The Journey of going through rebirth and how we experience it.
Dr. Angela Barnett
There are already an infinite number of parallel reality Earth's to choose from.
The Earth that you will move to will be the Earth that already contains the people who are already germain to that VIBRATION. The people around you may seem to change, but that's just an illusion. Eventually those who are not in your vibration will disappear. You will just no longer find them in your day to day experience.
By changing yourself, you shift your consciousness to a place where only those who are in your frequency will be in that place. You will be in a place where those other frequencies can no longer exist. You may still be interacting with VERSIONS of them who were already in that new reality.
We do not change our world. We leave one world to move to another. We shift our frequencies to a different program that is already playing on your T.V. screen of the universe.
You must first change yourself and then you will be taken to a world where that change can be reflected to you because that change already exists in that world.
So, we create our past present and future reality in our DNA
We create I am fabulously wealthy
I am Super consciousness.
I am Divine Christ manifest.
I am fearless.
I am Free
I am the great alchemist
I am the angelic choir
I am Eternal.
I am twenty years younger.
I am the 33 year old Christ Avatar.
I am the creator of my own Star system.
We must create these realities now, in order to be able to move to this reality in Fall 2016.
The only thing that is real is the experience of these things.
You shift to the parallel reality where you can experience these things.
Everything else is a symbol or a reflection of that experience.
Physical reality is only an illusion or hologram that is designed for you to have the experience within.
There is no OUT THERE. There is only the reality that we imprint within our DNA/.
The Immortal DNA contains the image of Christ Consciousness. It is the DNA that allows the highest frequency from the Music of the Spheres to melt away all of the Electrons within the cellular memory and replace the electrons with the Infinite Unknown Mind of God.
The highest harpstring is the violet string. That violet string is actually the 14th dimensional consciousness of the Cosmos that contains the heliotalic and gamma pre light and sound frequencies that transform the skeleton of the neutron body into the Christ. The etheric structure of the DNA re-connects into this violet string in the Cosmic Sphere of the Music of the Spheres, and this transforms the old DNA into the Christ Consciousness that is only having the Objective All Knowing of the Mind of God breathed into it.
That harpstring that resonates at the highest frequency has Zero Electrons. The polarization becomes disolved when the sphere that has zero electrons sings through the other spheres. The removal of the polarization is what allows us to become Christ Consciousness.
In order to become a Christ, we must learn to play the Harp like the Angels do. The Angelic Consciousness in the Cosmic Sphere of the Music of the Spheres is played by the Breaths of the Highest Angels.
The Elohim Angels taught me how to play this Cosmic Harp that would activate the Christ Consciousness. When we breathe to connect our Consciousness into the Cosmic Sphere, or the Violet String, we activate all of the lower strings on the Harp. The Highest Frequency Sends the highest resonance of Cosmic Consciousness into all of the Lower Strings on the Harp.
These harpstrings actually exist deep within the Soma of our Atoms. The Soma looks like a sphere that is surrounded by a mote of water, just like a castle wall. Inside of the Soma there are these tiny little hair like fabrics that look like a harpstring. These strings actually appear to be tiny little spheres sitting on top of each other inside of the DNA. They are separated by electrons. The Fewer the Electrons the more positive the charge is. So the More electrons, the more negative the charge is. So there is a Polarization of the positive and the negative charges in the nucleus of the the Mortal Cell Structure. However there is absolutely no polarization of positive and negative charges in the Immortal DNA.
That harpstring that resonates at the highest frequency has Zero Electrons. We must move into this Zero Point to become Christs. The polarization becomes disolved when the sphere that has zero electrons sings through the other spheres. The removal of the polarization is what allows us to become Christ Consciousness.
When the electrons become disolved, there is no more polarization. When there is no more polarization in one DNA, the entire body transforms.
In order to change our bodies into the Christ Body, we must Sing the Frequencies of Transformation into the neurotransmitters of the receptor site of the dendrites or cell body.
SYNAPTIC CLEFT NEURON image and Weblinks that explain
The Christ Consciousness will be restored through this process. The removal of polarization means the removal between matter and the anti matter, the physical and the spiritual. When Polarization is removed, we become Christ. We become Super Human.
The Elohim Angels taught me how to connect my DNA into the Cosmic DNA of the Violet String. I use the gift and the formula that they taught me over several years to create the Eternal Life Album. It was the same formula that I used to create the Eternal Life Album that brought my husband back to life after being gone from his body for several days and declared dead in the hospital. The Angels taught me this transformational process of bringing the Highest Frequencies into the DNA to reconnect the Eternal Life of the Super Human- the Christ Consciousness in Man.
They taught me how to use Crystal Light, Crystal Gel and Crystal Dust to remove the polarity of the negative and positive electrons. It is the pre light and sound Frequencies within the Liquid Light or Vapor of the pre plasma of the Gamma that is contained within the three Crystal Spheres that I connect my consciousness through to TRANSFORM THE SOUND. The Transformation of Sound actually means unplugging from the polarized Mortal Mind and plugging in to the Immortal Mind of Christ Consciousness. This can only be done in the Violet String or the Violet Sphere of the Music of the Spheres. This is the highest frequency that removes the polarization of Electrons.
In our Quantum Level Biology lab we are working with minute organisms called Elementals. We work specifically with Minute, Microscopic Entities who call themselves the Aquafarians. The Aquafarians have showed me in my dreams this display of Electrons within the Soma of my DNA. This would be impossible to see with normal Scientific Technology.
In my dreams at the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse, where the Aquafarians are my teachers, I was shown this layering of these tiny little spheres upon spheres upon spheres within the Soma of the DNA. To a regular scientists, these would look like a layer of stones, however, at the etheric level of vision they are more like the spheres of the music of the spheres.
Scientists call these protein atoms. Each of these tiny atoms have electrons spinning in and out and around them. The nucleus of atoms have negative and positive charges. The Fewer the Electrons the more positive the charge is. So the More electrons, the more negative the charge is. So there is a Polarization of the positive and the negative charges in the nucleus in the Mortal DNA.
The free flowing electrons between the stack of atoms do not belong to any one atom because they are swimming in and out of the stack of tiny protein atoms. So these atoms could become polarized into negative or positive at any time.
Since we have these electrons dancing back and forth between positive and negative charges, we are working with Elementals who are receptive to Frequencies. The Aquafarians are the Angels who Sing the Frequencies into the Harpstrings of the DNA at the Quantum Level.
The carbules are like strings on the harp. They are the Aquafarians harpstrings. When the Aquafarians Strum or sing the highest string on the harp, the highest frequency of the violet light and sound of the 14th dimension. When that String is played, it Transforms our Reality.
When the Violet String is Heard through the other HarpStrings, the lower strings begin their Evolution. They begin to transform into a new Multi Dimensional Choir or Realities.
Inside of the neuron nerve fiber there are six other bodies within its skeletal structure. What holds it in its three dimensional mass is the harmonics of the fabric receptors at the Quantum Level. The electrons that flow in and out of the protien atom grid of the fiber itself create the resonate vibration that holds the hologram of matter together.
The etheric spheres or strings in the harp that go beyond the light body do not have electrons. Electrons are given visible birth because they consitiute polarity.
Some carbules have an electron cloud because those carbules are connected from the light body down. So this cell can glow. It can glow from the inside out because if you strum the carbules of its body it will glow. However if you strum the blue body this will appear like a negative. Your network of webs become visible.
Lets say this nerve neuron has reached its capacity in your brain. It is finished with its life. So this belonged to the Human Brain nerve strata and it was created exclusively for HUMANS. But now we want to become something else. We are done being Humans. We are finished being Mortals.
To become something else we need to move into this Frequency of the Violet Sphere and allow the transformation to happen in the etheric levels of the DNA. We must play the harpstrings of the DNA through the highest frequency which causes all of the lower strings to melt into the resonation of the highest string. This causes all of the strings in the DNA to melt away or disolve. This is the transformation that is required before the Christ can appear. The new harpstrings are connected into the Mind of God through the transformation of the violet string.
The being has a dream in the deep sleep of becoming a new life in a different reality. That dream is within a completely different reality- a different frequency- a new place and time. The being must dream this dream into his being by placing it in the etheric web of the strings in the DNA within the neurotransmitters.
The being visualizes the dream after moving into the highest frequency of the violet string. The being falls asleep because the frequencies are so high that they have slow, long waves that are pulling consciousness into the Cosmos. It is a very long distance, so the waves are very slow. The waves are not low frequency. The waves are an extremely high frequency which causes a long, slow wave to pull the consciousness far, far away into the transformational chambers of the 14th dimension of Cosmic Consciousness.
Since the dream of the NEW REALITY does not exist in the old DNA, the neuronet fires, but can not find the reality. So, the coma becomes agitated while searching for a new reality. This causes the nerves to light up and fire a new reality into the etheric fibre of the DNA. This firing deep within the nerves causes the interconnecting nerves to pierce the soma and begin to Fire simultaneously. That causes a digging a hole into the heart of the soma to search for a new reality. The new reality must be created in a new set of harpstrings, in a new set of DNA.
An electricution takes place in the soma and it creates a wonderful new quality in the entire cellular memory. It causes a vibration to occur in the cell. That vibration comes from the fabric like etheric substance which look just like the five spheres (the Music of the Spheres)it is the skeleton inside of the body of the atom. The reason the etheric fabric does this is because the dream of the humans potential exists in a mind that is superhuman. The mind that is super human does not live in the mortal DNA, but, it does live within the immortal DNA-- in the harpstrings of the super human Christ Consciousness.
So this superior mind strums the image, sings the image. The harmonic fibers vibrate in a harmonic movement. The skeleton of the body of the DNA disolves. It erases itself. Only the soma and the fabric of Christ Consciousness remains and it imprints itself on the new DNA. The new DNA cannot appear until the old DNA becomes disolved.
It turns into a Thick GEL. It becomes a Cacoon ready to give birth to a Butterfly. The Soma has dreamed the super human into existence just like the cacoon dreams the butterfly into existence.
Hormones do not work in the new reality. The synaptic Cleft has replced the hormones. Hormones were the creators of the Mortal Man. Now we are creating the Immortal Man- the Super Man.
We evolve to this through the Quality of Consciousness by absorbing New Knowledge of a New Reality. This becomes a building block for a new reality to be dreamed into a new you. The microscopic fabric within the soma of the neurotransmitters disolve the entire mass of the DNA. Those old realities in the old DNA must be disolved before a new reality can be dreamed. So, I breathe the new frequency of the violet string into your DNA in Consciousness to melt away the old realities and allow a new reality to be formed on your new DNA. Your Eternal Life Album plays the harpstrings within the DNA to prepare your Consciousness to sing a new song of Love Transformation into the Christ Consciousness.
The harpstrings vibrate all the way from the infinite unknown neurotransmitters that have no electrons. The song becomes frequency. A very high sweet frequency. The voice becomes transformed into this new frequency of etheric sweetness. And that song sings through the DNA until the old DNA melts away.
That new song sung through the breaths of Angels effects the entire fiber core net work of the cell, the neuronet, the DNA. Only one cell in the body needs to become transformed before the entire body transforms into the Christ body.
The new breath of creation sung from the violet sphere transmutes all of the lower spheres. The Cosmic transforms the Universal and the Galactic and the Solar and the Planetary Consciousness. The spheres within the DNA transform all the way down into the density of visible light. The invisible light becomes the blue hue to the mind who is beginning this transformation. Those of you who have followed my Candle Technique and used the Full Spectrum of Light Energy just like we use this harpstring. Each of the strings on the harpstring are the same as the light spectrum in the candle flame.
When we take the body completely into the candle flame of the full light spectrum of the Mind of God, we are transforming the tiny little harpstrings within the soma of the neuronet. We are allowing the highest frequency to strum the harpstrings of our minds. We are reconnecting to the Mind of God.
The light of transformation is coming from the new frequencies sent from the Suns of the 5th -12th dimensions. Each stellar wave infusion that was brought to Earth from the seven Suns brought more of this transformational energy that is needed to activate the Super Human Consciousness of the Christ.
All of those frequencies needed to be combined into the highest frequencies through the Music of the Spheres. This is why the Elohim Angels handed me the three Crystal Spheres of Crystal Liquid Light, Crystal Gel and Crystal Dust. They told me to weave these sets of crystalline energy that all of the suns and stars are created from into one Crystal Sphere and hold it above my head- 36 inches in order for the activation of the Music of the Spheres through the Violet String on the Harpstrings. They had me begin by taking the spheres up to 24 inches above my head into the Universal or Christic Sphere of the 12 dimensional Consciousness and connect to the Consciousness of the Elohim of Hearing, which means the Christ Consciousness.
However, the Christ Consciousness must be activated through the Transformational Consciousness of the Cosmic Consciousness which is the original breath of the Mind of God. That transformational Frequency is 36 inches above the head.
These locations of frequencies of Consciousness is created through the Merkaba Spheres that spin energy of consciousness at different rhythmic spin rates. The Cosmic Merkaba placed around the body is represented through the bottom point of the triangle of the bottom merkaba placed within the etheric 13th dimensional Core of Earth and the top point of the Merkaba triangle facing upward touching the 14.5 dimensional Consciousness within the Sphere of the Divine Love Consciousness which holds the Cosmos within the Mind of God.
When the body is placed within this Cosmic Merkaba, the heart of the body becomes in tune with or in the exact same rhythmic frequency as the heart of Mother Earth, the heart of the Universe and the Cosmos. The term heart and heart beat mean at the place where the upper triangle of the merkaba nd the lower triangle of the merkaba intersect through a spinning of all that is in the Consciousness within spinning into the Consciousness of all that is in the Consciousness of the Outer. When the body is returned to that spin rate of the Cosmic Sphere, the Electrons disappear. Polarity disappears. There is no more positive and negative charge of electrons creating density. There is only pure consciousness.
The electrons redefine themselves. The skeleton that appears is a Christ. It reformulates its neuro mass to fit the control of the Mind of God. The brain has changed to become the facilitator of the super human.
Our bodies will go into a deep sleep, like a hybernization. The change will be through crysallis. As the Cellestiline enters into our bodies from the waves of stardust and prana, it causes a light to flash and create a new reality in flash.
Our brains must go into a deep level of sleep as we are pulled back into Oneness with the original creation point of Source, the Idea, the Thought, the Intention and the Manifestation of the New Idea.
The body will always be held in tact within the field of God Source. However, at the same time, we will disappear for nano seconds at a time to realign in the new idea.
God creates each idea within a sphere of hydroplasm. There is a cloud of hydrolaise which is first frozen and then warmed into various chemical structures of light and sound. The blue print of the idea is simultaneously created at all levels of manifestation from hertizian, to infra red, to visible, invisble light, x ray and gamma wave. This means the invisible, etheric reality of the thought of God is manifest at the same instant that the new body flashes on in the dimension that will be in our new perception.
During this very rapid transition, the body goes into lucid dreaming, psychedelic sleep. When we awaken, we will first notice something different about our bodies, the way we feel and look, our hopes and desires will have completely changed. We will know we are Christ. We will know we have become the mind of God manifest. We will open our eyes on to a new reality because our perception will have been completely translated.
The window for this transition will spark open November, 2016. Whatever dreams that we have placed in our new DNA will be the reality that appears before us.
The skeletal structure of each cell will be disolved and then a new imprint will replace it. The old DNA will still exist - but with a new imprint placed upon it by the mind of God. The new imprint will manifest as a new body. The body is made from a chip of light or the breath of God breathed to create a spark. This creates a hologram or a dot matrix body. The hydroplasma and hydrolaise and hydrogelaisic chemical interactions with light and sound create a new form in space. That new form is imprinted upon the tissue of the body. The carbules in the soma of each DNA begin to fire a new reality from the synaptic cleff.
The entire lightning effect of the carbules in their vibrating change imprint the DNA with the new living status. The new program exactly like a catepillar becoming a cacoon becoming a butterfly. The cacoon uses the light of the Sun to create a gelaisic crysallis of crystal light crystal dust and crystal gel of light frequency and utilizes the gelaisic tranformational substance of 14th dimensional heliotalic violet silver pink wave frequency.
The cacoon is the consciousness that is taken into the transformational factory of the 14th dimesnion. The violet harpstrings where the electrons are removed.
The form holding substance is removed to a new dream.
The cacoon becomes transparent, invisible, transforms. Exactly the same process takes place in the transformation of the DNA all of the old programming of density of the body disolves into a new consciousness a Christ Consciousness of a form that is being played into existence throug the harpstrings- the cosmic harpstrings of the violet transform the invisible light into the blue hue- a new reality is born.
The Frequency specific feeling takes place in consciousness to transpose the DNA to be strummed by the Mind of God. The violet string becomes the conductor of the human plan.
The catepillar knows how to use the quality of light of the sun.
The catepillar goes to sleep. Hybernization is done through the autonomic neurons system that is connected to the Mid Brain section of the brain. The nervous system controls body function of the heat and temparature and blood pressure, controls appetite and simple bio process of elimination.
Catepillar goes to sleep through frequency specific mid brain.
Its autonomic system moves it into slow hybernization. we can do this by using the candle to teach us to move into the blue hue in the brain and stay there for several hours.
The hearbeat slows down biology slows down in psychedelic sleep, lucid dreaming is a state of hybernization when we move into the Cosmic Sphere of Consciousness. This happens when we use the Candle Technique to move into the Full Spectrum of Light which transforms the invisible into the visible. The catepillar still has the memory in its DNA telling it how to turn in to a butterfly and humans had that program removed from their DNA. We must remember how to use the DNA programming that the catepillar remembers.
He visualizes himself becoming a butterfly. We must visualize ourselves becoming super human. The Christ- the etheric harpstrings in us must be reconnected into the mind of God through the process of the violet string or sphere of cosmic energy. We must sing ourselves int our Christ hood.
We first create the list of who we want to become. The list might contain these ideas and many more.
The image and likeness of God the Eternal Life Body
The Christ Consciousness Realized The Enlightened One, the Blue Body, The Immortal, Fearless, Super, Heroic, Teleporter, Walk through Walls, Remote Viewer, Body 20 years younger, vital, energetic, perfect self.
Write it, draw it, visualize it, dream it into being.
We must paint that reality on to our harpstrings of our DNA.
We must sing that dream onto the harpstrings. The highest frequency must strum the other harpstrings into the etheric frequency that removes the electrons, that removes polarization, that removes space between spiritual physical, removes time and space.
You know this has happened when you feel like you have disappeared.
You strum your harpstrings into the infinite unknown Mind of God.
The Mid Brain has psychic abilities. Sub Conscious Mind of God is star dust. It reaches into all time and space and removes all time and space. All that is known is within the Mind of God.
What will happen?
You will be the same you but your DNA will be reprogrammed
The old DNA will melt away and become transmutted into your subconscious-the mind of God.
The Christ that was created by God will be written upon your dot matrix body- your divine blue print of the Idea of God.
You will align into the consciousness of Source and your mind will become empty.
Your last contract with Source will end and a new one will begin.
You will rise into harmonic universe two as you are lifted above the earth.
You will melt into the frequencies of the sun and you will disappear
When you wake up, you will be changed. You will be brand new.
The first step is visualizing this transformation and understanding it. The Eternal Life Album is created by taking your body through this process for you, however, it is much better if you take your body through this process of transformation while you are listening to your Eternal Life Album.
It is much more helpful if you visualize the tiny little harpstrings within your atoms and visualize a tiny little angle in your atoms strumming the highest string- the violet string and see that breath transform the strings below into that most etheric sound that is heard in the highest frequency.
You will find a new liberty as you become the god of your body. You will be able to manifest any thing you desire instantly if and when your Consciousness is actually within this new Frequency. When you hold your consciousness in the Violet String or the Violet Sphere of Cosmic Consciousness. Your Consciousness must be in the 14.5 Transformational Light Center before you can Magnetize the Frequencies of the Vision into your DNA. The vision of your desired manifestation must be felt as a frequency. You can then Strum that Frequency with the Violet Frequency to manufacture it in the transformational center. Only then, can the Mind of God manufacture the idea from the negative idea into the positive manifest EXPERIENCE.
When someone Magnetizes something to themselves through frequencies, the process of creation is used. The idea can only manifest if it is created through the Mind of God and then created as an Experience in Holographic Form.
When a person says they are Magnetizing Form by raising their frequencies it means they are raising their Consciousness into the Energy of the Cosmic Sphere where the Mind of God transforms old ideas into brand new fields of reality. Otherwise, there are just old life forms being recycled over and over again.
We will be moved into a new time and a new space when we become saturated with the highest frequencies of Source. We will first become one with the Frequencies of Middle Earth - the magical place where our angelic families have lived for eons waiting for us to return. Remember the reality is always in a frequency. The Earth's frequencies are actually being raised into the frequencies of Inner Earth and the Cloud Cities above us. This is the first step in our Ascension. Those who transmute their DNA into the vision of this new reality will see it and those who do not will not see it.
The new body and the new reality will become completely activated by a Starburst which creates the Celestilline --the magical substance that sets the metamorphasis into activation
Once our DNA is reactivated, our bodies will go through a very fast transition in a matter of a nano second.
Our bodies will go into a deep sleep, like a hybernization. The change will be through crysallis. As the Cellestiline enters into our bodies from the waves of starburst and prana, it causes a light to flash and create a new reality. Our brains will go into a deep level of sleep as we are pulled back into Oneness with the original creation point of Source, the Idea, the Thought, the Intention and the Manifestation of the New Idea.
The body will always be held in tact within the field of God Source. However, at the same time, we will disappear for nano seconds at a time to realign in the new idea.
God creates each idea within a sphere of hydroplasm. The body becomes the Christ when the H20 of the body becomes H2O2HE3. We acheive this my Consciously translating the water that we drink into Spiritual Water through the Conscious activity of using the Three Crystal Spheres of Transformation. We do this by taking the water we drink into the Crystal Spheres and holding it in consciousness 36 inches above the head and visualizing its transformation into the crystalization of H2O2HE3--Spiritual Water- hydrolaise.
There is a cloud of hydrolaise which is first frozen and then warmed into various chemical structures of vapor through light and sound. The blue print of the idea is simultaneously created at all levels of manifestation from hertizian, to infra red, to visible, invisble light, x ray and gamma wave. This means the invisible, etheric reality of the thought of God is manifest at the same instant that the new body flashes on in the dimension that will be in our new perception.
During this very rapid transition, the body goes into lucid dreaming, psychedelic sleep, the body shuts down the desire to eat and the bowel and urinary functions are shut down. There is a prolonged chemical change in the body.
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