N D E….Near Death Experience.

This phenomenon could probably be one of the most mysterious and amazing moments someone/anyone can experience.

Could this be literally the experience of dying???. That these people have actually / may have had a glimpse of what happens after we die???.

The fascinating thing about this is that no one experience that occurs has exactly the same elements, however there is a common theme that follows a basic trend, which is similar and corresponds. Other than this ‘typical trend’ every experience is unique. The astonishing and amazing thing about this is that many people who have these experiences are not always from the same race, or social or material background, but are often from totally different cultures. All People’s will often recount the same basic elements that are usually found in each of their NDEs.

However, the rest of the experience and explanation depends upon their cultural and ethnic background, their vocabulary, and the way they were confronted with death and of course their own personal beliefs and faiths etc


I can feel how I have suffered immensely from the ineffability of this experience, and how wish I could explain in full measures, but I cannot, the whole thing is a feeling and sensation more perhaps than something you can ever describe in words, that there just no such words, and adjectives etc even pictorials and illustration do little to adequately describe this, trying to converse and describe a dimension that is wholly different and never see in any form in this reality, it would never give you a complete picture and I have realized that it is truly impossible. All that can be achieved is a pitiable interpretation that lacks lustre and loses momentum the instant it is displayed in any form.


It must be experienced….


My ‘time’ in this surreal world, dimension or reality happened twice, when I was 9yrs and when I was 16yrs, two different sets of circumstances, but each led to a similar kind of experience, except in the first instance I only went as far as the light, then I was forced to return. Only the latter allowed for a much more profound impact upon me, in such that I better understood where I was, more aware of what took place and why I was told to return.


This was my journey…..

When the darkness finally enveloped fully around me it was so deep and impenetrable that I could see absolutely nothing, but this was the most calming, wonderful and quite silently peaceful moment.

Then I felt like I was propelled upward and forward at the same time, spinning and falling yet floating gently upright that ‘darkness’ became like a corridor which seemed to have twists and turns, like a wall rushing up to me, but at the moment of impact it simply rushed away again.

Then the corridor became covered with a kaleidoscope of light embroidered with such care they render a mosaic like mist around me, they surrounding my whole body, swirling around me like as if the wind was blowing them, yet the ‘air’ was still. As they surrounded me, I could feel the vibration and hear the music of each colour they tingled, but felt so soft, that was one the most amazing things I have ever seen/experienced in my life.

Then this strange ‘Surreal light’ appeared in front of me, it started of as a pinpoint of dim light, after what seemed like a few moments it became brighter quite rapidly until it reached an unearthly brilliance, but did not in any way hurt my eyes, or even dazzled me. But just as I became enveloped within this new light I could hear an incredible ‘unearthly’ singing/ music was unidentifiable like nothing even comes close to been able to describe it, so phenomenally beautiful and I felt a feeling of harmony, love and 'goodness' and it was quite overwhelming.

A moment later, I felt/ saw a blue white orb Light type ‘Being, entity’ with an energy which I cannot adequately describe, but it was quite vivid and it sparkled like millions of suns that had been captured in a spherical shape, as it gently moved into my field of vision.

I was fascinated, probably a bit mesmerized by the love and warmth which ‘emanated' and surrounded me from this light entity it is so beyond words, it was a feeling of perfect thoughtful, empathetic love and understanding.

The orb moved forward like it was leading me and I followed it, down through the lights curving pathways. Every time I would go around one of the curves, I would see some orbs of light, others misshaped with vaguely human attributes. Sometimes they looked golden in colour sometimes they appeared to be silver or with blue white hues appearing and disappearing, perhaps about a few yards in front of me.

The colours were so bright, there's nothing quite like them on earth, at least not to my knowledge.

I watched with such interest for a while, very inquisitive of what was going on. There was no other sound, only the singing, but yet I could hear my thoughts and feel theirs. No words from them, but I understood them and then thoughts or words came into my mind:

‘Do you wish to stay?' And I replied that I didn't know since I was not sure where here was? I asked…Have I died, am I in heaven, then with answers to my unfinished questions almost before I could even form them, it ‘spoke’ in blissful murmurs like a peaceful, dulcet song in golden harmony, amidst their jovial alighted harmony of sound they the ‘others‘ stilled for a moment, remaining as they had gathered …

Then answered gently with a murmur calm and mild: “Come closer and you will see and learn.'… every word that is spoken here is true, and now the answers it shall be told. And with a warm and tender embrace it ‘the blue orb’ spread its light around me.


I was shown, a ‘light pool’, it seemed mystical, glassy and intense; its surface in clear violescence reflecting crescents of purple hues in vivid Technicolor. There were swirling ripples of other delicate colours each myriad in hue that raced frantically in circles, increasing, then skimming from my view across the surface, then more would appeared from the central gyration.

Slowly this activity stopped, and I could see the Earth, it seemed to become surreal and moved away to the left, and through to the right of me another planet earth appeared but yet it was the same one, it loomed towards me, a bright, new, beautiful world - beautiful beyond imagination!  For a moment I could see both worlds at once. It was like seeing with the physical eyes and then with another kind of ‘eyes’ something else entirely amazing, then the images became one.


God….. the Earth is beautiful, I mean really…really…really gorgeous, I can not honestly put it fully in to words because words would lack all meaning in this description.


Then I saw everything, Earths history and other peoples, time and space, forever, everything becoming everything….  I was totally me with all my hopes, ambitions and wishes etc, and yet I at the same time I was all that ever was and that ever existed.

My life, as short as it was back then, took the form of a ‘movie’, which showed all of the irrelevant, insignificant and significant things about my life and me. Watching this forming and fading away to each event and scene, I felt part of it yet at the same time like as a spectator, then the most wonderful feelings came over me - feelings of peace, tranquillity, diminishing of all my worries, now with out any fears, and full joy in all of its glory, like a wonderful unspeakable emotion that you could ever experienced, but enjoyed as it's fullest potential.

   Then I was aware of an Immense Presence coming toward me, the colours, lights, orb beings, faded into the distance as this ‘Light Being’ permeated everything.  I was being addressed by an overwhelming presence and the knowing-ness of the presence that was not visible and the hearing without words was incredible.

    I was 'told' felt that I wasn’t allowed to pass yet and had to go 'back' "It is not yet your time. Your light, must return" I couldn't tell if it was a male or female voice. . It was neither I suppose. But I wanted to go with them and stay a while longer, I kept saying, "No...not now, please can I go back later”.

    The voice, feeling said NO, (even though it did not sound cross nor stern, it was said with force, I found it extremely hard and unbearable to accept this decision, but it still felt like I could not disobey), it said "You have more important work to do on earth, and you must go back and do it!  When your work on earth is done, then you can come back here and stay."

The voice repeated that it wasn't my time; I had a purpose to fulfil and would come back after I completed it.

By now, I was both reluctant and yet relieved to return, as so many stray thoughts and feelings of my mum and my life were invading into my tranquility that it was no longer peaceful, it had slowly become an emotional turmoil. So I agreed to return.

     So back I came, only this time I saw thousands and thousands of energies appearing and disappearing, like large fire flies only they were going towards the place from where I was returning, I was following the silvery and gold fine thread like light that lead me back to my body.


I’ve tried to put the seemly impossible experience into many abstract poetic rhymes. It has failed on so many levels, never grasping the reality, always lacking in substance, the entirety meager and wholly incomplete.

Imagine this and then times it by a thousand or ten thousand and then you might be close to an interpretation of your own experience or mine.

So…..With this in mind, any additions to the ‘poetic rendition’ below will be appraised. If the addition has a specific designated place where the contributor would like it to be placed please state, it will be gratefully accepted and duly incorporated within the movement and picture of words.



Upwards the soul of spirit glides through a darkened emptiness and on through twists and turns of the spinning vortex, spanning the chasms of Space far above, Sewn by the radiant needle of time–Weaving patterned footprints of splendour from sunbeams brilliant arc.

Like a metamorphic hand they reach out, of their own, encircling ripples and rotating softly through a dream they merge with more illusions, the spheres’ eternal music – whom do not Lack syllables nor rhyme.
Upwards and onwards through whirling suffusions, Blushing like crimson-tipped roses of fire, Passing through arches of gold and silver, Curving through time like celestial lyre,
and on through the crystalline crescents, Tall, silver dendroids gleaming like astral spangled boughs casting a multihued shadow of Light.


Lost in a world of reflecting translucence, Showering colour in luminescent of flight. And fragrant rays beaming, Like cloudy, half-forgotten dreams, forever in vivid crescendos, Streaming like fountains through sun-lit skies, swiftly ascending in bright silver spirals – Sparkling like diamonds in star-showered eyes, forwards the soul soars through this actuated spectrum, spraying forth shaftlets of sun-shattered rays –rocketing outwards in golden aurorae, Pulsating light in fragile streams filling the heavens with glistening haze.
Upwards, ever upwards and forwards, like an arrow of light with a target of absolute aim, Bursting asunder with petals of flame, Riding forever the arcs of the light; Light is soul and spirit, and Colours of the earth fluttered at the name.

In this, For who could give correction to the world of dreams, this, the realm, ultimate and fine, never alone And here I see many dwellest too, For here all too can seek release, findest the everlasting Peace, and reflecting the vales of Space, knowest thee –Celestial, immortals –Who passes ever through Space’s time door, through ‘prism gate’ eternal portal, to other world concealed from all, allowed by sentinels of light and time,


But for now I wake once more, though never alone, amidst my own surrounding.

Yet within my eyes I see still, luminosity far ahead of me, will ever I see this again after my life’s ambition I ponder? As ever and always wilt it personify in my lifetime’s expedition, my heart forever hearkening back instead to this an unimaginably distant time,

While the winds of time and space breathe and whisper murmured echoes, like a stream of ghostly chimes, yet quite conceivably lingering on in others hearts and souls, unblemished, long after till I no more this world shall see, till all receive that Incandesent Call.



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  • Thankyou so much for sharing your experience, is there anything you would like me to add to this 'poetic rendition' on your behalf, if you prefer send it as a PM and i'am sure we will come to an amicable decision as to it final place in amongst the words. I'am saying this because i do feel you would have something valuable to add, and i look forward to here more from your other 2 experiences.


  • Wow, I am crying tears of joy right now because my experiences were so similar to yours...It is so nice to have someone else express a lot of the things that I experienced and to articulate them so well. NDE's are forever etched in one's memory once those happen.  I myself had three.  I have a problem with my heart just stopping, and each time I slipped away from my body.  Each experience was a little different, but much of the experiences were the same. 

    My first NDE was when I was expecting my second child.  I bled to death.  I had placentia previa and just started to bleed and by the time my husband got me to the hospital I was DOA. The hospital gave me an almost full body transfusion and was able to revive but while my heart was stopped beating I had an NDE.  One minute I was riding in the car on the way to Kmart to pick up some baby clothes for my baby that was due in three months, and the next thing I new I got all dizzy and felt myself being sucked up into a black void that felt very close, and at the time I felt like I was being sucked up into a gigantic vacuum cleaner hose, but it did not hurt or anything, I just felt like I was sailing very fast on a dark amusement ride and I was all excited and exhilerated but did not know why. A moment into the darkness and I lost all sensation to my body and I marveled how good it felt....it was such a huge relief and I was so jubilant but did not know why, just knew I did not want to ever have to get into my body...also my sense of smell was so very heightened and I felt like I was surrounded by millions of lilacs, that is all I smelled.  I noticed that I did not feel myself breathing and could no longer feel my chest rise and fall and I though oh my god I have passed away...what is going to happen to my baby.  All of a sudden though feeling body-less I saw a glow from my belly and thought oh he must be with me too. It seemed like an eternity, or a instant, there was no sense of time, I came rushing out of the total darkness and into a light so bright I could not believe that my eyes did not burn out.  For a moment I just floated there where ever I was in shock at the colors and sounds that enveloped me like I was being carressed and loved and I felt so much joy I thought I would explode.  The scenary came into view and I thought that the colors were alive and my senses got all confused and I saw colors unlike I had never experienced before and could feel the colors in my body but I did not have a body so that was confusing to me and heard the colors singing it seemed like and the plantlife seemed to be humming and I could hear the flowers swaying and it was like they were dancing for pure joy that I was there.  I was on a scensory overload but it was magnicent....I saw what looked like light beings that were shapes of people only made out of intense light and they were getting closer and closer and all of a sudden they were enveloping me and carressing me and I felt so very very loved and I was so elated and felt like I was having tears.  I recognized them as some of my deceased relatives and they were welcoming me home from a short journey.  Then a presence drew from a distance up close to me ( and this presence had the shape of Buddha wich really confused me because I was not Buddhist and I had always thought that I would see Jesus when I passed but never saw him, only this glowing presence with what seemed to be a pot belly). and told me that it was not my time to stay yet, as I had just had a baby that needed me and if I did not go back it would ruin his lifeplan and that I had to go back.  I wanted so badly to stay but I was told that I had to go back.  I felt I had to leave because of my tiny baby that was struggling for life I was told  I loved him already and then I kind of resigned myself that I had to go back, because this presence made me understand that I would be back and it would seem like a blink of an eye.  Next thing I know I was back in a hospital bed all stitched up and feeling such a horrible let down. Where I had gone was so beautiful and alive that I cannot even explain it although Light Being has done it so much better then I ever could have articulated.  My son was saved by C-section while I was clinically dead, and was three months early and only weighed 3 lbs 12 oz.  I am glad I came back to life because he brought my life so much joy.  His life started rocky because of his prematurity and he almost slipped away a couple of times. I never got any sleep because being so early he could have stopped breathing in his sleep, so I was so afraid to sleep when he was sleeping because he would stop breathing and I had to move him around and make sure he was breathing.  So I guess I was sent back to keep him alive till he got stronger.  He was my miracle child.  The doctors said the odds of either of us living were so very very slim, and a one point they had lost me, but I miraculously had come back, and my son had almost passed too. 


    That was my first NDE and I left a lot out because I just cannot express it with limited words. The other two NDEs were somewhat different, but I will save talking about them for another time.

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