From NADI, a visiting Michael Son:

When the power and the glory, the sovereignty and dominion, the control and overcontrol of THE ONE, with, through and in His Sovereign and Master Son, Aton of Nebadon, is made manifest upon the entire face of Urantia; When that time, that moment is, there will all things upon and within her face a huge test:

All things will tremble.

I have discussed it with this one over many days and finally he is ready to accept my words in writing and while I, even I, understand why he insists on doing things this way, it is at times...exasperating in that the message could have simply been accepted and delivered. But I was told that he would be this way, wanting always to understand a thing before he delivers it. So I AM taking this small moment to chide him and admonish him and remind him that which he alreadys knows. That acceptance is greater than understanding.

There comes a test for all of you, very soon, though I AM also told that you are all sick of hearing that phrase in any form, still, it must be said. Everything will tremble. Every speck of dirt, every plant, stone, animal, fish, insect and person. Every atom of everything will tremble when the force and the energy of what comes, arrives. The question that must be answered stands as a testimony to your acceptance of the reality of your situation and being and the circumstances thereof.

Those that already know these things and know what is coming and from whence it comes; those that accept the reality of The One in love and adoration and gratitude, will tremble in love and submit to the source of that love.

Those that think they know what these things are and just happen to be wrong, by however many degrees, will have a decision to make. Can they accept a truth greater than any they have ever known with love for the source of that truth and gratitude for the revelation of it; or will they tremble in fear of their, now revealed distance from it?

Those that know, or think they know, but have always been resistant to it for whatever reasons and feel that they know better and in their ignorance and/or selfishness, have acted against it. Can they accept the reality they find themselves in out of love for a better, higher way that has been revealed or will they tremble in fear of the consequences of their actions that now stare them in the face?

Those that don’t know and don’t care at all will face the same set of circumstances. Can they bring themselves to love the source of this reality and the revelation of it, or will they fall to fear of the outcomes for them and create a war within themselves against it?

Those that know, always knew and did everything they could to be against it, to stall it, to delay it, to circumvent and prevent it, now that the time has come can they submit or shall they perish? Can they submit out of love, seeing the error of their ways and sincerely desiring a better, higher way of continued life, or shall they submit out of fear, hoping for a chance to live on in any way possible and permissible?

It does not matter who or what you are, or think you are, or think you know, or want. Your reaction at the moment of trembling will tell all and reveal all about you to The One and His Christ Michael Aton, as well as to the myriad spiritual and higher personalities, physical and nonphysical, that are here at present to attend to these things.

All that matters is whether you will tremble out of love or tremble out of fear. There is no choice in the matter, really. You are what you are and that will be revealed for all to see. There will be no deals, no buts or ifs or maybes or that moment you will be more your self than you have ever been and some of you might even be surprised at what you reveal to yourselves.

So please, get ready, be prepared to be completely honest with yourself. It really is all for the best. You will all receive the very best and most loving treatment possible. You will all receive the future assignments that are best for you on your journeys in order to reach the state of perfection that has been mandated for you by The Father of All, The Paradise Father.

There is actually and absolutely no need for anyone to be uncreated unless they absolutely and resolutely insist upon it and even then, all measure of time and opportunity to make a better choice shall be made available until it is determined that you have left no hope for yourself. No one wants to see that happen.

But some of us are concerned that so many of you are so firm in your beliefs that any consideration of anything else being greater and true will place you in a state of shock and disbelief that you could possibly have been so wrong about any of it and you will either cover yourselves with more of the same or reduce yourselves to hiding under the covers hoping that it will all go away. It won’t. Resistance is not futile by any means. WE are not about that. However, WE unequivocally state that it is counterproductive to the best circumstances of your personal advancement and so I AM here to deliver this message to you in hopes that such scenarios can be avoided as much as possible.

WE understand that many of you have been led to believe that any contact with any galactic race would be detrimental to you and yet you have already been subject to the effects of such negative races and their intentions and actions for many ages. Now, when the lighted races desire to make their presence known, you are being taught and programmed to consider it an evil invasion.

To this WE can only reiterate that the spiritual reality that is indeed, being thrust upon you should be more than evidence enough of our intentions. WE come to you without fear, not so much for ourselves, but without fear for what would be done to you by your dark lords had WE disregarded their threats and manipulative programming upon you and against What We Are. Through Our efforts, the efforts of The Spiritual Hierarchy, The Earth Allies, The Agarthans, The Universal and Superuniversal Governing bodies and the Paradise Mandates concerning the Ascension of Gaia, all that has been dealt with and WE may arrive without fear of such harm being perpetrated upon you. WE only request that you do not act to harm each other.


That will show itself in the reality of the great trembling which all life on Urantia will experience.
It is a simple test; Love or fear, acceptance or denial. Understanding will come to you no matter what. The position you find yourself in when that understanding comes, is up to you.

Thank you.