Portal People
Jumping back a moment to the old patriarchal systems circling the drain faster every day now and the unaware human devotees of and to those old corrupt negative systems — employees, their jobs, careers, titles, incomes, monies, ego-based positions of power over other people etc.
I’m working on another article about this topic alone because it’s very important to discuss in greater detail now even though it’s unpleasant and dark. I’ll publish that article as soon as I get it finished but I need to include this topic—what I’ve called portal people or Team Dark (TD) humans—here briefly.
My blanket term portal people covers all living unaware humans who are functioning at the old lower levels of consciousness, ego, Duality etc. and because of this are also easily used, manipulated, controlled and directed by nonhuman, nonphysical TD beings/aliens/entities. This horrible situation becomes vastly worse if you are Team Light (TL) — a Forerunner, Lightworker, Pathpaver, Volunteer, Wayshower, Indigo etc. physically on earth now to assist with the Ascension Process. TD will target you/me/us of TL because TD sees us as the great enemy.
Where all this becomes painfully frustrating not to mention occasionally downright dangerous is that these nonhuman entities USE lower consciousness and frequency humans to get at (attack, harass, make miserable, derail, sidetrack, wound, make ill or worse) those of the Light, including anyone starting to wake up and evolve.
This is why anyone starting to wake up, expand their consciousness and extricate themselves from the narrow lowly TD frequency range will typically come under some form of psychic/etheric attacks by TD in an attempt to stop them, prevent them, or simply terrorize them right back down into the old lower frequency, state of being and consciousness. There have always been vicious etheric guard dogs protecting the global junk yard keeping Light out and Dark in. However, the Ascension Process has and is changing all that. It just gets difficult at times… and that was me being very gentle with this topic.
My point about the portal people is that they’ve been ratcheted up a few more notches in 2014 and 2015 due to the constant and increasing Divine cosmic Light pressures to evolve now or go elsewhere and all this is becoming nearly unbearable for both sides. If you’ve had to deal with any of the old patriarchal systems (and which ones aren’t!?), then you too have felt and dealt with more and more portal people deliberately messing with and/or attacking you because you’re radiating Light everywhere.
Because of this they try to slow you down in any way(s) they can, make you physically ill, mentally confused, emotionally frustrated and so on. I’ve encountered this amplification in almost every person (not all of course) I come into contact with and it has been and still is frustrating and heartbreaking that the majority of humans aren’t even aware of how they’re used by TD to hurt other humans and Forerunners and keep the Light out of the old junk yard.
This situation had gotten so severe for me that I didn’t think I’d be able to move through all the portal people but thankfully the March 2015 Equinox reduced a good chunk of this and opened the way forward once again. The portal people situation will continue for a good while so figure it out fellow Planetary Up-lifters. It gets easier the farther into this we all go, however it isn’t always easy so pay attention and make whatever adjustments in yourself that you need to at the time. This will ease up over time but be smart, be wise, be aware and do your best to not let them pull you out of your High Heart space/frequency. Easier said than done I certainly know but that’s what we’re dealing with now in greatly amplified ways.
The Ground Disappearing Under Our Feet
Another thing I wanted to mention that’s been amplified once again over the winter months of 2015 (summer months in the southern Hemisphere) and into March has been the growing sensation that the very ground under my feet is gone or is very unstable, soft and dropping away. That plus hearing weird sounds again in the air around me like the very world is cracking, creaking, groaning under the energetic pressures and literally coming apart. It probably is.
I’ve heard these weird sounds again since December 2014, and I know the majority of them are not physically created sounds but energetic repercussions in the space around me. Could this be some more of the Separation of Worlds? I sense it is but wanted to mention it because I know many of you have been hearing and feeling these latest changes and sounds too.
And as is often the case when great chunks of negativity is being broken up and moved some more by more Light coming in, some of us will See or feel or sense small pockets of that Dark, toxic energy on the move in the space around us. Much has been and still is being removed that needs to but it sure can feel weird and highly unpleasant at times when it wafts through some room in your house!
And lastly I feel compelled to mention that during these times when another round of negativity is being evicted, some of us will have lucid dreams (yet again) where we experience some horrific event/events done by living humans to other humans someplace on planet earth. In my most recent case this happened somewhere in South America deep in a jungle type setting in what I can only call a kill camp. Some brown skinned males had a makeshift prison there where they imprisoned other brown skinned men, women and children to get certain information out of them. It didn’t matter if those people talked or not or if they knew anything or not because they’d all be murdered when the males were done with them.
I witnessed one day of this up close and personal a few weeks ago, and as usual it took me days to get over what I experienced. I’ve talked about this type of transmuting energetic Work via lucid dreaming (which is just code for going to where the actual physical events took place and see and feel them to permanently clear them) before in other articles and in A Lightworker’s Mission because it’s one of the many ways Forerunners transmute or clear residual negative energies across the planet. I just thought I was done with this type of energetic Work and had to really work on myself afterwards to release what I’d witnessed only a few feet away from me in that South American kill camp.
So… pink ponies, candy, ice cream, tranquil pools and ponds, happy birds flying and singing and so on. That’s what I used to have to do when I was a kid and unpleasant, scary negativity would impact me. Old tools die hard. I couldn’t end on that horrific note so please envision pink ponies and happy birds signing. Sorry it took me so long to write anything but it’s been truly crazy weird horrible and magnificent at times for many months now. All perfectly normal for where we are and what we’re going through now.
Denise @ highheartlife.wordpress.com
March 28, 2015
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