
For those of you who do not wish to read my experiences I have divided by asterisks the message given by Shekina and simply scroll down.
Blessings of a beautiful light filled life.

It is in the unified field of love of the one creator that I greet you all my beloved friends.
It has been a while since I was prompted to write by any of my beloved friends and guides the ascended masters and angels.

I have certainly experienced quite a few trials and initiations since last time I wrote and needed time to recover from so many emotional crucifixions. The journey has been quite an amazing and at times difficult test.

Test of character, test in faith and even a test in my resolve to carry myself as the master I have and am being trained to be.

The gargantuan task of assimilating, grounding and manifesting the new seeds of love and new light and the templates of the new earth have been quite challenging as many of them came in the form of initiations of spirit at a deep energetic level which required my body to be cleansed of many hurts and traumas from my childhood.

I've had to release the hurt of not being acknowledged as a child, and of not being seen as who I really was, the deep hurt and trauma of being abandoned by both parents and the feeling of powerlessness as I witness my siblings being physically hurt and not being able to help them or to even take their pain away.

I have all those memories as I am the eldest of five. I also had to revisit and release memories of sexual abuse as a child under ten years of age by a female family member.

I am blessed to have a greater understanding now of why all those occurrences took place and have now forgiven those that seemingly hurt me even though they were just taking part of a greater plan in the infinite possibilities I call my life.

I had also to forgive myself for feeling powerless and vulnerable and for carrying the pain for decades unable to release it due to my lack of understanding of why and who I am.

I see now clearly I need not carry the feeling of being a victim or to give my power away as I now clearly understand, in the end we are all connected through the love of the one loving Father/Mother God.

As the energy upgrades and shifts brought forth by the many celestial events taking place, including that of the ship ISON I as a sensitive empath started to have a need to start detoxing and purifying my body the week before Thanksgiving.

It was during this period of time that my emotional trials began by way of miscommunication by someone very loved by me.

This period led me to go within and to barely have any contact with the outside world and it was then during one of my deep meditations I was approached by Yeshua also known as Jesus Christ.

He proceeded to astrally take me into a chamber of initiations under the Sphinx. Once there I was met by few other masters including my teacher Master Lanto and the immortal Babaji the three of them had not only joined together to hold space for me but to support the initiation I was about to take by none other than Melchizedek.

In the background I sensed the presence of a being very, very close to my heart Sanat Kumara.

Lord Melchizedek took out a golden scepter and with the combined energies of all those present proceeded to initiate me into his order.

Now this was a great surprise to me as not in my wildest dreams had I imagined or wished for such event to take place.
I went through different dimensional levels as my energy spiraled and rose to levels needed for me to be able to hold such energy all connected to the divine grid.

I went into such a deep meditative state and was in awe of all that was taking place before me.

In the days that followed such event I became withdrawn and even on Thanksgiving day I decided to stay home alone and meditate and to take stock of many of my feelings and thoughts that were at this point running my mind as the light of the initiations received brought to the surface deep rooted emotions of anger and pain and feelings of separation.

I was forced to finally take a look at few of my shadow selves created by such emotions. Remembering that such aspects of myself were only in need of recognition, acknowledgement and above all they just wanted to feel love and be loved.

For a period of a few days I allowed myself to feel low feelings of sadness, powerless and even dislike of the holidays as I have never have had a fond memory of any holiday.

During one of this days I was driving my son home and I asked him why he liked Christmas so much and he said because of the music and the feelings of joy and because we have fun as a family, not once mentioning presents and here I was thinking a ten year old not mentioning gifts is for me very rare.

I took a good look at him and switched my radio to a christmas music station and they so happen to be playing one of my few favorite christmas songs " All I want for christmas is you" I started to sing and with a few words sang by me he gave me the most loving feeling of acceptance and understanding that my heart just melted and any resistance to the joy of the holidays just melted away.

A simple look by one of the most loving children I have the pleasure to know healed in that split moment decades of dislike towards Christmas.

It was also around this time when I was given by my inner guidance/spirit a prayer and invocation to forgive and understand.

"I am invoking the angel of grace that we may be able to be grateful for the blessing of our meeting in this lifetime.

I am invoking the angels of love and compassion that we may be able to fully remember the reason why we came together in this lifetime and may we be worthy of such.

I am invoking the angel of forgiveness that our hearts may be clear and pure so that we both understand the hurtful words were only said out of fear.
May our hearts be once again filled with wisdom, love and compassion and may we become wells of forgiveness.

I ask father/mother to bless this stepping stone and to bring us closer in our mastery. "

My healing continued and I certainly have done lots of talking with a couple of my loved ones and it was by the great love of one of my best friends when I finally saw the light after experiencing the lower emotions for what seemed an eternity.

I finally decided I had learned enough by way of pain and suffering and it was once again time for me to feel the power of my being by connecting first with all the angels of heaven, and I called my Mother and creator also known as the Shekina or by some as the Holy Spirit.

As I felt Divine Mother surge through my body I started to use my skills as a healer and proceeded to open and clear and heal each of my chakras.

I started with my root chakra where I found energies no longer needed and even outside energies and not so positive forces that had hidden within my energy system for far too long. I asked ArchAngel Michael to help and reach in to take out that which my inner vision missed.

With each chakra I cleared I placed within them the most beautiful energy I was allowed to bring forth. Also as I healed one by one I could feel my self respect, my power and my self love return and empower me in a way I had not experienced in this lifetime.

The first night of this process I healed my first four chakras ending the evening with heart clearing. Following evening I did the other three witnessing the manifestation of and entirely different self as I held witness to my mighty I am Presence.

I spent the next few days recovering physically as the toll of all my emotional release had led me to feel cold like symptoms.

Once I felt my best a few of my friends and I arranged to get together to give healing to each other. As we gathered and started healing, the incoming energies were simply beautiful. I was the last one to receive healing and as I laid on the message table I was taken into a deep meditative, suspended lucid state. I came face to face with many of the Egyptian Gods.

Horus, Sekhmet, Thoth, Amun Ra, and others that I don't recall at the moment. They took me into a sarcophagus and I was told to lay there. I soon saw myself in a boat in a river in the underworld. I do not recall if I had to give a gold coin to the boat man, but suddenly he was replaced by Anubis and he took me to what seemed the end of the river where a huge pyramid stood majestically. In front of it laid another sarcophagus and was told by Anubis to go inside and closed it over me.

I laid in there God only knows how long. After a time I saw myself rise out of the sarcophagus without removing the top and I was dressed in white, looking luminescent and very bright.

As this took place the words repeated by Jesus were playing in my head over and over. " I Am the resurrection and the life "
I then started to surface through a round tube like opening in the middle of the pyramid and it was then when I came to my physical body quite in disbelief of what I had just taken part of.
Two days later I am now writing this amazing experience and wondrous, tough journey of initiatory awakening.


I will now share with you the feelings of love and the words shared to me by Mother of Mothers.

Open your hearts and your minds my beloved children, my family of light. I am now here to share words of wisdom in hope that such words will accelerate your growth in your path to enlightenment.

Many of my beloved children have missed the message given my many of your ascended master and by me. You seem to be willing to give your power away at the drop of a hat and focus much more on meager words by the few misguided souls wishing to keep you trapped in this lower densities.

My children you are never alone and you are never far from me. I am always within you, nurturing your soul and your hearts.

There is talk of portal activations and many of you with the best of intentions try to gather to help in the ascension of your Mother Earth. Worry not about sending healing to her or to even help in trying to open portals by holding space as she has all the help necessary for her own ascension which has already taken place and now my dear children you only need open your inner vision to this great new reality you are a part of.

My children I will say remember to open the one portal you are responsible to open, each and every one of you. This portal is the greatest portal in service to your ascension and the one readily ignored by most.

This portal I speak of is the portal of love held within each and everyone of you within your hearts and your higher hearts, once this is opened it leads to a connection with the mind and the higher mind allowing for the most beautiful awakening of your true selves. it is then that you can have direct communion with all the love of creation, all the love that we are, that you are.

I will not go into complicated ways of accomplishing such a feat as this channel has already been given such loving guidance in his article Bridging the higher heart and mind.

Start by simply enjoying a moment of peace and hold your attention on your breath free of thoughts, free of emotions. Make this an every day practice to remind you to always be in the eternal now.

This practice will lead to moments of joy and bliss and it will be through such feelings that you will be able to open the greatest portal of all in service to each and everyone of your brethren.

Focus not on outside portals and activations but concentrate on your greatest power and responsibility as individuals tasked to lift your hearts in unison with the All.

Oneness, unity is your true nature and you have the responsibility and the privilege to hold such a portal and to bring forth its many blessings that will reach through time and space.

You are love, you are always loved. Remember who you are and who we are as one my children.


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