Dr. Angela Barnett

We are now in a time of accelerated DNA ACTIVATION for those who are TUNE INTO that reality.
Now we have the CHAKRAS, GRIDS and STARGATES all at 100 percent, the Energy of the Earth
is ready to sing and dance with the DNA of the human body.

I have offered the Individualized PERFECT DNA albums in the past.
Now is a different time. The CHAKRAS, GRIDS and STARGATES have never been activated
to 100 percent ever before in the history of planet Earth. Earth is now full of new energy.
The Sun is blasting away all Karma from Earth. Sometimes the Sun does not
do this in ways that are kind, but it must be done in order for the Earth to regain consciousness
and raise her frequencies back to perfection.
Those who engage in the sycnronicity of raising frequencies together with Earth can
accelerate their DNA as is needed to stay in harmonious oneness with Earth.

It is possible to engage your 24 chromosones at this time. This means that you attune and
raise your frequencies to a level where the third helix starts to sprout out of the double helix.
This means the third DNA REALITY starts to grow into the Fourth DNA REALITY. The growth
is gradual. It is very much like a new leaf growing from a tree.
If you start this activation at this time, your 24 chromosone life can begin to blossom in about
one year.
That is about when the Earth will bloom into her new consciousness that is a result of the Chakras,
Grids and Stargates.

It is very possible that those who get their 24 chromosones will be given access to the original
Magic Relics that will be returned to Earth as soon as the consciousness of those on Earth reaches
80 percent. I think it was at 68 percent the last time I checked.

The Frequencies in this album activate the 12 DNA in all four templates - of the Physical and Spiritual Parallel Doubles. The 48 DNA are the Genetic Time code of the Indigo’s who were born from the Paradisian Race Line. This is the genetic code required for Biological Ascension. This gift was brought to Earth for Angelic Humans to Plug their Consciousness into.

The fusions of the DNA base codes and acceleration codes causes minute crystalline structures to manifest within the molecular structure of the blood creating the BLOOD OF CHRIST - the immortal chemical structure within the blood itself. This prepares the body for bio-chemical, cellular, hormonal, and metabolic acceleration which allows the next DNA Strand to Initiate.

DNA is made of electro tonal sound paatterns. There are seals between the DNA that are also made of electro tonal frequency. They are a BREATH of CONSCIOUSNESS. When the Consciousness connects to that frequency and inhales the Frequency, it is that Musical Frequency that TRANSFORMS the DNA, by activating it. The Musical Frequencies cause the DNA to come to life, to begin their dance into a new rhythmic pulsation. The music turns on the harpstrings between the neuronets within the DNA. The neuronets reconnect to the Plasma Waves of Cosmic Consciousness. The body cells accelerate , transmute into light and then re manifest within the harmonic universe above. This acceleration of particle spin will allow the human genetic code to remanifest within the Taran Time Cycle.

This advanced formula of DNA Activation contains the most basic God Language Codes for DNA Activation sung in CHRISTMAS MELODIES, plus all levels of Frequencies involved in the infusion of stellar light, Indigo and Avatar Consciousness and Music of the Spheres to perfectly activate DNA subharmonics of the 12, 24, and 48 in each DNA STRAND.

Each of the songs in this album contain specific God Language and Frequency Codes that correct and activate the streaming relationship of the particles and anti-particles within the subharmonics of the DNA. The formula of Consciousness Alignment into the entire Cosmic Matrix through the direction of the Elohim of Hearing and the Cosmic Ascension Teams is the Musical Formula used in creating this music.

Crystalai channels the frequencies from the Magical Orchestrations within the Music of the Spheres and infuses the sub harmonic overtones and base tones of the DNA to activate each of the physical (particles) and spiritual (anti-particles) into the photonic (morphogenetic consciousness) of the brand new Angelic Raceline Consciousness Field from within the Earth's Cosmic Core.

This Consciousness from within the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth is reconnected through the Listener's Crystal Heart into the Parallel Spiiitual Matrix of Mother Earth and into the original Photon Belt of the 8th Sun of our Creation. This is the formula that is used to correct and align the 12 subharmonic harpstrings into each of the double helix of the DNA. This DNA activation combines the 24 subharmonics of the physical and spiritual of this Universe and the 24 subharmonics of the physical and spiritual of the Spiritual Parallel Universe of to insure the full 48 activation in each of the DNA. This album contains the magical transformation formulas from many of the previous Crystal Magic Orchestra albums and combines them into the specific activation needed at this time of our Ascension.

The Frequency Fence that was created to post pone our ascension until this time is what has created the illusion of the FIVE SENSES. Unlocking the potential of the DNA through the photons of the particles and anti particles spinning into higher frequencies of Reality will set us free to see all of the magical realities that exist within Light and Sound itself.

The breaths of consciousness that line these songs can not be heard by the Five Senses, they must be heard by the Seven Senses of Super Consciousness.

It will be natural for many to think that they can't understand the words because the songs are sung in the God Language. There are thousands of layers of words and frequencies and breaths that you will not be able to hear until your DNA becomes activated at the 5 DNA level.

Keep listening and realize that you are hearing more each day.

Dr. Angela Barnett

We are now in a time of accelerated DNA ACTIVATION for those who are TUNE INTO that reality.
Now we have the CHAKRAS, GRIDS and STARGATES all at 100 percent, the Energy of the Earth
is ready to sing and dance with the DNA of the human body.

I have offered the Individualized PERFECT DNA albums in the past.
Now is a different time. The CHAKRAS, GRIDS and STARGATES have never been activated
to 100 percent ever before in the history of planet Earth. Earth is now full of new energy.
The Sun is blasting away all Karma from Earth. Sometimes the Sun does not
do this in ways that are kind, but it must be done in order for the Earth to regain consciousness
and raise her frequencies back to perfection.
Those who engage in the sycnronicity of raising frequencies together with Earth can
accelerate their DNA as is needed to stay in harmonious oneness with Earth.

It is possible to engage your 24 chromosones at this time. This means that you attune and
raise your frequencies to a level where the third helix starts to sprout out of the double helix.
This means the third DNA REALITY starts to grow into the Fourth DNA REALITY. The growth
is gradual. It is very much like a new leaf growing from a tree.
If you start this activation at this time, your 24 chromosone life can begin to blossom in about
one year.
That is about when the Earth will bloom into her new consciousness that is a result of the Chakras,
Grids and Stargates.

It is very possible that those who get their 24 chromosones will be given access to the original
Magic Relics that will be returned to Earth as soon as the consciousness of those on Earth reaches
80 percent. I think it was at 68 percent the last time I checked.



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