Needing alot of sleep because of exhaustion.

This has starting to be a real problem of mine because it only seems to be getting worse. I read the description of Lethargy:   and it seems to be fitting in very well with what I'm feeling.


Ever since this autumn when it starts to be getting very dark here in Sweden (sun is only up for 6 hours) I've been feeling very drained. I know that it has to do with the lack of recieving light, but there has been this overwhelming feeling of exhaustion to the point where I've lost all creativity and energy to manage all the things I want. It's been like no other year before and I want to know if it has something to do with what's happening in the world.

The days I go to work I usually struggle to fall asleep and will only get 6-7 hours sleep, and I feel all week that I would need alot more than that to feel full of energy. On my days off I go to sleep roughly the same time, but I end up sleeping easily for 10-12 hours, and when I wake up I don't feel energized at all. I feel groggy and numb like I could lay in my bed even more.

What has struck me is that when I was younger I had no trouble falling asleep because I got tired in the late hours, and after about 8 hours sleep I would wake up full of energy and it was hard to stay in bed.

What I experience now is that I rarely feel very tired in late evenings but I often go to bed before this and try to force myself to sleep. I am usually laying 1-2 hours before falling asleep and I have tried everything including meditation, going up early at the same time, not drinking anything with caffeine, putting lavender oil on my pillow. But nothing of this have helped me falling asleep easier.

Then during my sleep time, I usually have very intense dreams from the moment I dose off until the moment that I need to wake up. On my working days I have an alarm that wakes me up and I have never one day felt full of energy when I have woken up. Not even those days where I can sleep how much I want, the result is still the same. Feeling normal or even full of energy before going to bed, and feeling dead tired when waking up.

This have recently had a serious impact on my life because as I stated earlier I have not been able to find the energy and creativity during the days because of this feeling of being exhausted all the time. And I also lose very much of the day when during my days off work like today I slept to 12:30 p.m and it takes more than an hour fully feel awake.

I just know some of my friends and family are stating they have been feeling very tired lately as well. I cannot outrule if it only has to do with the darkness, if it has to do with some kind of disease that is causing this for me, if it's something I am missing in my diet or missing a kind of exercise that is making me feel this way or if it has anything to do with the changes that are supposed to be always taking place on our Earth plane. I've read about upgrades being done to the body can cause alot of tiredness and cause you to sleep alot, and it does not sound that far off that the body would need much time resting to adapt to changes being made. Since the sleep time is like maintenance for the body, it cannot really adjust much if you're constantly up and about and using alot of energy.

Any thoughts on this?

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  • Thank you Charlotte for your advices :)

    It's funny that you say that about diet. Because today I made me some rice and chicken. I don't usually like to eat meat, but I have it once in a while and I will see what kind of effect it has on my body compared to only eating vegetarian.

    I do exercise alot. I'm going to the gym mostly 3-4 days a week and try to take walks around my neighbourhood daily for at least 30 minutes a day, in the weekends I take long forest walks that usually last 1-1½hours. And I can tell this makes a huge difference compared to the days you don't move a muscle..

    Love your encouraging words :) I will definitely think of this, thank you friend.

  • Drekx:

    Thanks for pointing that out. When I tried to sleep yesterday I went to bed early, earlier than I'm used to but I went on a powerwalk an hour before bedtime and drank hot chocolate. I felt kind of tired but I just couldn't fall asleep. This is when my thoughts start to spin like crazy and before I know it an hour has passed. You are right I need to become better at shutting my chatter off, and I catch myself often thinking this, and before I know it I'm engulfed in engaging with thoughts again. I've noticed that quite often it's about things I haven't had time to focus on in my waking hours and are matters that need to be brought up. Therefore I think the only solution to this is to meditate more often before going to bed to make more peace in my thoughts.

    Often there's anxiety about work and my life in general. Then there's another thing when you are sort of annoyed that you can't fall asleep and you know every minute is needed when your alarm starts to go off early in the morning. So I struggle with having trouble falling asleep, and also having trouble to go up in the mornings, I would have it the other way around: Tired when going to bed and energetic when rising out of bed :)

    Do you suggest to stop using my iPhone as my alarm device? Because I always have it close to me while sleeping. However I only have a computer in my room that is switched off always when I'm sleeping. I'm wondering if my iPhone can have any effect on me. Maybe I should switch to a regular clock, but then I can't have a sweet melody of waking up to ^^

    Thanks Drekx for your input, I really value it :)

    Have a wonderful day

  • Acute, no unfortunately that is a completely uncharted territory for my part :) I can only imagine it. But I do appreciate your genorosity of sharing energy :), isn't it possible to throw some at me by force? ;)

  • There are many people undergoing changes to their chakras and re-allignments, which periodically cause mild fatigue....

    However, the fact that you suggest a correlation between the winter season and fatigue, is another factor, more common....and sleepnessness causes fatigue, rather than other factors...

    So why the sleepnessness...?? There are several reasons for it and one of the primory ones relates to not disciplining the mind to switch off thought processes, when you go to bed...Mulling over repeated worries, or simply being unnecessarily anxious about a concern, is sufficient to cause sleepness nights...

    So learn to switch off the mind, would be my advice....Now, if it were some other factor, then keep a note of alcohol and caffeine consumption....Make sure you don't drink tea or coffee, several hours before bedtime...

    For myself I enjoy a very good de-caff tea....As for coffee I prefer the real thing, so will only drink it in the morning....

    Also, as Ara suggests, get plenty of exercise in the day....Walking, jogging, etc, all help the body and if the body is fit, the mind can follow suit....providing there are no underlying psychological issues causing anxieties and niggles, causing an over activity of the thoughts....You have tried meditation, but maybe not the right one...You must learn to command the mind chatter....

    Sleep is important to everyone, but especially chelas, who receive teaching upon the astral, at night...If you cannot sleep, the teaching cannot be given....So sleep is needed....Ask your own guides for assistance in gleaning a good night's sleep and certainly, banish all electrical apparatus from your bedroom, including cellphones and TVs...


    Well, hope this helps, friend Ogdoo....


    For myself I enjoy an abundance of energy, as the harder we work and serve, the more spirit affords us avenues to recharge, so we may serve ever more powerfully....It's a cycle that can be establshed for each...You get back what you give out...


  • I couldn't manage myself to read all of your post, but if it's energy you need, you can have some of mine. I have so much nowadays that if I don't give at least 50% of it away to all who need it, I'll end up wasting it on nonsense. :)

    Have you learned how to recieve and utilize energy from others yet?

    If yes, then there's a "channel" open for you right now, to draw whatever the ammount you need.

  • That's so true Ara :)

    I have once been in a position where I tried to force everything happening to me spiritually, and I realized that I cannot hurry this process by force. So I slowed down and focused on doing things that I actually love. Such as playing music, photographing nature and animals, riding a motorbike, cooking/baking, exercising through weight lifting, learning new language, painting. I realized that there are so many things I can enjoy here that will fulfill me, but I have this strange feeling that I aspire too many things at once and need to be more direct and focused, and while using my free time to the fullest and not wasting it away doing pretty much nothing.

    It's kind of a paradox, when I work I often think of all the things I could have been doing instead that I like so much more, but when I get this time at my hands, it's like I don't know where to start, there are so many things I want to do and most of the times I'm doing a bit of this and a bit of that. On top of it all it's this exhaustion I've been talking about that is causing me to feel sometimes depressed and unmotivated to do anything at all.

    But I know everything is cyclical, right now it might be a hard and confusing time in my life, but I am confident that in time it will solve by itself. I just need to have this faith and actively try every day to do the best I can to reach my goals.

    I think it's a great life lesson I'm struggling with at this very moment. Through the hardship I feel, that I need to be able to still achieve my goals without letting myself to be dragged down. This can only come from sheer dicipline to spring to action no matter what, like you said Ara, just don't stop ;) I liked that.


  • i know the feeling, but there is a danger to put things off (especially if it's essential for your well being),  and too many excuses not to do can make you 'lazy' ... i have been there, terrible experience, it would take 'more energy' to start all over again ... and loosing the momentum of 'harvesting your hard work' ...

    for me after 27 years of routine it's hard to find motivation, the trick is 'not to expect anything', it's similar to eat, drink and etc (even if you don't want to, you need to - right?) ... But for you ... you still young Ogdoo ... maybe you are moving too fast, can you imagine if you feel this way now, what would happen to you in 20 years? .... spiritual awakening and awareness suppose to bring you self realization, and some form of satisfaction - not burden, that's why it has to be gradual, slow with some brakes in between ... what's the point of any aspiration if you stop LIVING ... ;))

  • 8115214066?profile=original

    I do like what you wrote Ara, that is really good advice. My friend who has a very busy mind most of the time drinks hot chocolate before bed many times and it really seems to help her. Personally, I like the candle or soft music or a walk to see the stars on a clear night. 

    Ogdoo, you seem to be doing so many good things... I do hope you share the good disciplines that you have already with all you know ; )

  • Thank you Ara :) I will definitely try these things tonight. And if it works I will make it into my routine :).

    What I really lack is discipline. I know what I want to do sometimes but I just can't put myself to do it for some unknown reason. I've always appreciated people with similar interests because I work better in a group of two or more people than alone. I am always inspired by people that alone can achieve their goals, and they must have good discipline. I believe there are ways to train this by just doing no matter how unmotivated it may feel. It's really hard to describe this feeling, of knowing what you want and wanting to do it, but you just can't put yourself to the task.. It shouldn't be complicated but it is!

  • Thank you Crystal for the tips again :)

    I think I'm doing great then because I take spirulina and chlorella in capsules every day.

    I also love taking part of what he shares, it's always so uplifting and inspiring. I've always felt that he has a lot of good knowledge and he backs up most of his claims in a scientific yet easy to understand way. I want to see the weekly show he has on Gaiam TV. I believe it's called Wisdom Teachings.

    Glad you liked the cat =D

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