In quietness are all things answered, and every problem quietly resolved. In Conflict there can be no answer and no resolution, for its purpose is to make resolution possible, and to ensure no answer will be plain. A problem set in conflict has no answer, for it is seen in different ways. And what would be an answer from one point of view, is not an answer in another light. You are in conflict. Thus it must be clear you cannot answer any thing at all, for Conflict has no limited effects. Yet if God gave an answer there must be a way in which your problems are resolved, for what he wills must be done.
#2 Thus it must be that time is not involved and every problem can be answered ''now''. Yet it must also be in your state of mind, solution is impossible. Therefore God must have given you a way of reaching to another state of mind in which the answer is already there. Such is the ''Holy Instant'' It is here that all of your problems should be brought and left. Here they belong for here there answer is. And where its answer is, a problem must be simple and easily resolved. It must be pointless to attempt to solve a problem where the answer cannot be. Yet just as surely it must be resolved, if it is brought to where the answer is.
#3 Attempt to solve no problems but within the Holy Instant surety. For there the problem''will be'' answered and resolved. Outside there will be no solution, for there is no answer there to be found. Nowhere outside a single, simple question is ever asked. The world can only ask a double question. One with many answers can have no answers. None of them will do! It does not ask a question to be answered, but only to reinstate its point of view.
#4 All questions asked within this world are but a way of looking, not a question asked. A question asked in hate cannot be answered, because it is an answer in itself. A double question asks and answers, both attesting the same thing in different form. The world asks but one question. It is this; of these Illusions which one of them is true? Which one of them establishes Peace and offers joy? And which one can bring escape from all the pain of which this world is made?
I hope this helps, it helped me and thats why I typed and posted it, as it addresses the conflicts we are having with all the mixed channeling. Rev. Joshua skirvin