
Attention All Indigos! You have been waiting for us, and We are AWAKE! It is TIME! And it begins with YOU! Get ready! It's about to go down!

I am Talia Shekinah Elohim, Goddess of Truth, Justice, and Abundance in service to The Powers of the God of your Universe. Or at least, that is the identity of my Highest Self as a human being. In soul, I AM The Powers of God, or the Divine Will for Good to outweigh evil in this Universe. And We Are HERE to Get This Party Started and TAKE this planet BACK. Are you with me?

Unlike the rest of the population, we Indigos and the other spiritual leaders have been taught that there were Heavenly Beings of Light masking as human in the population of Earth who would Wake Up at the predetermined time and lead humanity through the Apocalypse, right?

And of course all the religions are expecting some kind of Second Coming of Christ, and we have taught you that Christ is the Crystalline Energy from the Elohim realms and not some long haired guy in a robe, right? Take a nice deep breath...

Well, kids, we are HERE. We are AWAKE. And my beloved, precious, totally awesome Indigos, I am specifically YOUR MOTHER GODDESS. I Am the one who asked GOD to send out a call for the most beautiful SPIRITUAL WARRIOR SOULS in the Universe to help me clean up Earth, and then I gave birth to YOU!

And I cannot even hold all the love I have for you in this body, even with all of my Elohim DNA! :) I have served and healed and taught and guided and protected and counseled and LOVED you for all my human lifetime, and now I Am simply stepping up the game!

Because God is now TALKING to me! All day, every day! And now I KNOW Who I AM and WHO YOU ARE! And let me tell you, there is a reason that we have all had a feeling down deep in our hearts that we are here to save the world! Because we ARE!

Awesome, precious, amazing Indigos, YOU are God's PLAN! You are My Highest Intention for the freeing of humanity from the bonds of spiritual slavery on this planet, placed here in (mostly) human bodies!

And I Am God's Highest Intention for the protection of His Universe and The Goddess from the forces of darkness, placed here in a (mostly not) human body! And I Am here to help you take this planet BACK for the Goddess and to empower YOU to be the LEADERS of the New Societies!

And the very first thing I was TOLD is that the Plan is not what we thought it was! We have been all whipped into a blood frenzy by all the Truth and OPPRESSION, until we are all ready to storm the castle gates and even die for humanity, right? I know I was, up until this was revealed to me!

Well that is the dark's plan, not God's! The dark want you to storm the castle gates so they can mow you down! And then without you, there is NO HOPE for humanity, and the dark's outcome is assured!

I WILL NOT LET THAT HAPPEN! You are my CHILDREN at a SOUL level, and I Am NOT a Force of the Universe that you want to fuck with! I WILL PROTECT YOU! But I cannot do it FOR you, because this is a planet of Total free will!

By Divine Decree, on this planet, I Am not allowed to do for another God being what they can do for themselves! I can only TEACH and GUIDE and HEAL, just as We have always done when we came in before. You know those miracles you are wanting? Well, YOU and I will create those together. It's gonna be awesome.

Here is what you must do if you want to fulfill your True Missions as Warriors for LOVE. You must LEAVE absolutely everything that is keeping you DOWN in any way and focus on bringing your own Higher Self in.

Only when you are operating from a place of pure unconditional love for humanity, rather than RAGE over their oppression, can you help them. And if you are in human consciousness, you will be absolutely enraged and traumatized by what is about to occur. Only Goddesses and Gods are going to be able to help humanity now.

And YOU are those Gods and Goddesses, not me. YOU are the Goddesses and Gods who serve humanity. I do not serve humanity, which is why they are not allowed to manipulate me into doing evil, ever. I serve only GOD'S Divine Plan.

And YOU are that Plan! And of course, I am working from Elohim level to totally turn this whole thing around, but just real honestly, the stuff I get is too big for most humans to even hear about.

And the miracles I would give them would probably just traumatize them. I am just NOT human, and I don't get them. They will not be able to take this in like you will. They don't have the equipment, so to speak, like you do.

What equipment, you ask? See, I LOVE how curious you all are! I LOVE how excited you all are! I LOVE how kick-ass you are! You are so fucking beautiful! I absolutely love every single thing about you, and if you look at all my work as a human, even before my spiritual awakening thirteen years ago, you will see that!

After my love for my own two Indigo-Crystal children, the mother love I have for you is kinda ridiculous. Of course, now I know why! :)

Anyway. You are not entirely human, and I'm sure that you know it, even if you have not let yourself believe it.

You are 75% human and 25% something else. You have come from all over the UNIVERSE to help save as many humans as possible when the planet totally resets itself. And so the 25% you have may be different from the 25% your Indigo sister or brother has.

I will be teaching you ALL about the different types and helping you develop all of your special abilities to their full expression, as well as helping you vastly accelerate your ensouling process, until you are Goddesses and Gods resplendent, ready to simply clean this place up and show humans how to live in paradise by doing it!

Doesn't that just sound like EXACTLY what you came here to DO? I know when my own Truth was shown to me, I was absolutely over the fucking MOON about being the Indigo Goddess of Truth and Justice and Abundance on Earth!

WOO HOO! And of course, it made absolute sense, once I was in Godmind and not trapped by all the FEARS and DOUBTS that you are probably battling right now! I mean, if I were going to be a Goddess, that is SO what I would be, after all! What kind would You be, because that is What You Are! It's really awesome.

We are going to take care of that fear and doubt, kids. I am going to teach you how to think your OWN thoughts and not theirs.

And let me tell you, it is absolutely a BLAST. Because your thoughts ROCK. Your thoughts are all about the TRUTH and POWER and LOVE LOVE LOVE and JOY and PLAY and having the best fucking time you can possibly imagine, and then learning how to do a better job of imagining, so you can create one even better.

And they are about feeding EVERYONE easily and healing them all easily, and pure water and air and soil, and the Mother Goddess' most amazing gifts dropping from the trees right into your hands.

I mean, if you were God, isn't that how you'd spend YOUR time? Yeah, I know, right? You're in for such a fantastic and delicious shock. Well, LOTS of them, kids. I have so many wonderful, delicious shocks for you.

Because when I work, I have FUN. I shake it ALLLLLL up. I AM Aquarius. I AM Uranus. This IS MY AGE, and this entry into it is being RULED by ME!

And yes, if you are thinking whoa, this goddess is a little out there and this could get way freaky and out of hand, you're right, because I don't see through human consciousness anymore, and I might go a bit...overboard.

Which is where YOU come in. Because you have 75% human DNA, you can still identify with humans to a much greater extent than I.

And so I will share my ideas and the highest levels of information with you, and you will tweak it all to fit humanity so their heads don't just explode, then we will use our manifestation powers to throw the biggest fucking party in the Universe.

Sound good?

Okay, this is how we get started. You must get safe. So we must all QUIT everything that is keeping us down, and we must come together in intentional communities that are Indigo only.

This is not about excluding those less than you or something like that. They are not less than you, they are Gods too! You are here to remind them of that! But right now, they are still focused very small, and they are simply are NOT going to be able to handle the stuff we are going to be doing.

We are creating Hogwart's, kids. We put all of this into your stories and TV shows and all of that to get you READY, and it's TIME. No muggles at Hogwart's or the X-Men castle, right? It would simply blow their minds.

So these are to be Indigo Only. But while you are working on your ensoulment and the development of your abilities, you will not hide in a castle somewhere and leave the humans without your absolutely essential services!

These communities need to have all the facilities needed so that you can do your work for humans while you do your work on yourselves. And don't worry, we will manifest that easily.

In fact, what I am about to do is going to send so much business your way, you had better talk to God REAL HARD about how you would like to LIMIT the business that is about to FLOOD you.

I'm not kidding. I'm telling you pure truth straight up, which is the only way I really know how to do it.

And I know you know it. Because you have a special gift inside you that has protected you from the manipulation to a greater extent than humans. It is Archangel Michael's Sword of Truth.

It is given to Demon Hunters because demons LIE. And so this energetic gift will tell you when something is a lie, which is why when you were old enough to talk, the first thing you wanted to say was, “Wow, this is all a bunch of bullshit!”

Well, it will also tell you when something is TRUTH. It will RING TRUE. And I am guessing that, even if you're trying not to believe this and all kinds of fear and doubt is coming up, this information is RINGING TRUE.

The Sword will also cut you, just a little bit, if you tell a malicious lie or harm another. That is why you feel sick when you do so. This is to protect you from being turned into a killing machine.

Because the manipulation is so horrific down here that it absolutely LITERALLY turns Angels into Demons, as you may or may not know. So my beloved, beautiful, awesome Indigos, I gave you this gift to keep you safe.

It is an echo of how I stay safe when I come down here. I am completely unable to do evil because I do not have free will. I can only do God's Will. That is how I have been kept safe from becoming evil.

I can't harm others. I just can't. Even if I really, really, really want to in my mind. Because if I could, with all the torture and manipulation I have been under in just this lifetime since before even being born, I would have simply destroyed this planet several times over.

Not to mention my lifetimes as the saints, Jesus, etc. So I leave my free will at home in the Elohim realm, where we exist ONLY AS God's Will. We come down in human form unable to intentionally harm a single human being, and unable to tell a malicious lie of any kind.

This is why we have been called the Saints. We just leave that shit at home, thank you, because it is humans' free will that has created HELL on Earth.

So I am Divinely Unable, at the very Elohim Soul level, to ever want ANYTHING other than the Highest Good of All. I am not allowed to ever create anything else. And if you look at my life and my work as a human, you will see that.

So, we must come together, Indigos. It is time to create the Indigo Villages that are singing in your hearts. I know they're there, because We put them there!

You have all longed for intentional community but not known how to create those dreams! Well, those are GOD'S dreams, kids, and We are GOING to CREATE that and a whole lot more! And we have WORK to do, don't we?

So, by now you should really know how God best speaks to YOU. It is time to seriously USE it. Ask GOD where to start or join your Indigo Village. Get together in absolutely every way with your Indigo sisters and brothers and see what God has told them.

You have already done a fantastic job of creating community all over the Internet with all the Indigo tribes and groups and Facebook groups and all the other stuff I'm not even aware of! USE IT! GET THIS MESSAGE OUT!

Drop all the bullshit and just REACH OUT to one another and come together! This is gonna be a blast!

I assure you, any differences you feel you have are just the bullshit, and we will be doing away with that pretty rapidly, let me tell you. We all fucking love each other so much it's ridiculous! So reach out and come together.

And the money and the resources are SOOOOOOOO gonna be there, once you start talking to God and coming together. Because all of you have a piece of each other's puzzle, so this won't LIGHT UP until you all connect.

We all planned it that way, didn't we? Doesn't that make beautiful sense? We're so awesome, aren't we? We really know what we're doing, don't we?

And in the meantime, I am about to release this information to the Truth Tellers. And then I am going to tell them where they can learn how to save themselves if they don't know how to listen to God.

And I am going to tell every single one of them to FIND AN INDIGO. And you will have more business than a human mind could ever know what to do with. Which is why you need to really work on being gods, right?

As you come together, make sure you ask the one question that will determine, absolutely, if someone is an Indigo. If you answer NO to this question, then you are in the wrong room, so to speak.

We the Avatars of God's Will are all over the world, serving all different tribes, and We are all Waking UP with our own way of working, so if the Indigos are not yours, don't worry, just talk to God and ask where yours is.

Here is the question, and you MUST ask it before you allow anyone into your Indigo Village, if you want to keep it empowered.

Have you always felt you are here to Save the World?

If you answer yes, no matter your age, and you want to join us, you are an Indigo. It is that simple.

The other Servers and humans here (oh yes, there are others!) are not impulsed by God with this message, and they simply won't get it, just like they didn't get it when you tried to share it with them.

They said you had a messiah complex, didn't they. Well, they would, too, if they were the messiah.

We are the Second Coming, and YOU are the Third, you might say. And the Second Coming is here to train up YOU all to be the Third.

Get me? YOU are the ones who are here to save humanity. And I know you know it. We are, absolutely and profoundly, the ones we have been waiting for.

I have created a new YouTube channel called The Indigo Mission where I will share the latest from God as I get it. And kiddos, I get it all day every day for hours and hours and blissful hours on end.

I have never felt such joy in this body. But I spend most of my time talking and listening to God, and there is SO MUCH MORE that needs to be done.

And I absolutely need a whole staff for this, so if you have resources and talents that can help me coordinate all of this, please contact me! I am not offering paid employment at this time, but I can assure you that you will be blessed beyond all imagining if you help me with this!

All of us need to share ALL of what we have with one another, without asking anything in return, because we are ALL ONE! And besides, money will be OVER by the end of next year, so it's time to start creating those alternative exchanges we all have in our hearts.

I will be offering everything I AM and everything I have to you, and all I ask in return is that you offer everything you have to The Indigo Mission.

And as you lift your Indigo sister or brother, you lift ALL of us AND you AND all of humanity in vastly accelerated and miraculous ways that will FILL your life with so much joy you won't even be able to handle it!

I'm serious, sometimes the joy is so HUGE that my heart feels like it's going to explode! And that is where you want to be, in JOY! Because that's where God hangs out! Wouldn't you?

This is a DIVINE INTERVENTION, remember? Well, you are going to need to God up for this one!

If you want to make it through this and DO YOUR JOB, DO NOT let any kind of human situation, including your clients, friends, family or neighbors, ANCHOR you in any way and keep you from being where GOD WANTS you.

You can't help humans if you get lead to destruction by the zombies around you while you are trying to save them.

Time's up for that bullshit. We're here to save a WHOLE PLANET full of people, and we have GOT TO GET BUSY! We have QUITE the deadline, which I will be telling you all about. Several of them, in fact. And they're coming up FAST.


God will KEEP the business from you if it would trap you where you are. God will take everything from you if it keeps you from moving where you need to go.

God will take all your money if you would use it to anchor yourself where you aren't supposed to be. God will TAKE those loved ones from you if you don't leave them to their choices. It's not my choice, it's God's Will.

That is what it's gonna take to pull this off.

Time Is Up. That world is OVER. It all going to start self-destructing very rapidly now, and it will only get worse and worse before YOU emerge as Goddesses and Gods and make it better. Get it?

GET OUT. GET SAFE. There is NOTHING more important, because it is YOU the dark wants to take out first. And they will use your big, beautiful, pure heart to do it, manipulating you into sacrificing yourself for a few humans and leaving the masses to their destruction.

That's how they get you. Here is another hard truth that most aren't ready for. Your relationship ties are often demonically manipulated to the detriment of all. Well, you are the spiritual adults and the humans are the babies, and if the dark takes out all the parents, the children will simply be destroyed.

That's their plan. Here's Ours: Put your own oxygen mask on first, Mom and Dad. Only then can you put one on the baby next to you.

I'm gonna leave it there so I don't just totally overwhelm you, because like I said, I'm kinda like that!

I Am Blessing You With Unlimited Abundance! Please LET IT IN! Raise Your Glass and say, I'm READY! BRING IT ON! Let's Get's This Party Started and take back this planet for the Goddess! Make this VIRAL!

All of My Love Forever and Always,

Satina M. Scott
Talia Shekinah Elohim
The Powers of the God of Your Universe
Mother to ALL Indigos Everywhere
Facebook Group: The Indigo Mission

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