Multilethalead (Octoccata part 8)

Athletics tracks finish line by Petey21)

The eighth and final movement of « Octoccata » is entitled « Multilethalead » and starts on a ostinato-based progression that slowly morphs into a relentless string of offbeat melodies harmonized by an increasing number of voices, building up to a climactic reprise of the « Lethal Lead » theme introduced in the fourth movement.

The « Multi » part of the section's title comes from the markers identifying some of its passages, namely « Trilead, » « Quadlead, » and « Pentapercular, » that latter tag signaling the moment when the percussions forego their timekeeping role in order to join the other instruments in the joyous fun of underpinning the melody.

That being said, let me relinquish the pulpit to give our heroic hawker one last opportunity to reach you through his unmatched delivery, and to hopefully close a few lucrative distribution deals...

O·c·t·a·T·o·n·i·c cures all ailments
So act quick before it's too late
There are no wiser investments
Take advantage of our rebate
In cash now please make your payments
Get your bottle while there's still freight
Or in eight easy installments
And we will ship you a full crate

And with that last octameter rhyming with eight ends this hopefully enjoyable series of posts dedicated to « Octoccata. » Please stay tuned for more unique poligrafic goodness coming soon to a blog near you !

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