lifting her into a new spherein what you'd term time/space Locale.Have you specific inquiries for us now?Wynn: One question is about people's Indigo children who have not beenexposed to this information. How will the children participate in thisevent if they've not been exposed to this information?Daphne: The children who are now incarnate have encoded within themspecific knowledge of which they may or may not be consciouslyaware. But the children are actually much more prepared than anyone nowover the age of 25. For the children who were born after 1987 esp.,these are the crystalline children, these are the Light Bearers, theseare the Masters. They needn't enunciate understanding in language,they know it instinctually.Another question?Wynn: How about animals and pets who are attached to people? Will they gowith their host?Daphne: If the contract between the said animal and caretaker - ingeneral-we would say, that because the animals live primarily in 6d,they shall go along "for the ride"-- for them, it is not a difficulttransition [laughing] for they have been living there anyway..Wynn: For the people on our conference line, is this appropriate generalmaterial?Daphne: Yes, this is very appropriate to bring up in the general, and wouldbe approp. For a discussion group as well.Wynn: In previous discussions, I had the idea that the body wouldactually leave this realm, and disappear? This is not the case?Daphne: The body in the 3rd dimensional space shall be dropped. In the 4thand 5th dimensional space and upwards - the body shall move forward.It shall appear to the 3rd dimension to those who are not spirituallyawakened, that the person has died. However, to those who have beenexposed to teachings such as these, they shall be able to see withtheir eyes a silvery golden glow, of a person lifting up out of theirbody looking exactly as they did before, without any hint of disease.So, it is both, this depends on the perceptual level of the viewer.Wynn: and is there still a pole shift projected in the near future?Daphne: There is still the possibility in 2011 as we read this, but theinstability now, it is very hard to predict. Things are in a massivestate of flux. The work that you do, and similar other groups aroundthe globe, have succeeded to a large measure in stabilizingcatastrophic interludes, which would only serve to "up" the fearfactor and distract potential ascendants away from their preparedness.Wynn: In terms of the traditional Christian groups, are there a portionof those groups which will be able to participate in this?Daphne: This all depends upon the individual and the purity of intent ofthe heart it matters not if one is a fundamentalist Christian, or anatheist, or a Buddhist, it is the purity of the heart, the opening ofthe heart, which is the prerequisite, to the opening to thepossibility of the ascension dynamic. The conscious religiousaffiliation is of little importance.Wynn: In a personal circumstance, are the Ra and Elohim groups bothequally participating or is one group more than another?Daphne: The Ra and the Elohim are already outside of this dimension, theyare aiding and guiding the process.*************************Copyright 2009 Daphne Karandanis/Wynn Free all rights reserved. You are welcome to freely distribute this material as long as it is presented in its entirety and not altered in any manner. Thank you for reading. God Bless You!!yodgirl@gmail.comReceived via * Just Channelings * justchannelings : Just ChannelingsReply With QuoteReply--Daphne K. KarandanisPO Box 2283Sitka, Alaskamobile: 928.862.0619 (in service now)
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