
We hear it all the time, “Be the change you want to see in the world” – but what does it really mean? And how do we go about making it happen?

If you are reading this far, you are likely an evolutionary pioneer, paradigm trend setter, or what I call a consciousness shifter. However you see yourself, you know that you came here to make a difference, and maybe even a profound difference.

But, let’s face it, the high hopes of even the most well intentioned souls can get obscured in the confusion and chaos of reality. It’s hard to keep on track and fulfill your purpose, when you are pulled in so many directions, just to maintain a life – just to survive.

Maybe you remember what you came here to do, but you have neglected, or even betrayed, your own heart due to fear, worry or doubt, or maybe you have forgotten what you came here to do, and you have spent the better part of your life seeking your purpose, but never quite finding it. The truth is, you don’t need to remember the specifics of your purpose in order to fulfill your mission. You only need to remember one thing.

You and I – and millions of other people living on earth right now – are here to evolve the world to the next level of consciousness. Our purpose is to bring forth an enlightened paradigm of reality, with freedom from war, poverty and disease. We are the bringers of the New Dream, and each one of us has an essential role to play.

The chaos of the world may seem overwhelming, but you only have to fulfill your particular part. If fear, doubt or overwhelm stops you from realizing your purpose as Consciousness Shifter, you have missed the point.

Maybe you have specific gifts or talents that allow you to express your purpose in certain ways, but, honestly that is not a requirement. Your essential role in this glorious process is to be responsible for your own evolution – not in healing or teaching anyone else and not in single-handedly transforming the world.

Your special part is in the evolution of your own consciousness. Your purpose is to evolve yourself. As such, you may become a teacher, healer or innovator, but it is a by-product of your own evolution. Trying to teach, heal, or effect change from an unevolved or asleep state only reinforces the old paradigms that we are here to transform. If you want to wake others up, you must first be awake yourself. So, how do we fulfill our mission?

The Secret to Evolution is Vibration
From the city-sized Rock of Gibraltar to each tiny raindrop falling on a window pane, everything is vibration. You and I are also made of vibration. We don’t see things as vibration because we are unconscious experts at interpreting vibration into what we call reality. It is our inner interpretation that makes everything seem solid, but that is just the grand illusion.

This is great news because it means that we don’t have to wrestle solid things to the ground to overcome them, nor do we have to change reality by force. It means that we only need to evolve vibration in order to evolve ourselves and our world.

The transformation of humanity is simply a vibratory shift to higher frequencies.

There is nothing more important than how you are vibrating. Your personal vibration is your greatest resource and more vital than money, time or even physical energy. Everything is second to your vibration. From a low vibration of fear, worry or overwhelm, life is difficult and relationships are challenging. Scarcity is often the norm and we spend our lives just trying to get by and survive. War, poverty and disease are low vibratory effects. This is the current collective vibration of the world, but this is not how we are intended to live.

From a high vibration of love, life takes on an effortless flow, relationships are harmonic and abundance streams with ease. World liberation is realized as the collective vibration of humanity resonates with love and harmony.

No matter what expression you choose by way of your gifts, talents and preferences, your core mission is to wake up, connect to the source of who you really are – and raise your personal vibration, and as a result, you will fulfill your essential role in raising the collective vibration.

Ultimately, you will experience a new more enlightened world. You are not changing the world or saving anybody. You are only changing you, and saving yourself. When enough of us vibrate on the level of love, a threshold will be met, and just like the hundred monkey experiment, the world will experience exponential growth, heightened consciousness and global awakening. You only need to do your part, and I only need to do mine. This is the whole point.

If you were to make your vibration the most important part of every day, your entire life would change, and you would gain the ability to consciously begin to create the life you most desire.

Take Charge of Your Vibration
Vibration is influenced by thought, but most of the time this is done at an unconscious level so we have no control over our vibration. Imagine how you can positively influence vibration with positive intentions. This means that as your thoughts become more life affirming and encouraging in nature, your life will respond. You can take charge of your vibration and even the vibration of the world around you by being responsible with your mental energy, so if you want to raise your vibration, you must raise your thoughts. The more you consciously take charge of your thoughts, the more your vibration will rise.

If you are not in control of your thoughts, you are not in control of your life.

Your mind is like a quantum computer but if you are not consciously running the computer, it is programmed and run by external forces – be that family, society, government, authority figures or media. You take back your power by taking back the control panel in your head. I know that it can be difficult, at first, to get in the driver’s seat of your thoughts, but there is no greater work that you can, and must, do. If you want to create a better life and a better world, there is no getting around it – first, you must create better thoughts.

As the thinker of your thoughts, you have the power to master your life, and be the change you want to see in the world.

Vibration Assessment
When you want to know the quality or vibration of a thought, just notice how that thought makes you feel – the way in which you feel is always a tell-tale sign of your vibration. If a thought provokes constricting emotions like fear or frustration, you are going in the wrong direction. If a thought provokes expansive emotions like love, peace or compassion, you are going in the right direction.

Depression or fear is on the low spectrum of vibration while joy and love is on the high spectrum of vibration. Although an expression of fear is just as sacred as an expression of love, fear is less evolved because it invokes separation, while love is more evolved because it is moving toward oneness – evolving toward “The One.” There is no accident that you can find the word love in evolve.

The one thing to remember is that negative thoughts and emotions produce low vibrations, while positive thoughts and emotions produce high vibrations.

What Keeps Vibrations Low?
In order to raise your vibration, it is important to understand that your natural vibration is the high vibration of love, and if you were to let go of everything that keeps your vibration suppressed, your energetic frequency would effortlessly rise up, like releasing a cork that is held under water you would rise to the top.

The major causes of low vibration include:

Fear of survival or worrying about the future.
Shame about the past or holding onto the past in some way.
Limiting or false beliefs like scarcity, powerlessness or victimhood.
Criticism and judgment of self and/or others.
Feelings of unworthiness.
Negative thinking.
Not trusting yourself or the Universe.
The most common issue that keeps vibration low is focusing on what we do not want; consciously and unconsciously imagining negative outcomes and undesirable experiences, this includes past, present and future.

When a problem, or even a potential problem, arises, it is human nature to focus on the problem, but our vibration cannot be any higher than the source of our focus. Or, maybe we choose to fight against the problem, but this also leads in the wrong direction, because whatever we fight against, we give energy to, thereby lowering our vibration to match that which we are fighting against. If you desire peace but you are fighting against war, you are aligned with war and you will vibrate at the level of war. Be “for” something – not against. If you want peace, be peaceful. If you want love, be loving.

The good news is, at any moment you can become responsible for how you feel and how you vibrate and you can raise your mental and emotional energy to a vibrational point where problems become a vibrational match for solutions.

How Do We Live at Higher Vibrations?
Once again, if you want to raise your vibe, it is essential to Master Your Thoughts, but there are some more pivotal pieces to the puzzle. I am going to show you how to align with higher vibrations so that you can be the change you want to see in the world, but first, I want to remind you that you are not a race car driver, so don’t expect to go from zero to ninety in five seconds. As you take inspired steps to raise your vibration, it is important to be patient and kind with yourself. The following is not shared as a “to do” list, but rather as an empowering guide on your personal path of evolution.

Master Your Beliefs

Since beliefs are conditioned thoughts, every belief has a corresponding vibration. This means that you can raise your vibration by releasing disempowering beliefs, such as victimhood and powerlessness and embracing empowering beliefs. The more you believe in your ability to consciously create, and the more you believe that the Universe unconditionally supports you, the higher your vibe will elevate. It is important to practice the beliefs that will take you where you want to go.

Own Your Worth

As you reclaim your worth and you stop asking the outside world to prove that you are worthy, your vibration will naturally rise, and you will discover that your worth is guaranteed and inherent. Not only do you not have to do anything to prove your worthiness, trying to prove it, keeps you from it – as you cannot prove that which you are. As the sun will rise and the air is free to breathe, your intrinsic worth cannot be taken away, no matter what you do or don’t do.

Meet Your Own Emotional Needs

As you stop sacrificing or compromising yourself in order to get your emotional needs met, your vibration will naturally rise. Meet your own emotional needs: appreciate yourself, understand yourself, accept yourself, acknowledge yourself, listen to yourself. Give yourself full approval to live your life like you really want to live it!

Take Responsibility

In order to be a Consciousness Shifter, you must take full responsibility for your life and every experience in it. This means that nothing is happening to you, and everything is a reflection of you or a complement to you. As long as you blame the world for your woes, you are powerless to create and you keep your vibe low. Conversely, as you take more and more conscious responsibility for your life, your vibration will naturally rise.

Stop Reacting

Every time you negatively react to reality, be that a person, place or experience, you give your power away and you lower your vibration to match that which you are reacting to. The trick is to stop taking things personally – and to drop your version of the story that caused you to react. It is just a story and no stories are true unless we make them true.

Don’t Catch the Dirty Rag

Just because someone throws you a dirty rag doesn’t mean you have to catch it – that rag likely contains low vibration energy. You are not here to be a “negative energy sponge.” If you are going to be responsible with your vibration, you cannot afford to take on other people’s negative energy.

Sweet Surrender

You are a beautiful evolving being and more often than not, evolution is a death and re-birthing process – the death of who you are not and the re-birth of who you really are. This means that it is necessary to surrender whatever no longer serves you or supports your highest good. There is nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Dump the Drama

Many of us are addicted to drama and we don’t even know it. Yes, drama is entertaining to participate in and to gossip about, but it is not worth the cost of your vibration. Drama requires low vibration thoughts, emotions and beliefs, which get acted out in a dramatization. Who cares who did what to who? It is just not worth it – forgive, forget, move on. Dump the Drama!

Be a Conscious Creator

It is powerful to notice what is wrong, but don’t get stuck there. Instead, “use problems” as emotional leverage to bounce off – and into the solution. If you know what you don’t like, you can turn it around – and know what you do like. If you focus on the problem, you are sustaining a state of destruction (this is why if feels so bad). If you refocus your energy and attention on what you do want, you have aligned with the solution which exists on a higher vibration. Once you are aligned with the solution, your inspired action will result in exponential results. This is the act of conscious creation.

Practice Allowance

Go with the flow, stop criticizing and allow everyone to be who they are. Every time you judge or criticize yourself or others, you stifle your vibration. Judgment and criticism are vibration suppressers, even if they are offered with good intentions. As you practice allowance, for yourself and others, your vibration will naturally rise.

Find a Bridge

Lucky for us, there are many bridges that allow us quick access to increased vibration, such as forgiveness, gratitude and letting go. The bridge of forgiveness can take you from shame to relief.

The bridge of gratitude can take you from fear to love. The bridge of letting go can take you from overwhelm to peace. This powerful combination of energetic tools allows us to heal ourselves and rise up to be rightfully whole.

Follow Your Inner Guidance

Your body is an amazing navigational device and it will let you know exactly where you are vibrating. Whether guidance comes from your heart, gut or third eye, learn to listen, and if something doesn’t “feel” right, it is not right. Instead of resisting the guidance from your body, course correct your thoughts, beliefs and actions.

Offer Contribution

Most of us have a natural desire to contribute to others, or to the world. If we contribute from a space of obligation, fear or guilt, we offer a low vibration which is counter-productive to our greater purpose -and also to the contribution itself. Feeling sorry for someone is judgment and therefore projects a low vibration, while compassion is seeing another through the eyes of Source and responding from love. This means that before offering your gifts, talents or any form of contribution, you must be clean and clear with your thoughts and intentions and you must align with love so that what you give comes from the space of love – and projects the high vibration of love.

Embrace Self-expression

Be brave to be different, express yourself, speak up, tell your truth, get over pettiness, stop caring what other people think, and think for yourself. Shine your light! This is not the time to be shy. Do a dance and spread your wings – you never know just when you will fly.

Spread Love

The simple yet profound act of choosing love and expressing love raises your vibration. You are made of love – and so is everyone else, even when it seems not to be the case. As you express and spread love, others will feel this great love and they will begin to find it in themselves. As you raise your vibration, the by-product of your purpose is to spread an Epidemic of Love.

Connect with “It”

The more you connect with your higher power or whatever you might call “it,” the higher your vibration will rise. There is no right way to connect – you can get connected in any way that makes you feel aligned with life and the Source of Life. The practice of connecting is a practice of letting go. You cannot be connected and holding on or grasping for anything or anyone at the same time. Mediate, go for a walk, dance, pray, paint, sing – do whatever it takes to let go and get connected. Trust yourself and trust the Universe – it’s all going to be fine.

You Don’t Get a Second Chance
Your life is a precious gift and you don’t get a second chance. If you believe that you are here to make a difference, the time is now. The days of hiding behind fear, unworthiness or shame are gone. You cannot afford another lost day to the bottomless pit of false beliefs that have held you prisoner. You and only you have the key to unlock the binds that have kept you small and uncertain. That key is courage. The courage to be who you really are. The courage to go well past your current comfort zone. The courage to stand up, speak out and be the glorious expression of who you came here to be.

It is time to reclaim all your power from everyone and everything that you have given it to, and take that power and allow it to fill your soul. Luxuriate in the energy of self-love – and from this place of absolute fullness, give it all away through unbridled acts of kindness, and the unique expression that can only come from you. As you make the highest choices for yourself, you also make the highest choices for the planet and humanity. Ultimately, you become the change you want to see in the world.

My Gift to You: A Blueprint for Being The Change
Let’s face it, we often read articles or books and we feel inspired to make changes in our lives, but no matter how well intentioned we are, life gets in the way and what was brutally clear one day becomes cloudy and obscure the next. Knowing this, I want to offer you something that will support you on your path in remembering who you really are.

I invite you to take The Pledge.

The Pledge is a four-part Blueprint for living as your higher self, raising your vibration and being the change you want to see in the world. It is an agreement that you make with yourself. If something does not feel right to you, skip it or change it to work for you. The point is to make The Pledge your own – something that will help to guide you toward living as your higher self.

After you take The Pledge, you have the option to print out a personalized certificate with your name, so that you can hang it on your wall and use it as a daily guide. There is no charge for this. This is one of my ways of giving back, and being the change I want to see in the world. Won’t you join me?

To take The Pledge CLICK HERE.

Source:“Raising Vibrations: How To Be The Change You Want To See In The World” by Nanice Ellis, June 19, 2015 at http://wakeup-world.com/2015/06/19/how-to-be-the-change-you-want-to-see-in-the-world/

Original link: Raising Vibrations: How To Be The Change You Want To See In The World

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