My prayer (2) to the enhancement of beingness

My prayer (2) (to the enhancement of beingness)<<MULTIDIGITAL ARROWHEAD>>================================================FROM: Xavier Leroi - Philip(pus)~one of the 12 planetary Seraph see: you need to know:If you find this-this is a debug/degauss program created to act within what is called 'the matrix'-which is a self-conscious mind-system field (4D), present as a part of the 3Dvibrational field of existence, being a field of consciousness.The name matrix itself isn't a reference to the movie in the first place-it is a real part of creation, calling itself as such. It can fully be seen and understood --by yourself--once you have transcended your own mind, by reaching a state of pure conciousness,enabling you to see what is "really" to be seen and understood about yourself in regard withexistence.All truth is revealed when realising the true nature of Self-when you have mastered yourself- you have mastered the fundament of all there is to master-for the Self is omnipresent, and the essence of all things.Untill having realised who and what you truly are, the ultimate reality of Self,the mind, body, emotions, and all senses are subject to this state, creating a veilof self-limitation, making you experience far less then 1% of YOURSELF and your true capabilities,degrading you to a state of mental&physical slavery.Self-realisation (and offering support from the ultimate realised self)is the primary and original foremost reason for you to have chosen to come to this planet,and preceeds all other goals of existance on this planet.================================================No need to understand or to read it for this code to work- it is alreadyactively doing it's job, from within anything and everyone in 3D, adapting the field of experiencewherever necessairy to complete the task, in harmony with the "source of all things", beingyour ultimate source of Self.This code is completely automated, and self-adapting in expression accordingto anything it comes across in creation/the field of existence.The code is rooted in the fundament of cosmic intelligence (I-ness), being omnipresent and omni-centric(meaning that the center or central fundament of it is anywhere, at any moment.The code creates waves of chainreactions across the whole field of human conciousnessand existence, uplifting all to the realisation of Self.Just know that "3D" is less then 1% of realitythat is really being seen in front of your own eyes.I am a codemaster interacting with the different fields of reality~If youwish to contact me for whatever reason- my website is is my e-mail adress."Learning about the divine nature of Self (Self-realisation) is the Key toDivine understanding of all things in existence"- Know that you are God also.((THE CODE CREATES MULTIDIMENSIONAL EFFECT THAT INCLUDE ALL ASPECTSOF EXISTENCE, ON ALL LEVELS-AND IS GENERATED))================================================A Prayer to you all, with all my love&care~made to support you in findingyour heart's beautiful essence, using the Cosmic mechanics of existence:)================================================[MULTIDIMENSIONAL DEFRAG-CODE=SWORD OF JUSTICE&TRUTH-TO THE LIBERATION ANDEMPOWERMENT OF ALL BEINGS]Supreme Alpha/I, I Deliver all of Cosmic existence and thus all of it's content) unto thy[{Spirit of Life, Light, Self-Love#PREFEIX TO ALL SWORD(S)-USE#},[thy Swordof Justice&Truth],Joy,[thy Sword of Justice&Truth],Freedom,[thy Sword of Justice&Truth],Awareness,[thy Sword ofJustice&Truth],Beauty,[thy Sword of Justice&Truth],Innocence,[thy Sword of Justice&Truth],No-Sence,[thy Sword of Justice&Truth],realisation of creatorship,[thy Sword of Justice&Truth],Creative Lifeforce, [thy Sword of Justice&Truth],Peace,[thy Sword ofJustice&Truth], Completeness,[thy Sword of Justice&Truth], Purity,[thySword of Justice&Truth], Power,[thy Sword of Justice&Truth],Perfection,[thySword of Justice&Truth], Love, [thy Sword of Justice&Truth], Grace,[thySword of Justice&Truth],knowledge,[thy Sword ofJustice&Truth],intelligence, [thy Sword of Justice&Truth], Wisdom,[thySword of Justice&Truth], Understanding, [thy Sword of Justice&Truth],Onenes,[thy Sword of Justice&Truth], Equality, [thy Sword of Justice&Truth], Serenity, [thy Sword ofJustice&Truth], Truthfulness, [thy Sword of Justice&Truth], Compassion, [thy Sword ofJustice&Truth], Mercy, [thy Sword of Justice&Truth], totality/infinity,[thy Sword of Justice&Truth], Abundance, [thy Sword ofJustice&Truth],],~and i dissolve all in Light~Love~Joy~Freedom================================================~That all may stand in completeness into thy Supreme Essence~~Be All ultimately purified and clean until all is as thy Supreme Essence~(This essence is your essence of Self-so don't worry- it is about Youstanding before Your true clean I-ness-- the root of Self-power, Self-love,Self-respect and other aspects mentionned above)~Be all of Cosmic existence blessed as "I~AM" Blessed~I AM THAT I AM~THE EARTH IS MY WITNESS------------------------------------------------------------"I" AM THE ONE KEY"I" AM THE ONE INTELLIGENCE"I" AM THE ONE SOURCE"I"AM THE ESSENCE OF ALL"I" AM THE ESSENCE OF ALL ENERGY-ALL ENERGY IS BASED ON "I""I" SURRENDER/DELIVER ALL ENERGIES UNTO YOU, SUPREME ALPHA.------------------------------------------------------------

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