My Contact....Guardians of higher realm and existence.

Hi….This is going to be long and probably controversial.

People will hopefully think about things and engage in somewhat meaningful and profound conversations and discussions, Some will undoubtedly take offence, be detrimental in demeanour and resort to tactics of name calling, jibes and ‘bullish’ attempts to create a rumpus, or goad me with put downs. Others may look, say nothing and more on.

If so…so be it…whatever will be, will be, it is not for me to dictate what you believe or don’t believe, what you accept or don’t accept or even what your views should be…But bear in mind, as I’m sparing you this courtesy so should you, all I’m saying is perhaps think beyond the bubble and see beyond what you see.

It is irrelevant to me I suppose in either case, it does not really matter, it will always boil down to your own feel will, and you are entitled to your opinion even if it is wrong and as so am I. However it could prove to be constructive and productive for others on this forum, well at least I hope so. 


Well I shall begin……here goes….

I’ve seen/had…First Contact…when I was 6 years old, I called them to me, even though I did not realise I was able to do this.

Anyway, thought I’d post this info because I wanted to ‘pass on’ some knowledge and share with others who will/may meet them soon and because ‘others’ on this site seem to have some insight, I just wondered if anyone else knew them?

They are about 9/11 feet tall and skinny. There are 6 of them that are – 9- foot tall and 6 – 11 foot tall, 12 of these ones in total. There are others that I will refer to as guardians, stewards and guides are of varying sizes though mostly tall, the guides are human looking, and so most people tend to identify with them better. All of them are gentle creatures and it is their wholeness that they do not do harm,

 The 12 are very similar in appearance, they all have a skin like covering, it changes colours regularly like a octopus/chameleon but with luminosity, like dancing lights, sparkling like they have a load of glitter on them. The entities/life forms that I speak too do not change their appearance or form, they are as they are…very un-human, the Aanliyah a’jinns are quite different to us…they do have appendages that represent arms.

There are 4 ‘arms’ with ‘hands/fingers’ on the end and I say this very loosely… (Will do my bests to describe) one set of ‘arms hands’ a kind of undulating filaments with little suction pads on the ends ‘like nails’ but on the underside. They can elongate the each arm like elastic to twice the static length. Extremely dexterous can manipulate the tiniest little thing (if in the case of say a very small insect) with out doing it any harm. The other ‘arms’ are normally laying dormant at their side, but when they do use them its quite spectacular…because ‘attached’ to them ‘like a kind of misty veil’ that drapes around with a swaying kaleidoscope of colours/patterns.

Their ‘legs’ are like a birds but walk kinda similar to us, they move very silently in a kind of bobbing bouncing motion....hard to explain??? Well, anyway ‘legs’ there is 3 of them…

They are not carbon-based creatures, best way I can describe this, a bit like ‘jelly fish’ kinda??? sort of???…with a kind of silicon and crystalline internal structure though this is not what you could deem a skeletal frame…in all very complex

The body is quite skinny ‘ like if there was a breath of wind they’d blow over’ that kind of skinny and they don’t have bones but they still remain upright, the head is ‘perched’ on a fairly thin neck which moves about like a birds, quite comical really, the facial features, well they do have large eyes that change colour from bright light blue hue, white to dark blue/black, however they have explained to me that the eyes are not black, it is just humans are unable to ‘see’ in that ‘light spectrum’ so we can only perceive it as black. They see you, I mean that they can see your energies/ soul; they see beyond what they see, so it’s a bit like see/feel. Not sure how to explain this??? Anyway moving on…

They do not have any ears like us; they have a row of sensory bumps at the base of the neck in the middle at the front. There is no nose but they do have spiral ‘gill like’ structures with feather like filaments that move (undulated) all the time about mid way down on the torso and they are not used for breathing, these structures ‘in basics’ detect and interprets frequencies and vibrations that all life and inanimate objects emit. All of these systems work together to ‘create a picture’ of their surroundings and to communicate.

That’s a very simple explanation, here is another thing they never stay still, you know like a little ‘aimless’ moving all over the place and they move really silently, seem to almost glide, they can be a little distracting when I’m concentrating on a problem, to the point where I’ve had to ask them to ‘bog off’ and do their wandering somewhere else.

Oddly… They don’t actually mind, they usually just smile at me and do a little bow and then disperse, oh Yes! And pat me on the head.. Which kinda irks me sometimes and they know it does too.

‘Archangels, Angels, Jinns, even demons etc’.. that’s what religion would call them I suppose, as I don’t subscribe to any religion I would not do this…but… Collective…Aanliyah a’jinns has with time become pronounced as ‘angels and aliens etc’ Aanliyah a’jinn and D’eajainn companions…the whole…The G’aod’h… they do have laws rules vows oaths directives and protocols that they all adhere to…they have such unprecedented knowledge and unlimited potential, collective in harmony and understanding and Exquisite tapestry of consciousness.


Their names are actually made up of tones-notes and frequency-vibrations, as such humans would not be able to recreate the exactness of the name, but to help us each name has been given a letter of the English alphabet as I am English, if you were from another country etc then it would be matched to what ever letter you spoke… that is why there are so many pronunciations of their names in our history…

The names ‘manifests’ in many ways as does the spellings, the country you come from, dialects and accents all can and will influence the ‘original’ and over time became miss spelt/ altered etc to the accepted forms that we have now etc.. all of them correct and yet incorrect .. in either case they really don’t care, they really don’t mind at all what name they are referred to… It is all of your own free will…


Anyway here are some of their names…(the ones I know personally)

Uaeriazeleonni graydeone lyet

Qzslandalpheone H'xzaniele graydeone lyet

Grybriearle  Tzradkyelee graydeone lyet

Queazaer Peolariaus graydeone lyet

Aezraeli Maitheous graydeone lyet

Nemys’ys  Zolytayre  S’xoularyus  graydeone lyet


There are some ‘etheric energy’ beings, (that’s what I call them) I’ve seen these very tall yellow/white glowing ‘shapes’ they are usually around Aanliyah a’jinns, they tend to avoid direct physical human contact as their energy frequency is so much different and higher (pure energy) than ours that we would disintegrate the physical body with contact. They are extremely loving and like I said before they don’t do harm but they will and do assist us, but they do not interfere directly with anyone.


*aegis aerc significance* g’aod’h


I actually have regular contact with them, not always in the physical, they use a lot other methods and means to leave messages and or to prompt me to do something.... but whatever they ask or say it is always of my own free will whether I act upon it.

Yes… there are quite a lot of other people that have contact with them; most of these usually tend to be more for the guides because they are human looking.

People as a whole have an innate part that prevents them from identifying adequately with something wholly alien and vastly more intelligent than themselves, a kind of complex, so that’s where the guides come in and after a while of been in and around the guardians and the stewards this does eventually fade.

You can ask them any questions you like, they will always answer them, but if you don’t ask the correct question, you will not get the answer you truly wanted nor truly wanted to hear as well, info/wisdom etc can be a double edged sword.

I got this, but it can be annoying as well and believe me they can annoy me sometimes with their philosophical abstract airy fairy ways, So it really is a case of asking the right ‘person’ entity, life form etc, the right question, in the right way.

They can and do find you, this I’ve learnt over time and they are expert at doing this, there is no right or wrong way to get their attention. Remember they can see your energies and beyond, what they consider adequate, substantial, or exceptional, etc are categorized into groups and given the required assistance to further themselves.


All.. are actually quite a diverse mix of peoples (all human beings though). No star seeds!….(no such thing),  Oops Erhmmm…Anyway, We all know of each other in varying degrees, some I know quite well others only as acquaintances and there are others that I do not know yet.


I’m always/usually in the Esoteric matrix chamber ‘room’ with our honorary ambassador and consul,…S’zehav a’tekern luf’viathan & Onni S’xai viere Y’ai Adonai and of course their entourage (disciples and students as they call them).

 I’ve seen other people in this room and I always find time to talk to some of them, even though when we are all in this ‘room’ it’s because we are discussing important events or updating each other on the progress on the Extinction protocols and the advanced contingency directives.

Sometimes I’m with the Prism network groups in either case I’m usually with the tall ‘ blokes’ and a couple of the others from the E.M chamber, as we are the ones who are co-coordinating the ‘assignment forces’ which will implement the protocols and directives in the event of catastrophic earth event.

There are 2 million of us all over the globe, thankfully not all at the same time in the room otherwise I think my head would spin, so at some point in time I will be in this main group who are the advocate’s to the ground forces. That said I do have some contact with ‘others who are in the fellowship’ category, though I only know a few of these people.
Anyway… I haven’t seen them for a while, (the Aanliyah a’jinns) well not since I had my brush with ‘death’s’ knock, although S’zehav a’tekern luf’viathan and Onni S’xai viere Y’ai Adonai have told me not to worry too much about this, as at the moment they are very busy observing Earth’s behaviour and are perfecting the ‘shield’ because after the last few solar flares that have been occurring the results on its effectiveness has been encouraging.

This is good news to the ‘others’ and me as we’ve been working on this project for 20 odd years…though the Aanliyah a’jinns have been with this a lot longer than any of us, we are given ‘rights’ to participate in this as its our planet.

They/we are creating a ‘shield’ beyond our atmosphere, the intention is to form a barrier away from Earth that will deflect /absorb /polarise de-polarise /neutralise slow down frequency of particles atoms…. etc

But the important thing to be aware of, this has been attempted before on another planet ‘it failed’ with 80% loss of life forms, at the time they could only accommodate 20% of life. However, since then ‘learning and adaptation’ has been the main criteria and creating a large enough ‘place’ to accommodate much more of this planet’s (plants animals insect… etc) and 2 million people.

Now this has to be ‘planet’ sized…obviously…and yet needed to be ‘invisible’ to the human race…in the past it was not a problem, now before this age, era began and… because of ‘human demeanour they moved the whole thing so that it is constantly at the opposite side of the sun in relation to the Earth (it was nearer to the moon and at that time it was a lot smaller) and its orbit so it is never visible to us.

And because of the gravitational force and other factors that would now profoundly affect the Earths surface and atmosphere, it will be staying where it is.

Unfortunately…. they cannot accommodate everybody, some 7billion souls that exist on the planet, it is a sad fact and that pains them. But since the initial estimation (2million) was calculated they have managed to utilise further resources to accommodate another 2 million people, which is good.

So to facilitate the gathering of these extra people, they have issued the ‘call’ around the globe. This is done area by area, and in slots 2 or 3 parts at a time; these people will hear the ‘call’ and react to it. Most will probably know what to do; some may not that’s where the others will help out.

They are ready and prepared to offer guidance and assist with any queries and questions, this ‘call’ system has only been in place a short time and there is still a long way to go yet, but it is at least working…

Everybody remains on Earth (some do go back and forth regularly) mainly the co-coordinators and some of the mentors, unless of course the situation becomes unstable then as a precaution everyone will leave, but it would have to be a ‘Impending Biggy’ before all would enmasse at collection points.

This is presuming it actually happens, hopefully it does not, but with all that is going on the planets surface, weird stuff like weather anomalies and volcanoes, earthquakes etc, as well as the suns volatile nature, it’s looking more and more likely that something is going on/ going to happen big time.

This is why… some who are claiming to be part of ‘ground crew’ should know me or a least know ‘something’ about me, even if I did not know much about them or indeed met them…. they would at least know a’teken or (aten as I call him) and/ or S’xai.


This brings me to the often discussed and greatly exaggerated and non-existent Draconians, Annunaki, Greys, Reptilians, Dark cabal and MILABs, issue. That and the miss-guided version of reality that they control, rule, abduct, enslave etc…etc…If you are saying they were/are in control or indeed even exist then you are delusional and so naïve…..They don’t…sorry but they don’t, every man, woman and child on this planet are HUMAN  beings…not star seeds neither.

You are a person; some have psychosis, mental health issues, cold-blooded killers, use drugs/addicts…(hard stuff as well as the presumed soft drugs.) making many delusions worse and or even creating them etc. Some are brilliant minds, artists, creative writers, some claim re-incarnation (this is possible, there is some evidence that points to this as an actual phenomena) but if there is no true info or evidence provided most can be discounted as merely mental illnesses or plain delusional and also some people can do/see extraordinary stuff etc, but ‘all’ are still HUMAN.

The ‘good the bad and the ugly’ list that was posted, is fairly comprehensive, though probably not wholly complete, but some that are on the ‘good’ should be on the bad and/or ugly list including Richard Boylan.

Some like Billy (aka Edward) Meier, Sheldan Nidle, Greg Giles and many other supposed channelers from other sites and the such likes, Dave (icky more like) icke…etc for example have a lot to answer for, with their weird fantasy land and dilusionary mental state, as do a lot of others with their distorted imagination of reality.

They are more a problem possibly a danger to the young and impressionable and the easier led part of society as they are guiding them to follow a regime/cults, sects that is fictional.

But they truly believe in this ‘fantasy’ and as those sufficiently embedded and entrenched in their own ‘little’ worlds will not be moved from that dogma and reality, in the end it is pointless trying to ‘negotiate’ intellegent critique in any form.

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  • Thanks Esshna for the pic, it mirrors how I feel….ying/yang…positive/neg in harmony, one does not exist without the other and always in balance. “Look into your Soul for the truth”….Yes I have, done that a long time ago, I found Peace, truth and above all else love and enlightenment.

  • Dear Aly....

    The info related to the post, as it was part of the reason that I did not believe in star seeds, that and the fact I was shown that everyone on the planet are humans, the energy that is our soul is also Earth based not from another planet, we are all part of our beautiful Earth, and I have always believe that the planet is I suppose what you could call ‘god’ it certainly is a conscious of some kind existing on a level that we can never comprehend, but still magnificent and wondrous.


    And I never accused anyone of having a mental prob, just because they can see other beings in the etheric planes or dimensions, as that would include myself in that case, where did I say this???… Because I have seen some weird stuff, which includes the likes of ghosts, floating globes and the twisting spirals let alone those things that look like tiny fire flies of light in the sky, and I see billions of them all the time even in daylight.


    The statement in which I said quote:  you are person; some have psychosis….etc….etc….was meant in general terms as this pertains to every human being on the planet, some do have probs etc, just like some people have illness, eye sight issues, hearing etc…I even said some people can do/see extraordinary stuff etc, granted I did say they are ‘all’ still human…


    Why that should offend anyone is odd. 


    @ I did say…. now I’ am not saying that all those who claim to be ‘star seeds’ should be tarred with the same brush, as this creep.

  • Sorry for late post and acceptance, getting lil'one in/out of the bath.

    So….. because I did not mention the earthquake part and the whole meeting bit fully or included the nick names I often use……I’m not telling the truth, I honestly did not think it was worth going into that much detail on here as I thought it was irrelevant.

    And I have not seen the ‘Aanliyah a’jinns’ for a while now,( I tend to speak to aten or S’xai, more now anyway), since early march, since my brush with death, at that time I did not go into any details nor did I mention it neither on the other site…but, well we me and the kids very nearly died of carbon monoxide poisoning from a faulty soil fuel fire, hubby was working away at sea…They saved us and I’m grateful that they did.

    Maybe I should have said more on that incident probs, as now I realise people might have though I meant the recent heart attack. Which incidentally was not that dangerous, although horrible and I did think I was going to die as did my oldest daughter, it was more a wake up call to slow down and take things easy.

    Just to clarify I’ve had heart probs on off for a while, pains that I ignored and should have listen to, I had a hospital admission for an irregular heart beat sometime before the heart attack, but well hindsight!


    @ I’m not attacking anyone for goodness sake, wind your neck in….

  • @ Aly dear….I’m not moderating the comments actually….

    Been out with the kids, just got back a short time ago about 1hour ago to be precise, had some washing to do before I came on here, you see my life does not revolve around this site and it’s discussions, however I have made it a priority to answer these posts on my blog before doing my other e-mails….

    Now if you post a reply after what I’m going to say in a moment and I don’t answer straight away it will because I’ve have the kids tea’s to prepare, as it’s now nearly 5:00pm here, but I will get back to you as soon as I can……I trust this is ok.


    Now Mayir

    ….Alien Abduction Help, yes the same….”never seen any cult on AC or been asked to join one”….You are and you participate on/in one…..”This is pure fantasy” Hummmmmmm… you are accusing me of being the darkside???…proof???….

    You know nothing of me…other than what I have said here so far…and yet you see fit to judge, for the record and this will pertain to Aly as well, the following info should help you to gain further insight, and hopefully next time before you wade in with accusations and/or insults, you will stop and take a hard look around, as things are not what you think……really think that is! But will it really be a case of what I said before in the end it is pointless trying to ‘negotiate’ intellegent critique in any form.”


    ’Uniting those of the light’, good that’s exactly what I intend to do and I have been doing for a long time now…..


    “Really? Is this a some kind of joke? There aren't any star seeds??? Readers please use your great discernment here.”


    Well Aly…Mayir and all others….I can assure you this is no damn joke


    Star Seeds…Dear Aly, Oh!….now I’ am not saying that all those who claim to be ‘star seeds’ should be tarred with the same brush, as I said before whatever will be, will be, it is not for me to dictate what you believe or don’t believe, what you accept or don’t accept or even what your views should be…but… I’ve met someone who claimed to be a star seed, who dish out the ‘love light’ and all things nice, but it was all a façade, hiding behind was a ‘monster’. The person I’m talking about did even frequented this site, quite a lot were won over by the character, some even perceived them as a ‘beautiful soul’, when they saw that persons aura it said so much to them….some said that ‘this person’ was so wise and extruded good love and light energy. The person was good, not darkside….


    Well….the person is ‘human’ that is a surety….but what I’m about to disclose and enlighten you about should make anyone think, that a person typing on a forum, within the internet and on this site and others are not always what they seem. They can/could claim to be ‘the next messiah’ a ‘ascended master’ or whatever and the vast amount of people would not believe them, but there will always be some/those who will….without question and proof etc, simply because they talk a good story……..


    Now this whole thing happened some time ago….. My youngest daughter was only 7yrs, His son was 13yrs….Long story short, his son raped my daughter twice….And yes, the boy was a victim too, though I did not see it at the time,

    That b*****d while proclaiming ‘love and light’ on this site and another one, he was raping his son, had done since the lad was 6years old. His excuse was the kid was his ‘soul mate’ but born a boy and his son, because he was from another ‘planet’ but in a human body, he could not stop the need to be with his 'soul mate’.


    All the time when and after I met them, I though there was something not right, but just could not quite work it out….but to be safe I kept my kids away, just minor pleasantries in the street or in passing. I still did not believe they were safe, and unfortunately I was right….


    Now… before anyone thinks that is what is behind reason for not believing in the star seed story, well I can assure you it is not, I only knew about this term after the police had done their investigations, thankfully they kept me aware of all data that they uncovered. I asked the Aanliyah a’jinns about this claim and they gave me enough info for me to understand that this not true nor correct.


    When I joined this site, it was to connect with others who may know the Aanliyah a’jinns and like minded people who just wanted to do the best they could for humanity. People who are good on and of this site and in the real world in their every day lives, helping neighbours, families and the elderly. Spreading good will as if they know no other way.

    And the decision not to disclose the perv’s name on here, is the right choice because I have temperd the likely fall out and disbelief that someone could ‘hood wink’ them in such a horrendous way, and the gut turning realisation, especially from those who thought they were good and of love and light that they were wrong, the whole belief system would be upturned and in a turmoil, to the point that they would question their whole being and faith……that discloser would be wholly wrong and cruel, better this way…then you can honestly say….


    Quote:“Readers please use your great discernment here”. That is then up to you and your opinion whether you believe me and my info or not…..

  • this is a very good read and i hope lots will read it...our young people, like you mention, are really believing alot of the deceit out there...we know we are not alone in this universe...but also as intelligent beings we should also know we are in control of our destiny...thank you for sharing...don't forget to laugh to you 

  • Okay Devi....

  • Hi marianinia….

    I appreciate your comments, and I do understand your confusion nor am I expecting you to trust me and anything I have to say, although I’ am not actually saying don’t trust anything or we are the real thing not the others etc…. because that is counter productive, what I’m saying is avoid ‘channeling’ as they are just people claiming to be receiving messages, but are merely spouting their own agenda, musing and in most cases verbal twaddle.

    It is not what these ‘higher beings’ do, they are not ‘ascended masters’ neither, as they would not refer to themselves as that (that’s a human term). 5D 6D 12D beings whatever you want to call them would not make such ludicrous statements with half-baked notions that never happen, sorry but they would not…

    I’m going to Quote a statement that I put to Drekx, (which I never received an adequate reply to, nothing odd or unusual there like,)

    Quote: “If they were coming from some thing ‘non human’ and so intelligent etc, there would be no mistakes, as I’m pretty sure they could get info down to who ever with out being miss-represented…and the info could/would only be re-iterated exactly as per original source.

    If they were so intelligent and been here for so long they would know exactly how to pass on info in a readable form without any difficulty. Even given humans fickle minds and behaviour. And why on here and not direct to persons who have influence, lets say….they could send this enlightening info to all world leaders and this would change their thinking and thus affect the rest of the population, albeit slowly but progress could/would be made”.

    Is this not a reasonable thought that any sane person would think…

     As for the planet’s people, yes we are all human…what is wrong with that…

    This ‘being’ you call Tolec, sounds like one of the mentors, but his name is Torexc, Hummmm….never mind probs not the same one….

    And keep believing and trusting in your creator, I have nothing but respect for those who have a religion or spiritual predisposition and adhere to their dogma or doctrine with passion, just don’t judge me because I don’t follow any one specifically.

    But if that ‘bitter taste’ gets you thinking, and you question things and events, you are then more in control of yourself, less likely to take things literal and be more discerning with any info that comes your way.

  • Hi is a little odd, though don't be thinking they are abducting you, they don't do that....nor do they play games, but if you are not 'listening' to inner info, they have been know to do metaphoric displayings. The slippers in the bathroom may point to a prob there, either to do with you or the room it's self, said same with the glasses at the comp table could be info they want you to look for something or even to avoid.

    There is a possiblity they are giving other subtle message, it's about what you will take in and listen to, or even able to comprehend....some accept easily, others on the surface may seem calm are in stress, even causeing a small amout of stress or making you jump(startling you) is considered harm and they will do their best to avoid this happening.

    In the end only you know you, so i suppose it a case of taking stock, look around take in the surroundings and maybe ask the question 'what are you trying to tell me' or 'i'm listening what's next' something like that....don't know....only you will know the question in the end.

  • It is possible, there also could be something significant in the moving of those items, like letting you know 'he/she/it' was there or the position of the items maybe a message, direction they were facing etc, so many factors that sometimes it may not make any sense to the reader/listener or observer, but when pointed out, suddenly have significance and you wonder why you did not notice it before.

  • Sorry, Krishna Kalki....I posted on your page in stead of here…I had a blonde moment...ill pass on your request, at least it's free, but you will have to ask the right question with everything. The answers will come in which ever form /level that you will take better understanding from, i don't know when you will recieve an answer, but they are usually prompt, how you contact them is usually the prob though...i don't have to do much now, but some people it can take a while to master the process.

    Remember they find you, so it has a lot to do with, light soul and frequency vibs that an individual emits, (well actually its a bit more involved than that....basics is all i can give because i'm not entirly sure how they see/feel people)

    It will be interesting to see, i will certainly be 'impressed' if/when they connect with you...that would mean you are in the new 2million influx, and i would be pleased to meet you.

    As would some of the others which i know that are viewing and participating on this site....

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