The Christmas of 2009 was the first Christmas the Carolyn and I have spent together. Carolyn loves Christmas so much; the joy that comes forth from people, the love that is shared, the coming together of families, the Christmas lights, the memory of what Christmas is celebrating. It was in this context that she decided to ask Mother Mary some questions about that first Christmas.
What really happened? Did she know she was going to be Jeshua’s mother? What was life like for her growing up as an Essene? What were her parents like? Did the wise men really come?
Gradually, the questions evolved. Was it really a virgin birth? Were Jeshua and Mary Magdalene married? Did they have children and how many? And the questions began to range far and wide. Mother Mary explained who Jeshua was, who she was, and what unfolded was a glimpse of a play behind the play, so to speak; how great spiritual beings have come time and time again at critical times in human history to assist humanity along its development path.
She explained who the Knights Templar were, the Cathars and their connection to the mission of Jeshua and Mary Magdalene. She explains how the mission of Jeshua and Mary Magdalene was primarily about preparing for Ascension at the end of 2012. How the DNA of their children was critical to Ascension and how the Catholic Church sought to stamp it out – and much more.
Here are some brief excerpts from her replies:
...It was all so long ago when you look at it from your linear time perspective; and yet, from where I look at it, where past, present and future are, you could say, all one and all very accessible, it's like it was just yesterday and so I can easily view the records and my memory because I have, where I now reside, full memory of all that I've ever been in every lifetime back to the moment of the creation of my soul and that is truly wondrous...
Speaking of her mother, Anna (Saint Anne):
...And so, even though she was in your terms quite old at the time of Jeshua’s birth, in truth anyone who saw her would have taken her to be about 35 years of age. Quite extraordinary, you would have to agree, when she was, perhaps, close to 500 years of age. So she was a great Master; a great Master of many skills. She had studied with the Druids; she spent many, many, many years in Egypt. She spent time in the Himalayas with the likes of Babaji and others, and she studied very widely. She was a great teacher. She was in charge of the teachings at Mt Carmel, which was one of the great Essene “monasteries” is perhaps a term you might use, but she was a great Master and a great leader and greatly acknowledged by many...
…The Essenes were a group who could trace their origins back to Atlantis. They were a group that had kept much of the knowledge and skills that were available in Atlantis, indeed some technologies that were available in Atlantis and were sustained. And in order to preserve some of the skills from that time, operating in this form of consciousness that has existed on the planet since The Fall in Atlantis took great discipline and training; and, no, it was not possible to retain all of the skills from Atlantis because so much in the physical body had changed, so much vibrationally had changed with The Fall…
...And so there were many threads to Jeshua’s mission, one of which was this repair work and there were others, one of which you have spoken about in the “The Soul Journey of Jeshua” material which related to the role of the DNA coming forth in the children of Jeshua and Mary Magdalene and I will not cover this here, however I simply have outlined this so that those listening to this will understand that we knew who Jeshua was. We knew the origins of his soul. We knew why he was coming. We also knew that there was the risk of the crucifixion, because we could see into the future, but it was not something which was preordained, you could say. It was not something that we wished to see happen and it was not part of his mission...
...But there is a much broader answer to your question and that is, few yet understand the dance, you could say that has gone on upon this planet at this higher level. Few yet understand and this is the first time I believe I have mentioned this, is that I am an aspect of the one known as Alorah, that high cherubim angel, the first being created after the seraphim angels, and I am an aspect of Alorah. And aspects of Alorah have always come forth upon your planet to be the mother of those aspects of Marietta when he comes forth. It has always been so, and it will always be so; and so on that higher level I came forth as his mother in that lifetime, as I have always done.
And there is that expression as above so below because, with the creation of that great soul Marietta, particles of the soul of Alorah were contributed to that creation and so you could say on that level, Alorah is the mother of Marietta; and so that is a piece of the story that is not well understood. And there are aspects of Alorah that are woven throughout the history of your planet and that continues until this day. And so I well understood that I would be the mother of this one in the continuation of that tradition...
...What you have begun to open up here are aspects of the background to Jeshua and his mission and also of Mary Magdalene and so let us look at some of these issues. As I mentioned, Mary of Magdala, who was Mary Magdalene's mother was the daughter of that one known as Balthazar, that so-called wise man who was the king of Syria and so, needless to say, she was a woman of great means and she also chose to study the esoteric traditions in great detail and the name Magdala was attached to an esoteric training centre, you could say, not so much a temple but perhaps what you might consider a monastery and so Mary, that Mary, because of her knowledge became known as Mary of that monastic location and so that is how her name evolved; and where she was located was in an area where Joseph of Arimathea had one of his great houses, because he was a man of great wealth through both his own trading abilities where he built a business trading in ore, particularly tin and he owned much of the tin mining within Cornwall in England...
...There is one who is, you could say, Alorah’s partner on high who sends forth an aspect to be the father of the aspects of Marietta, of which Jeshua was one and Joseph ben Jacob was an aspect of that being; and so this is part of the untold story which is beginning to emerge. You could say there are three great beings on high who have participated together in the unfolding of so much upon your beautiful planet - Alorah and her partner and that one known as Marietta have come forth many times to be mother and father and child and there are other examples in your history that are recognised in some cases by some and in many other cases not recognised; but it is a pattern and so Jeshua was the son of myself and Joseph his father and my husband...
...And a key aspect of the knowledge of the Templars related to Sacred Geometry. One thing that has begun to come forth into your knowledge, into your reality at this time is the connection between Sacred Geometry and modern physics and the understanding of how Sacred Geometry is used to bring forth the expression of the physical, of matter you could say.
These things are inextricably interwoven and so the Templars gathered this knowledge and they brought it forth, particularly in those wondrous buildings known as the Gothic cathedrals, which have been honoured as great Christian cathedrals and extraordinarily, built under the nose of the Catholic Church when indeed they had an entirely different purpose; and some have begun to understand this. The key buildings created by the Templars created an Ascension path and much more knowledge about this will be brought forth in the coming times; however that was a key purpose of the Templars...
What started out as a simple interest in the facts of the first Christmas grew into an amazing tale, bringing forth so much knowledge that has been hidden, confirming some notions that have been widely speculated upon and scotching some long held beliefs. It is an extraordinary document.
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Richard Presser