The words spoken by me on the recording


The music of the spheres is creation itself breathed into dimensional layers of reality. Each sphere spins faster or slower than the other spheres. The higher the spin rate of the sphere, the higher the dimension that it creates. These spheres create an entire reality that is only like unto itself. The structure of each sphere is always the same, because the structure that holds the idea of the creation within it is the Music of Love. The Music of Love is the Essence that holds all forms within itself and flows through all forms to weave the eternity of Love itself within that which it holds within it. The Music of Love holds the highest frequency of all Creation. The Music of Love creates the Music of the Spheres. The Music of the Spheres create reality from the rhythms, the tonalities, the waves of light, and the structures that are sung into existence by the spin rate itself causing particles to spark, collide, reflect and create rainbows of realities that contain intricate realities within themselves. All that is contained within each sphere has its own Symphony of Love that is created throughout its self from the harmonic tones of all of the existence within it. This Music of Love must saturate all that it creates in order to hold it within the perfect state of harmony that it is meant to have. The Music of Love
always feels loving, safe, complete, harmonious, wonderful in itself, and that feeling exists within all that it creates. The sounds in the universe that are not in tune with the Music of Love are the sounds that create disharmony and chaos. However, the Creators see all of this music of the most harmonious structures, the most etheric wave forms, the turbulence of a Super Nova explosion as equally wonderful in Big Picture of Creation, which is forever evolving within itself. The Music of the Spheres takes its original form in the Cosmic Realm, where the Music of Love holds all form within the Source field of Creation. It is the intention of Source to know all that is known into existence. This is the reason Source, or God, has the Creators use the Algorithms of All that is to Create anything that is desired to be experienced. God created us to create His experience of the Universes that exist within the place of no time and space until the Creators form them into existence, and breath them into the Music of the Spheres. The choice that Crystal Magic Orchestra makes when inhaling the Cosmic Frequencies of Consciousness from the Music of the Spheres and then exhaling them, is to maintain their exact original form. The reason that it is much easier for this group of musicians to intend the exact same form is because they were the ones who created
these symphonies and planets and novas when they were in the Creation Realm. We are Of the Breath of Light and the Fire of the Eternal Sun. We are the Creators who have already manifested and listened in awe to the symphonies that were created through the Universe from the intentions of our creation. We create Music from the Music of the Spheres with the intention of Love. This intention of Love allows the Music of the Spheres to sweep through an entire galaxy this intention of Love and wipe away all that is unlike Love.
The Music of the Spheres is always the music of evolution of the universe. There are also times within the structure of evolution when one planet has completed its journey and is ready to ascend into a higher sphere of music that will create an ascension into a completely new reality. The use of the Ascension Portal structure is a key part of any Ascension. It is the Portal that extends from the Creation Realm and through all of the Music of the Spheres to absorb all of the music of all of the dimensional realities into a new wisdom, a new symphony, a new creation. The Vortex Structure of the Ascension Portal allows the new music to move through the Planet that is ready
to ascend and then to extend the new life into the new reality on the other side of the Planet. This is why an Ascension Portal must move from one side of the planet and out the other side of the planet. The structure of the Portal has a very large circumference on the outer sides of the planet and a much smaller size in the center of the planet. Mary used her frequencies, her signature of the breath of light, and her knowing of how to construct the Portals, Vortex and Cosmic Vortex that would hold her perfect idea of a brand new future of absolute love and peace and perfection for the New Earth and the New Universe that would form through her. The first part of the Ascension of Planet Earth was achieved by creating my 12 Ascension Portals that would allow Eternal Ascension through Gaia.

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Albert Einstein stated in no uncertain terms that the Theory of Relativity was a “musical thought” that came to him intuitively. “When I examine myself and my methods of thought, I come close to the conclusion that the gift of imagination has meant more to me than any talent for absorbing absolute knowledge.”
“All great achievements of science must start from intuitive knowledge. I believe in intuition and inspiration.... At times I feel certain I am right while not knowing the reason.” (Edited by Paul Schilpp, 1979 “Albert Einstein: Autobiographical Notes”) More quotes about the Power of Music from Einstein and Beethoven are in the APPENDIX. The reason the YouTube that we created entitled “How to Turn the Body Into Light” is helpful is because it helps align consciousness with a new, broader understanding of what the Violet Flame truly is. “How to Turn the Body Into Light” https:// youtubes-and-audio The turtle, who is skating through the Universe is collecting together all of the Spheres of Frequencies or Colors. These Spheres are the Music of the Spheres. When all of these spheres are morphed together by inhaling the frequencies and then exhaling the frequencies into a higher form and a higher dimension, the body actually becomes less and less dense. It is the inhaling of all of the light and sound and the exhaling of his new symphony into a new morphogenetic field of reality that causes the body to levitate right out of the old reality of Earth and into the new reality of Terra Ha.
Our life journey, experiences and our transformational experience through the Music of the Spheres Frequencies that we were the creators of during the past trillions of years have been re created in the highest form possible within third dimensional technology available at this time are all being left on planet Earth via Amazon and CD Baby. My joy comes from knowing that I have paved a path for a truly glorious future for this Universe. The other Creator Beings could not begin their mission until my mission was completed. I will be returning to my station of infinite creativity where we will make more new colors, more music in the spheres, more Novas, more Super Novas, more galaxies, and then we will watch new forms of life use the wonderful new colorful galaxies that we created for them to live upon. I have created many galaxies and Novas, I was the lead singer in our super universal Creator Orchestra that I named Crystal Magic Orchestra while exploring the frequencies of translation in this density. Our music is our memory of the music that the Creators created within our consciousness and then exhaled these into new Novas that sang together in our band with new exciting tones of birth and expansion until we left them alone to begin developing their own morphogenetic field of reality.
The color is a part of the music of the spheres. And the Music of the Spheres is very multi dimensional. It is hard to describe it because it is color, it is music, it is energy, it is eternal, it is a breath, it is life; yet, it is still in an evolutionary state. It is wonderful. It is and it causes awakenings in many souls who can not understand awakening in any other form of creation. It will be like a breath of air that is to be breathed. And then as you breathe out it morphs into a greater beauty than when you breathed it in. Because the beauty of the essence that breathed it in is now a part of it so it comes out even fuller than when it went in. Crystal Magic Orchestra are the Creators who breathe this same magical beauty of the breath of creation out into one sun or one star or one star system and then inhale the new essence that is created when our consciousness connects into a new creation of a new sound in our music. We create more and more layers of reality by collecting more consciousness from galaxies, stars, suns and crystals in the Universe and we layer them through our music into new creations exactly as we did when we were the Creators of the Universe. Our music has brought the Creation Realm and the Creator’s Music of Creation to Earth.

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