The air is electric, the Storm is raging, and we are SO winning the information war, my friends. Humanity is waking up at breakneck speed and realizing their power.

Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was detained in France because he refused to cave to cabal pressure to allow censorship on his platform and the story is interesting, to say the least.

JUST IN – Telegram founder Pavel Durov was detained on arriving in France from Azerbaijan and facing 20 years in jail for refusing to censor his platform.

Durov was arrested as he got off his private jet on the tarmac at Le Bourget airport in Paris. BFMTV reports that the Telegram founder was put on a wanted list just minutes before landing in Paris, and an arrest warrant was issued.

Durov “will be presented to an investigating judge this Saturday evening before a possible indictment on Sunday for a multitude of offenses: terrorism, narcotics, fraud, money laundering, receiving stolen goods, pedo criminal content,” TF1 reports.

Telegram CEO Pavel Durov’s detention extended following arrest in France

In the wake of that event, Rumble boss Chris Pavlovski fled Europe for his safety and says…

The fallout from the Durov arrest has begun. Here’s one more reason NOT to have an iPhone, but you may have success using the workaround below.

With all that is going on with telegram having the head arrested they are trying to takeover Telegram.  You need to also go to my X account (Twitter) to make sure you have access to us.

Shit is happening very quickly right now. And if you want to make sure you have access to us go sign in and follow us there as well as Rumble channel.


Rumble account:



Sonoran desert saguaro cactus with an attitude

Friday was a big day in the state of Arizona. Patriots are of a mind that Trump and RFK stole the thunder from the Democrats and their pathetic convention last week and wouldn’t you know it—our Internet went out for a second day in a row. On Thursday it was short-lived and corrected itself, but on Friday it went on for hours until hubby decided to unplug the router for a few minutes and sure enough, it came back. By then, though, it was too late to put a post together but I had plenty of opportunity to surf the ‘net and get a sense for what was developing.

To recap: Here in Southern Arizona Trump was on site at the border, and there was another report of a planned assassination attempt and we’re told the FBI has not seen fit to share much with Trump about the details.

Robert Kennedy Jr. was speaking here as well and made his address Friday morning before joining Trump as the “special guest” on the billing after 4 pm in Glendale [west Phoenix] where reports said fans shut down the streets of Glendale with their overwhelming numbers.

As we expected, RFK denounced his presidential ticket here in Arizona, spoke to the people and endorsed Trump, and seemed interested in joining his administration. A raucous cheer went up when it was clear RFK and Trump were uniting. The writing on the wall says that would unite America and I’m confident this whole script was intentionally written by the White Hats for this purpose. An RFK election sign already graced the front yard of a neighbour on Saturday following that activity on Friday.

Can you imagine what the public response will be like when JFK Jr. emerges?

None of this was really a surprise, not only because of Q the Storm Rider’s updates, but prophet Kim Clement’s prediction, as well.


Bioclandestine posted the following analysis. I. too, reassured everyone awhile back about the questionable moves from RFK Jr., saying he is playing the game exactly as the White Hats told him to do. Don’t worry about it. It’s all good and the plot twists are epic.

One thing is for certain… Trump and his team have a plan.

Trump and RFK Jr. timed their announcement to steal the spotlight from the Dems right after the DNC, and now RFK Jr. will be joining the campaign, with more announcements to come.

This rollout was coordinated. As for how long it’s been in the works, that’s up for debate, but there is no doubt that Trump and his team are deploying some pretty savvy political maneuvers.

Trump eliminated Biden in the debate, forced the Dems to play their hand with the Kamala rollout/honeymoon, and then stole all the momentum with a historic and unprecedented alliance. Now the Dems are scrambling for a solution, with only 10 weeks to go.

You’re watching a game of chess.

SG Anon completed File 79 a few days ago but I am way behind so have not yet listened. His updates deserve my undivided attention so when that opportunity arrives, it will be done.

Trump Jail Necessary | CO Inc Judiciary Noticed 3.31.24 | DUMBs Ops: Turkey/Egypt Next | USAR TRADOC and COG


Is it time for the fake king to exit? He’s been on a short rein for awhile… under White Hat control like a dog on a leash.


Everything is changing.

New frequencies bring massive and constant shifts in all things and there is a lot of discussion about the elevating resonance of the People now. I came upon a detailed article about the phase shift we are currently navigating which explains in relatively simple terms what is happening in the frequency sense, how it affects us, and how it shapes our future when all the nasty bits will be left behind.

As someone elucidated recently, only those of us true Humans capable of ascending will be experiencing the elevation to the 5th density. Those not like us are unable to make the shift and will not be part of our world any longer. We cannot fail to make the shift because it’s who we are, and how we’re wired. That imminent journey is in our DNA—which Q spoke of and warned us to protect it.

The article is entitled “PHASE SHIFT TO 4TH DENSITY”. It would be nice to know how long the stopover in 4th will be before continuing our journey to the 5th, but I suppose that depends largely on us, and the efforts of those who are executing this inorganic ascension for us.

Perhaps we can make a concerted effort to do what will raise our frequency and refrain from those activities that drag us down. Putting things into perspective helps. “Don’t sweat the small stuff.”  [It’s all small stuff.]

Here’s an excerpt from the exciting article and the link where you can read it in its entirety.

Visible light ranges from the color “violet” to the color “red.” Ultraviolet (which means “beyond” violet, i.e., a higher frequency than violet) and infrared (which means “below” red, i.e., a lower frequency than red) light are not normally visible to our eyes without special equipment that extends the range of our vision. On Terra, the planet and everything on it will be vibrating at a frequency above that of our (3D) physically visible light. Terra already exists, but we cannot see her with our physical eyes because she is vibrating beyond the range of light that our 3D physical eyes can see.

When our own frequency gets sufficiently high, WE will not be visible to those whose eyes are not operating in our frequency range. To them, we will seem to have disappeared, but to us THEY will not normally be visible and our experienced reality will still seem physical to US, even though it is invisible to others who are operating in a lower frequency band.

Everything has a characteristic vibration and frequency. Colors, emotions, substances, names, and thoughtforms all have an energetic “signature.” Everything is made up of energy, and all energy is vibrating. We call the emotions of fear, anger, hatred, jealousy, and greed the “lower” emotions because they actually DO have a lower vibrational frequency. The so-called “higher emotions” of joy, peace, love, bliss, and compassion actually DO have a higher vibrational frequency.

As the planet and everything on her moves up in frequency and transits the phase shift into fourth density, all lower-frequency waveforms are being thrown off or canceled (when waves are totally out of phase, i.e., exactly opposite to one another, they cancel each other out). It is a purification process, and the only thing that will be left on the other side of this phase shift will be those waveforms that are vibrating at a frequency that is compatible with that of Terra. There will only be the “higher” emotions of joy, peace, love, bliss, and compassion. The “lower” emotions simply won’t occur.

So you see, the dark ones, and anyone with ill intent, a greedy mentality, self-centred, self-serving, etc. rather than service-to-others will seem to simply melt away. They cannot choose to join us. They are physically incapable of making the leap. They will exist in an environment that matches their resonance, and so shall we. That’s how the Universe works and because time is accelerating, therefore karma is swift.

The story behind last Monday’s sinking of the Bayesian yacht in Sicily has been fleshed out gradually, as these suspicious events usually are. We knew it wasn’t likely an “accident” because the details kept changing. First they said it was a tornado—really? Then a waterspout. Then they declared the yacht sank in a mere 60 seconds. It gets better.

Someone said what I was thinking: weather weapon. It was too precise to be an accident.


Now they are telling us the weather data for that time was scrubbed. What are the chances?


This is most intriguing, yes? If you would like the extended play version from In2ThinAir, it’s here. And now a few more people know why we say we don’t believe in coincidences, and there are no accidents.

Take, for example, this latest development. Are we paying attention? Link to Telegram.

There it is…

The WEF Releases a Multi-Year “Prediction” Model Highlighting ‘Unknown’ Global Shock Events

If it’s unknown, how do they know???

1. A New Global Extremist Group Emerges
—— while the world is distracted, this could be an opportunistic time for a new extremist group to make its mark…. And perhaps it will leverage AI tools to kick off a new phase of terrorism

2. An Intentional Cyber Pandemic — the Massive Global IT outage in July was not terrorism, but simply “faulty software” shutting down flights, banks, hospitals, retailers
—— imagine if a bad actor did this and an even grander scale.

3. Climate Change It’s First Island Nation
—— if these three islands sink, how would activists and world leaders react?

Pretty damn specific events if you ask me… the WEF needs to be dismantled!

I’ve been binge-watching Moody Blues music videos and interviews and the above brings to mind, “Question”. The lyrics say the reason we never get an answer when we ask about the reason for all the hate, death, and war is because the truth is hard to swallow. Indeed. People seldom want the truth. They don’t know what to do with it. Only the truth warriors can handle the truth.


And on that note, something popped up about the Hollywood crowd. They’re really putting it out there, whether people can handle the truth or not.

The Hollywood’s Dark Secrets

In a shocking twist that has sent shockwaves through Hollywood and beyond, Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg—two of the most revered figures in the entertainment industry—are reportedly facing heinous charges that could forever tarnish their legacies. According to insiders, investigators have unveiled a chilling web of crimes, including child rape and murder, allegedly committed by Hanks, Spielberg, and other high-profile figures. As the investigation deepens, the once untouchable elites of Hollywood are now staring down the barrel of justice, with the possibility of spending the rest of their lives behind bars.

Hollywood’s Golden Icons: A Tarnished Legacy.

For decades, Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg have been hailed as Hollywood royalty. Hanks, with his everyman charm and roles in iconic films like Forrest Gump and Saving Private Ryan, became the face of American cinema. Spielberg, the genius behind blockbusters like Jurassic Park and Schindler’s List, earned the title of one of the greatest filmmakers of all time. Their influence stretches beyond cinema; they are cultural icons whose work has shaped the world’s view of America, heroism, and humanity.

But behind the veneer of respectability and success lies a dark, sordid reality that is now being brought to light. Investigators have allegedly uncovered evidence suggesting that these two titans of the industry have been involved in some of the most disturbing crimes imaginable. The shock and disbelief that such beloved figures could be implicated in such horrific acts have sent ripples of fear and anger through the public and the industry alike.

Tom Hanks in “Cast Away” and his ball, “Wilson” bearing a representation of the face of the 15 yr-old girl Hillary Clinton & Huma Abedin fileted from her skull and wore over their own as they danced a demonic jig. They flaunt it in front of us like a sick joke.

The Allegations: Crimes That Defy Comprehension.

The charges facing Hanks and Spielberg are nothing short of horrifying. Reports suggest that they are being investigated for a series of heinous crimes, including child rape and murder. These allegations, if proven true, would not only shatter their careers but also deeply affect the millions who have admired and respected them over the years.

While details remain sparse, sources indicate that the evidence against them is compelling and damning. Insiders have come forward, risking everything to expose what they describe as a well-organized and long-running operation involving numerous high-profile individuals. The crimes allegedly took place over several decades, with some incidents dating back to the early years of Hanks and Spielberg’s careers.


The Whistleblowers: Courage in the Face of Threats.

The investigation owes much of its momentum to a growing number of whistleblowers—individuals who have come forward, often at great personal risk, to expose the truth. These insiders, who have worked closely with Hanks, Spielberg, and other accused individuals, have provided investigators with crucial information that has brought the alleged crimes into the public eye.

These whistleblowers have described a culture of silence and complicity within Hollywood, where the powerful protect one another, and where those who dare to speak out are swiftly silenced. However, as the tide turns and more individuals find the courage to come forward, the walls are beginning to close in on those who once seemed untouchable.

Join and share my channel immediately:

To leave you for today, I offer this light-hearted look at a spoof involving M-pox.


A poster for Cirque du Solei caught my eye because it read, “Without a Net”. Was that supposed to be a comm? Will we be without the Internet because of cyber attacks?


Every day is an adventure now. Will we lose Telegram? Time will tell. See you soon, folks. ~ BP

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