February 1st
I wanted to take a few moments, during my lunch break at work to describe for you my latest Acension experience and to share a revelation that occurred during this. Please keep in mind that this was my own experience and that Ascension is a very personalized process and varies from Being to Being. My direct experience may mirror that of others, or it may be completely different.
For me, since I began my own personal journey of awakening, certain words or phrases would trigger an overall body tingling sensation. It usually begins in my lower back and makes its way until it covers almost all parts of my upper body. There are times when this is so intense that my eyes tear up from the sensation and I am filled with joy, as if I could almost float off the ground. Just thinking about it now, and writing it is producing a reduced effect within my cells. I call it The Quickening, taken from the Book “Ascension: Connecting With the Immortal Masters and Beings of Light”
As I sat Monday evening, reading over the pages I was only into the first chapter when I felt the familiar sensation spread over my body. However this time, I felt my heart Chakra begin to open and soon the most intense feeling overcame me. In my minds eye I could see the light pouring out from the Charka, filling the room and everything around it. I was One during this period, and the most amazing stillness fell over me, filled with compassion beyond words.
It was then that I began an internal dialog, the contents which follows “ We are One. There is only the Light. Darkness will be transmuted into Light. The only Sin is ignorance.” I then expanded the Light as far I could, remaining in a state of Rapture for about 10 minutes. I had a clear understanding during this time, and again the only thing I felt was compassion and understanding. With the effect slowly fading, I got up to use the restroom. As I stood there again, I felt my heart open and released another wave of Light. In my minds eye I saw what would be considered a “Gray” and as the light overcame it, he shielded his eyes. Another internal dialog began, this time shorter; simply stating “No” and the light intensified until the image disappeared.
I leave this open to interpretation, since usually visions have a different meaning that what is initially seen. The elated feeling continued throughout the rest of the night, with a good deep sleep that followed. The next day, I woke up with some mild discomfort and began a very extensive cleaning out process, mostly involuntary. I do know that the discomfort felt was defiantly worth the pain and discomfort experienced the next morning. It did provide ample opportunity to continue reading on the subject.
Since this experience, I have come to realize something. For the longest time I have been searching for an Identity, to understand who I am. I have gone through many labels and ideas about myself, am I this or that, what are my origins, and so forth. What this experience has taught me is that the labels I thought I was or given myself were far too limited and constrictive, nothing could correctly identify me. I now know that I Am, and that is all there needs to be. Nothing can put a label on this.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you have any questions, or would like to talk then feel free to message me.
You are quite welcome.
Wow, I've been feeling similar rushes of Love energy but it's not been like your experience, as you say we are all experiencing this in our own special way. I'm very in tune with my body, feel energy as waves, tickles and heat... but not so much the mental state which is funny for me because I am so caught up in intellectual pursuits.
I think it's interesting about the "grey", I'm not in judgement of them but I wonder what that was supposed to symbolize for you. And that is so wonderful that you settled for yourself your "identity", I've experienced something similar but that was twenty or so years ago, not the same when you get older and set in your ways, lol.
Thanks for sharing :)