- Multiple Shape Shifters In The Atlantic, Andes, Carib, Philippines Initial HitsBy Michael MandevilleJan 27, 2010 - 1:28:51 PMÂ Multiple Shape Shifters In The Atlantic, Andes, Carib, Philippines Initial HitsWiithin this past two hours the shifting surge has begun, within hours we will see the beginning of the fit hitting the shanhttp://www.iris.edu/seismon/ÂCandace: also check USGS, usually more quakes are there than the above site, but the above site is nice to observe quake activity over time.Pretty much, motion is spreading from the Atlantic, both North And South with the greatest motion to the west which is NOW generating immense crustal tides through the Americas, still rising through the 30th, to assist the subduction of the Pacific.Substantial increase of activity on the Carib Plate, both seismic and volcanic, can be expected with 100% certainty. All the usual and recent sites are in play for this.Activity likely to rise along all western coastal zones of the Americas.Deep interior quakes also likely to increase in fequency and magnitude during the next 30 days.More probable than not, two Class 7+ quakes will strike during the next 14 days....somewhere.A Mega Quake Class 8+ is also likely to be in the offing. Location specific is not possible from orbitals. Tectonic pattern recognition still to crude to localize. Look to "critter" alerts for specific zones. Somewhere, cellular automata are now in full stress overload tilt mode, thus signalling a major "disturbance in the force". Find them if you want to know more.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------All writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by©2005-2010 AbundantHope - All rights reservedDetailed explanation of AbundnatHope's Copyright's are found here
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