New Earth Energies July 2011 (Sounds about right :))

The New Earth Energies July 2011

Celia Fenn
a message from Archangel Michael channeled by Celia Fenn
Monday, 25 July, 2011

Beloved Family of Light, after the Great Shifts that were experienced in June, you are now in a process of integration and preparation. You are integrating your first half cycle in the New Reality, and preparing to enter into the first full cycle of Fifth-Dimensional Reality as you head towards 11/11/11. 

In the Timeline of the New reality, you will experience the “day out of time” on the 25th of July, and then the Planetary “New Year” on the 26th of July, so this is indeed a time of Endings and Beginnings.

Beloved Ones, the “day out of time” on the 25th of July is a day to release the past and let go of all that you no longer need for the New Cycle. You need to be able to glide with Grace into the New, and so take the time to simply release all angers, wounds, and hurts that relate to the past. Make a forgiveness list and forgive and let go. But also, make as Gratitude List and be grateful for all the blessings that you have received in this last year.

On the 26th, the New Planetary year commences with the opening of the Lion’s Gate portal. This event, marked in Ancient Egypt by the helical rising of the star Sirius, is the time when the archetypal energies of the God and Goddess, the Divine Masculine and Feminine, unite in the Sky in Sacred Union in the form of Isis (Sirius) and Ra (Sun). This Sacred Union creates Divine Balance and produces the New Codes of Evolution for the next Cycle. It is a beautiful Symbol for that moment of Cosmic Grace when the Earth receives her new Light Codes or “instructions” from the Cosmic Heart, for the Next Cycle of Time. In this case, the “instructions” also include the “Celestial Co-ordinates” for alignment with the Galactic Center or the Great Central Sun so that the Earth may begin to receive the Galactic Awakening Codes for the 2012 Gateway.

Beloved Family of Light, this is a Sacred Moment in Time when the Divine Light streams forth to the Earth and the New is activated in your hearts and your Souls.


Beloved Family of Light, at this time many of you are experiencing great pressure in your lives. It seems as if everything is changing and nothing remains the same. Even structures and relationships that seemed to hold great value are disintegrating and falling apart.

Indeed, Beloved Ones, this is a part of the Great Shift. What once was and once worked so well in the Old reality no longer works in the New. It is as if everything has “reversed”…and is almost the opposite of what it once was. Everything is under pressure to transform, to rebirth into New Forms aligned with the New Energies and the new Light Codes.

This Process of Endings and beginnings produces a great turbulence within itself, and within yourselves and within your society. Imagine how the Old dies and begins to disintegrate. Things fall apart, people lose interest, the energy is no longer there to support the old structures. At the same time, the Rising Energies of the New are very powerful, and are being received on the Planet as waves of Cosmic Light. These waves create turbulence as they encounter the disintegrating Old Structures, like a Tsunami of Light washing away the Structures of the Old. It was this “vision” that was seen by many for this time, not a “real” destruction of the Earth or a “real” pole shift, but a great washing away of the old energies and structures and a reversal of values and ideas as this Tsunami of Light creates the New Reality.

And, Beloved Ones, you are all invited to be present at the Grand Ceremonies of Inauguration of the New Earth Reality on the 11/11/11, the 12/12/12 and the 21/12/12.

So, at this time, you are learning how to “ride” the waves of Cosmic Light as they enter the Earth Hologram. It is like learning to surf in the ocean, some of you are already Masters and are proficient although you do fall off every now and then, some of you are still beginners and you wobble and fall off a fair amount, and others are still struggling to stay on the board and are dumped every time a wave comes in! Just know that you are all in this learning phase, and soon you will Master the Skills of riding the Cosmic Waves and moving with the Flows of Divine Creative Intelligence as it delivers the New Light Codes.


Beloved Family of Light, at this time in this Flow of Change, the Soul Families are becoming important, especially those of you who belong to the Soul Groups of the Wisdom Keepers and the Spiritual Warriors. Of course, most of the Wisdom Keepers are also Spiritual Warriors of Light, but it is the Indigo Soul Group who are especially now the Warriors of Light.

The Wisdom Keepers are those Light Workers who are called to Teach and Lead and to hold the Wisdom Codes for Humanity in this time of change, as well as the Traditional Wisdom Keepers of the Indigenous Peoples of the Earth. Together, they are holding Sacred Space and the Codes of Light for creating Sacred Spaces to receive the New Light Codes and the New Information from Divine Source. These ones are deserving of respect, as most of them have held the Light and the Wisdom for many years, and they are working hard now to hold the Light for those who are making their transformations and awakenings into the Higher Consciousness of the Fifth Dimension and Unity Consciousness.

The Spiritual Warriors are those who have awakened and truly understand that to be awakened means to be grounded and connected to the Earth, and to be prepared to “walk their talk” in the way that they live and interact with others. They honor the Earth as their mother and they empower themselves so they may better serve their Soul purpose on the Earth at this time. As awakened beings they are passionate about their Spiritual purpose and the way in which they live their lives to serve the Light on Earth.

Each of these groups holds the Light now for Humanity as you move towards the gateways to Higher Consciousness. Those who express this energy are also known as the Rainbow Warriors of the Earth Tribe, they come together to celebrate the Wisdom, the Love, the Beauty, the Rituals and Ceremonies of the Light.

Beloved Ones, now is the time to join together with your Soul Family and awaken to the Song of your Soul and the Dance of your Spirit as you serve the Great Shift and Ascension of the Earth to Higher Consciousness.

It is indeed an Ending and a Beginning!

© 2006-11 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global - 

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  • angel_warriors.jpg

    Hold the line..... Stay with me.......


    I AM





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