Meny years back, I started to get a serious feeling that NASA was hiding a lot of info from us! Now I have hoped after the closures that they would bee more open and do not hide enything! But MAN, they still keep secrets from uss, secrets from outer space! Have you guys noticed that Google Sky witch uses NASAS space images is covered in black squeres (Sencures). An un schooled human beeing and a child would even know that there is no squeres upp there in space! It is clear that NASA is hiding secrets from uss. Secrets,truths that they do not want us to know off. I love looking at google sky, but man, this black squeres are realy making me irritated. One of my friends told me that he is not supriced that I get irritated when I see full of black squeres on a space map where you are supose to bee able to see space properly. He also said that he would not even have the nerve to even look at space with all the black squeres covered pretty much every place somewhere in the map. It is defenitely clear that they are hiding something! I couldn´t agree more! NASA is hiding a lot of information from uss from space! And for what I am concerned meny of this black holes may even bee spaceship or something else they do not want to see! Well, I will give you a small warning! Do not bealive everything you hear from NASA, keep this in mind they are not to bee trusted since they are keeping secrets from uss humans...
Here are some pictures so you know what I am talking about! The first black squere is not far from pleiades..
this is an excellent post Light_Diva,thankyou for posting it for all to view,love,light,blessings eve.
maraninia: So you mean, that it is thous criminal black cabal/ Illuminati and its followers work who dos this then! TYPICAL, JUST TYPICAL!! This has to stop! Can´t wait till the real scientists and astronomians lands here on earth. First then I gladly listen to what they have to say! Honestly, I do not trust hardly eny scientist or astronomist cause you do not know how meny of them works for the dark cabal/illuminati and it´s followers still...I just can´t wait for the mass arrest of this criminals....
Here is yet a nother one but a bit furter away from pleiades. So you see people is clear that NASA is hiding something and can´t simply bee trusted! I do not trust enyone that keeps secrets and specially NOT NASA! The wiceguys that their pretend them to bee, that keeps secrets from uss is defenitely not someone to bee trusted! I do sertainly not trust them. My trust to them ended long time alredy when my sences said that they where hiding a lot of info from uss. So to find squeres on google sky map was not a big suprice at all!
Yet a nother one not to far from pleiades...
Yet a nother not far frpm pleiades...