Mother Mary was very pleased with the way our video of her Feb 28th full moon message came together and the response it has received, so she asked us to take a message from her about karmic clearing.
In this message, she introduces the background to Ascension and that we will be returning to the abilities we had before the fall in Atlantis – and more.
She then explains why the clearing of negative karmic energies is required before the end of 2012, what it means and how to go about it.
Here are some brief quotes:
This message is for humanity, those that I love, that I have always loved. I and others have watched over humanity, have seen them march through the aeons of time on this planet. We have been with you as you have suffered. We have been with you in your joy and we are here now to escort you through perhaps the most joyous of all of your journeys, because you are being released from the tediousness, sometimes, of living as you have interacted with the dark, with challenges. I have heard you cry out in your agony, sometimes, asking for help and I was always there for you but you didn't always recognize me. If you would've taken a moment and searched for me, you would have felt my comfort; but in your agony, you didn't. And I treasure this moment as we are soon upon a path where you won't be crying out for help anymore because all of the challenges will be dropping way.
You will be moving into the era of peace and plenty and love and you will be bringing forth one of your greatest gifts that the Creator has given you - the ability to manifest your thoughts into the hard fabric of reality; to turn a thought into the fabric of life, that you can put on like a gown, a robe and wear it for your edification, because what you desire you will be able to bring forth...
...Can you imagine what that means to have all distortions that you find so difficult to live with today just drop away, so that you could bring forth the real you; so that you will understand your connection to your Creator?...
...And beyond 2012, actually going into 2013, the call will be there, when the doorway will be opened and those who are ready will be walking through that doorway, and these few things that I have mentioned will be yours and much more...
... Some of you feel that Atlantis was just a fictional place but it wasn't; it truly existed. And it's not important to go into why Atlantis fell through an energy band (I said everything is energy) and it brought human consciousness down to a level so low that the spiritual hierarchy didn't think humanity would even be able to come back into form; that they would fall away and there would be nothing. But you survived, even though it was on such a low level of consciousness and energy, you did survive...
...We're calling it Ascension; you can call it whatever you want; that doorway past 2012 into 2013, or you can call it a realization of who and what you are. It's why I'm here...
...For those of you who follow the history of your planet, you know that there have been many wars, many conflicts, many disagreements among nations, many tragedies to humans in all forms and it was a struggle against the dark. There's no need going into that now, but what I'm bringing forth is in all of those lifetimes there was energy; energy of disillusionment, hatreds, victimhood...
...We heal the past energies and we clear them away and this clears the connection to the present lifetime. You might say it is the thumbprint, this recognition of the past in your present life. And this is part of preparing for Ascension. All of this energy, these emotions, the trauma that you have been through, through so many lifetimes in the past is influencing the present and this all must be healed and cleared...
...what that dispensation is that has been given to humanity from the karmic board is that there are such things as the ability to clear all this negativity through one command...
...You call it DIS-EASE and I would propose that all illness has a foundation that is spiritual and we say spiritual in the sense that it is operational in the NOW; it is not part of the third dimensional particles. That's why I use the term spiritual...
...And I can't teach you that through this discussion; however you can connect with resources where they help you walk through that, where they hold the space for you and then you are able to clear it yourself...
...What you call disease can be healed through clearing the past, harmonizing the past healing with your present physical body...
...And so, my dear friends, this is the next step for you to understand in that path towards this beautiful energy of 2012, walking through that doorway and achieving what we are discussing in 2013...
This message, as Mother Mary requested, has been made into a YouTube video – actually two.
Here is the link to Part 1 –
And here is the link to Part 2 – =9IjDoUrNE4A
If the links do not work for you, copy and paste them into your browser.
Blessings, Joy, Love and Peace.
Richard Presser
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